
Chapter 1678 Comparison of adc

Compared with the other seven training rooms, the first training room has the largest area and space. However, this afternoon's match between God and Minx was so eye-catching that other major competition areas Players, players, and coaches from all clubs came to watch the game after hearing the news, making the first training room already packed to the brim.

Even though some teams received the news slower, they came one after another after the competition started.

This also includes the rookie dark horse team in the North American Division.

Crown Team.

When a group of players from the Crown Club heard the news and rushed to the first training room here, the match between the courts had already gone on for more than ten minutes, so the Crown players did not See the battle between the two teams in the early stages.

Then I quickly saw the fierce fast attack of the purple side Minx team after setting up the rhythm, especially the wave of The-Sword's Ekko teleporting to the bottom lane to ambush the single-kill policewoman, and Fly's snake girl Cassiopeia in the middle lane That wave of R flashed and forced the first to control the two players in the bottom lane of the God team...

No coincidence.

It just happened that Huang Xue Yege's two most disgraceful battles as an ADC policewoman were not forgotten at all.

Speaking of which, Huangxue Yege was also unlucky.

In the early opening laning, his ADC Policewoman also showed her strength and skills, brazenly killing the opponent's bot lane combination once or twice, and her operation skills were so sharp and powerful that she also attracted many praises.

However, these beautiful operations were missed by team members like Crown who came to watch the game a little later.

I only saw the scene of his female police officer being ambushed and killed alone before being forced away first.

Even after the match entered the middle stage and the God team on the blue side slowly regained its rhythm on the court, it was Dawnstar's mid laner Varus who showed his brilliance and became the focus of attention, while he, an ADC policewoman, There has never been a space for more performance.

In fact, this really can't be blamed on Huang Xue Ye Ge.

In this version, the ADC's survival space has been squeezed very hard, and the output of the policewoman depends on the environment and conditions. Even if it is equipped, it is still cooperating with teammates to lead the tower push rhythm, which is difficult to do after the mid-term. What kind of single-handedly kill operation show - after all, you are not Vayne or Mouse Mouth, the policewoman is always a hero who can output damage steadily.

In addition, considering the lineup of the opponent’s purple army,

The threats to female police officers are even more ubiquitous.

You have to guard against Ekko. If The-Sword keeps an eye on you, he'll be dead in seconds with one attack, leaving no room for maneuver.

In addition, if the opponent's mid laner Snake Girl dodges her R and forces her to open, you will also have no temper at all.

In addition to being targeted by several waves in the past, it is actually very rare for Huangxue Yege's ADC policewoman to have such development and equipment as she does now. The output of the several waves of team battles is also quite a lot. It has already demonstrated his strength and value as the core ADC member of the God team.


The Crown team members who came to watch the game later did not see it that way.

For them, seeing the performance of the so-called ace ADC player of the God team on the court further confirmed their opinions and attitudes towards the former in the morning——

This Wild Snow Night Song is really nothing more than that.


Speaking of which, God and the Crown team had a training match this morning.

At that time, the God team, which only sent out the mid laner of its second team, almost did not fall into the hands of the Crown team. Especially in the early laning, the bottom lane where Huangxue Yege was located was extremely rare by the Crown team. The two men on the bottom lane suffered a lot due to tight suppression.

This made the members of the Crown Team even more contemptuous of Huang Xue Ye Ge.

In addition, we came here to watch the game in the afternoon. As soon as we entered the training room, we saw the unfortunate and embarrassing appearance of the blue ADC policewoman on the field. Naturally, several Crown players started to comment and discuss again:

"This Huang Xue Ye Ge... must have been blown up."

"Looking at the performance in this game, it seems to be worse than when we played against us in the morning."

"With this level - can he really be regarded as Team God's ace?"

"It's all supported by the single person in charge of Dawn Morning Star. The policewoman has done nothing."

There was a bit of contempt and ridicule in his tone.

The main reason is that the players and members of the Crown team are a little unhappy. After all, in the training match in the morning, they played so smoothly in the early stage, but in the middle and late stages, they still let the God team come back and win. Now they see the drought of the God team. Xue Yege looked so embarrassed that he couldn't help but feel a little gloating about his misfortune.

Of course, if you lose, you lose, and they admit this.

It is true that the God team is very strong, and they did not see Dawn Star take action in the morning. In the afternoon, they saw the performance of God's mid lane captain Varus, which also made them convinced and understood that if they did it in the morning The mid laner of the second team is not the mid laner of the second team, but the Dawnstar itself. It is estimated that their crown really has no hope.

But having said that, even though they acknowledge the power of God and the strength of Dawn Morning Star, they still persist in holding many prejudices against Huang Xue Yege, who is the core ADC of the God team.

In the eyes of these Crown players, perhaps they can admit that they are not as good as Team God in other aspects, but at least...

In terms of ADC position, this Huangxue Yege is far inferior to their crown ADC captain.

"It's really too different."

Crown's auxiliary players were the first to speak out in support of their ADC partner, with a stern tone of voice:

"If the female police had been here to fight, they would have definitely killed the opponent's bottom lane in the early stage - then the blue side should have the two biggest advantages in the bottom lane and the middle lane now. How can it drag the opponent Minx to this point? ”

As soon as this statement came out, several other Crown players nearby nodded in agreement:

"That's right."

"It's like this. The ADC of Huangxue Yege is not at the same level in terms of strength."

"The female police officer has not shown any performance until now. She only relies on Varus to save the world."

"Still stronger."

As the ADC captain of the Crown team, he is also a talented ADC rookie that is currently shocking the entire North American professional division. He looks to be about 21 or 22 years old. He is tall and thin with blond hair. He looks handsome but looks too cute. He didn't have much arrogance or energy that made people approach him. Instead, listening to the comments from several teammates made him helplessly shake his head:

"Don't flatter me too much."

"That Huang Xue Ye Ge's level... is actually quite impressive."

This is a matter of fact.

For him, in fact, in the professional arena of the North American division, he has indeed rarely encountered any opponents who can put pressure on him. Even if it is as strong as the bottom lane combination of the Season team with the support god Autumn, the opponent's main force In his opinion, the ADC players are obviously inferior to him.

But in the match between Crown and God this morning, the Huangxue Yege they encountered was definitely the first powerful opponent he had encountered since entering the professional e-sports circle that required him to go all out in a personal confrontation. .

The update is here. There should be a fourth update after midnight, but I suggest you get up and read it tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning I can finally go home from my business trip. .

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