
Chapter 1680 Ability

On the other side of the crowd outside the field, they didn't notice the arrival of the Crown Team. At this moment, someone was giving instructions to the girl behind him:

"Tangtang, you should take a good look at this one."

"If nothing else, Lao Ye's ADC policewoman is pretty good."

Indeed, only those who have reached the level of strength of Lin Feng and Autumn can easily see the essential truth through the surface at a glance.

In this training match, it seemed that Huangxue Yege's ADC policewoman on the blue side, except for getting two kills in the early game, performed mediocrely in the next ten or twenty minutes, and even... Got targeted and killed once or twice.

But this is really just an appearance.

Perhaps most of the players in various teams and clubs would think that Huang Xue Ye Ge's ADC policewoman had been specifically suppressed and was not performing at a high level, but in fact it was definitely not the case.

"Lao Ye's policewoman seems to be timid in the middle stage, but the damage is definitely enough."

Shi Hang, who was next to him, also took over the comment and expressed his agreement.

He himself first debuted in the ADC position, and his eyesight in this area is also not bad.

Li Shiyi also nodded slightly:

"God's team can turn the situation back to such an extent. If Ah Xing's mid laner Varus accounts for 60% of the success, Laoye's ADC policewoman can also account for at least 30% of the remaining 40%."


Although it seems that the female police officer does not have many dazzling and stunning operations.

Didn't get any heads.

But in fact, if a real-time statistics can be made through the viewing system at this moment, in the past 20 or 30 minutes, the damage values ​​​​inflicted by the female police officers of the Blue Army God Team are absolutely no better than Varus in the mid lane is inferior, maybe even higher.

It's just that Dawnstar's mid laner Varus performed a few moves that were extremely eye-catching. In addition, in the previous wave of strong starts on the top lane and standing in the front row to deal with output, his posture was too high. Being so coquettish made people focus more on him and ignore the existence of the policewoman.

Just because it can be ignored doesn't mean it really disappears or doesn't exist.

From the beginning to the end, no matter which wave of team battles it was, Huangxue Yege's ADC policewoman had actually maintained an extremely stable damage output. Although she was not able to win a direct kill, if it weren't for the policewoman behind With the platoon working so hard and steadily to output firepower, the damage done by the blue God team is definitely far from enough to pose a fatal threat to the opponent.

An Xin next to her also smiled and analyzed and explained to Tang Bingyao:

"Actually, Tangtang, you can think about it the other way around -"

"It's actually quite an amazing skill for a policewoman to be so invisible."

Having no sense of existence does not mean "soy sauce".

This is because the policewoman has done enough damage without attracting the attention of her opponents or the spectators.

This is just like An Xin said, it is really a skill.

The ability to steal damage.

For an ADC player, this is even the most important and rare skill.

Because at any time, the ADC hero in a team will always be targeted and focused by the opponent. Especially in the professional arena, they are all masters. When fighting a team, they must first target the enemy ADC and solve it before raising the issue. In addition, in this case, the ADC hero's survival space in team battles will be seriously affected, and his life may not be saved, let alone the damage output.

Only by truly being able to maximize your damage output under any circumstances, no matter how bad the situation, is the level that an excellent professional ADC player should have.

And this requirement is actually extremely high.

The ADC player's personal operation ability, the creation of the output environment in team battles, his own positioning, and the control of shooting range, etc. are all extremely stringent tests.

As a spectator on the court, I naturally feel that it is very relaxing to watch, and I can also make various arrogant comments about the blue ADC female police officer, but in fact...

Shi Hang glanced at the large crowd of spectators in the training room and curled his lips:

"There are so many clubs and teams, among all the ADCs, it is estimated that 95% of them will be disappointed if they replace Lao Ye and operate the policewoman."

Just like many times when ordinary gamers watch professional games, they always find fault with the performance of professional players in the live video, but in fact, if they were on the field themselves, they would definitely explode and collapse in an instant - —

At this moment, the blue side ADC policewoman on the field has gone from laning in the early stage to teaming up in the middle and late stages. It is just because Huangxue Yege relied on her personal operation ability to adjust the rhythm to a seemingly smooth and calm pace. In fact, the reason for this is The real difficulty is so great that even ordinary professional ADC players cannot handle it easily.

Tang Bingyao also listened and nodded seriously. Now the girl's own strength level is also constantly working hard to improve, so watching this match on the court, one can vaguely feel the pressure faced by the ADC policewoman who is a bit like Huang Xue Ye Ge.

A situation like this...

If it had been her, she would have been in a hurry and at a loss.

"Did Senior Bullet teach you anything about team battles before, Tangtang?"

Zeng Rui suddenly asked curiously. Although Autumn was beside him, he was speaking in Chinese and was not worried about being heard. Another Shi Hang who didn't know the truth was a little confused: "Huh? Bullet, What did you say?"

However, such a confused person was naturally ignored by a few people, and Li Shiyi also became interested:

"Yes, as for that senior...what do you do when teaching?"

Tang Bingyao thought for a while and shook her head sincerely:

"Senior... he didn't teach this."

"No teaching?" Zeng Rui was stunned for a moment, and then he realized something: "Oh, the time is too short, you have only met once, it is too early to teach this -"

However, Tang Bingyao shook her head again:


The girl who said this paused for a moment, frowning cutely as if she was trying to recall the words of instruction imparted to her by her newly recognized master:

"Senior said... let me not think so much."

"As long as you use the fastest speed to defeat your opponent in the early stage, everything else won't be a problem."

It was as if he was repeating the teaching words of the legendary predecessor of North America in a serious manner.

Then everyone: "..."

After a long while, someone touched his nose and coughed: "Well... as expected, this senior has a lot of character."

Zeng Rui and Li Shiyi also nodded slightly awkwardly:

"Ah, yes-"

"The teaching method of a legendary senior of that level is different from that of ordinary people..."

Only An Xin covered her mouth and chuckled: "However, it is really suitable for Tangtang's teaching method."

Shi Hang was the only one who was still confused: "Hey, what are you talking about? Can anyone explain the situation to me?"

But it seems that he can't wait for anyone to explain his doubts for the time being.

Because at this moment, Autumn, who was standing next to Lin Feng and had been staring at the OB screen on the electronic viewing screen on the wall, suddenly said:

"It's about to open."

Updates sent, finally home. . I haven't slept all day since last night. . I want to go get some sleep first. . Wake up and continue coding. .

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