
Chapter 1666: Incapable of doing anything else

In the professional arena of the League of Legends game, unless you are one person who is so strong that you can completely kill your opponent in a single line or even defeat the entire field in 1V5, otherwise the victory of a game will never depend on your personal bravery. .

Sometimes, on the surface, it may seem like you have achieved some results through personal performance, but if you make a hasty choice without enough consideration, it may have a hidden negative impact on the overall rhythm of your team's battle situation.

Most people probably can't see it.

But the impact does exist, and it will definitely be revealed later.

Just like Fly's Snake who just killed the Widow on the field, most of the players from various clubs watching the game may just be amazed and praised by Fly's Snake's operation, and will not think about it deeply. Other hidden losses caused by wave kills.

But there were also people present who could see the problem.

Your snake girl killed a widow in this wave of double summons. The operation is amazing, but it only killed a widow. It only got one head, but it affected the subsequent advancement rhythm of your purple side army. and slow down.

If Snake has double summons, especially [Flash], she will not be able to use her R flash operation to cause enough frontal threats and pressure to the opponent's blue army in the next short period of time.

Then the God team on the blue side can take advantage of the situation and continue to drag down the rhythm.

Things like delaying time...

After all, it is more beneficial to the God team.

The-Sword also saw this problem, so even though his mid laner teammate finally got a kill, he still frowned slightly and gave Fly such a reminder.

But Fly didn't care. Although he responded casually, he was actually very happy that his operation finally helped him regain a lot of face.


Big picture?

There is not much to worry about in this kind of thing.

Besides, if his snake girl Cassiopeia gets her head and grows up, won't she still be able to put her opponent's damn God team into a desperate situation in the next battle?

Next, just wait for the snake girl to start exerting her strength!

Although Fly's mentality is a bit rash,

But as far as the current rhythm of the match is concerned, the Minx team on the purple side is still firmly in the driver's seat.

Although the rhythm seemed to be slowed down a bit, when the game time came to more than 20 minutes, the Minx team's advancing rhythm still started unstoppably.

The third dragon is refreshed.

What came out this time was an earth dragon.

It can be said that it is also an important resource that is not inferior to the fire dragon.

But for this earth dragon, the God team on the blue side still chose to give up the fight. Naturally, the Minx team on the purple side would not be polite at all and easily took the earth dragon into their pocket.


It's the beginning of the rhythm of the four-and-one subzone.

In fact, if compared with the two matches in the morning, many people will find the difference in the tactical choices of the Minx team in this training match, because in the two matches in the morning, the Minx team has two core mid laners and top laners. The development of each point is extremely smooth, so there is no need to consider other things at all. The five people can directly gather and lead the troops to push forward.

The opponent couldn't stop him at all, so he was pushed directly from the front and knocked down.

In this match in the afternoon, Minx only had The-Sword's top laner Ekko who was well developed. Although Fly's mid laner Snake Girl just got a kill, the development of level equipment was still considered satisfactory. Not too hard.

So the Minx team has an adjusted 41-point strategy.

The purple party of four, including Snake Girl, grouped together and pushed.

As for The-Sword's top laner Ekko, he went to the top lane alone to lead the troops, putting pressure on the opponent's blue side army.

Although Ike is the only one on the Minx team who is fat, when a hero like Time Assassin is fat, it is almost impossible to solve this 41-point strategy.

In the previous wave on the road, the blue side God team gathered three people and relied on Dawn Star's mid laner Varus to control Ekko to death with a perfect ultimate move, making him unable to use his skills before he could win the attack. When the killing was over, the three of them could barely cope.

Now facing the Minx team's 4-1 tactics, it is indeed difficult for God to deal with it.

Naturally, the middle tower must be defended.

But on the opposite side, Ike is leading alone on the top lane, and must be guarded by someone else.

The only option that can defend against Ekko is Eye of Twilight in the top lane. Although Varus's development is good, he is too brittle after all. The result of defending Ekko alone will most likely be a wave of instant tower jumps and strong kills. It was too late for teammates to support him.

However, it is also very difficult to go on the road.

Not to mention that it poses no threat to Ekko, even if it is defending and closing under the tower, the level and equipment of the Eye of Twilight are far behind Ekko at this moment, although it is already working hard to build magic resistance. As for the meat suit, if he is poked by Ekko, he will still lose nearly half a tube of blood.

This damage... is shocking.

It is estimated that after two waves of health being poked, Shen will have to abandon the tower and retreat, otherwise he will die.

"This won't work—"

Looking at the situation on the field at this time, the middle and upper lines of troops were pressed by the purple side troops to the second tower of the blue side. Many players and players watching the game were a little worried.

I'm at my wits end.

If you can defend the middle lane, you will lose the top lane.

But if the second tower on the top lane falls, the direct impact will be on the battle for vision rights in the Dalongfjord area, which will put the blue team God team into a serious passive situation in the mid-term.

"Is there any way to force the opening in the middle?"

On KG's side, ADC's Konjac frowned and expressed his opinion: "Varus or the Widow will take the initiative or something..."

But Old C, who was the KG jungler next to him, had already shaken his head: "It can't be activated. If the Widow goes up, she will be killed instantly by a wave of counterattacks and concentrated fire - Snake Girl's ultimate move is too troublesome for group control. Moreover, the EZ is flexible enough, and the auxiliary fan mother can also RW the second company to open the shield at any time..."

The team’s mid laner Yao Gui also answered:

"No, the output environment for Varus and the policewoman is not good. Not to mention that if you lean forward, you may be countered by the snake girl's ultimate move. Zach can take the first round of damage just by standing in the front row—— To put it bluntly, the mid lane ADC’s ​​two output points are not enough at the moment, and it will be easier to fight if it rises a little more.”

There was also a hint of regret in his tone.

Tian Tian did not participate in the discussion of several teammates. At this time, he was concentrating on looking at the OB picture on the electronic viewing screen on the wall, and he could not help but feel worried in his heart.

Of course he has confidence in Dawn Morning Star, Huangxue Yege and other main players of the God team.


He is also aware of the power of the 41-point strategy of the opposing team Minx at this time. Ekko is too difficult to solve, or even impossible to solve, let alone The-Sword. Even if he manipulates Ekko on the field, he can easily put huge pressure on the God team on the blue side, and even pose a fatal threat.

The analysis of several of his teammates was correct.

Just be cautious...

At this time, it is impossible to defend the tower.

At the 24th minute of the game, Summoner's Rift was on the road, and a system female voice announced.

The second tower on the blue side is broken.

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow. .

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