
Chapter 1665: Anti-aircraft guns kill mosquitoes

Nearly seventeen or eight minutes have passed in the game.

However, in this training match, if you want to choose the player who performed the best and was the most dazzling, then there is no doubt that it is the time assassin of Minx team’s top laner The-Sword on the purple side. Ike.

Before being killed, the record of 5/0/0, the perfect laning and the two waves of roaming ganks were enough to make the top top laners in all major competitions sincerely admire him.

And closely followed should be the mid laner Verus of Dawn Star on the blue side God team.

Kill the Snake Girl alone in two waves in the line.

There was also the timely back-up support from the wave just after he entered the road, and the beautiful finishing kill took away Ekko's big head.

It can be said that as the number one mid laner in the LPL division, what Dawnstar showed in this afternoon's match made many old opponents moved.

Moving on, there’s Huang Xue Ye Ge’s ADC policewoman.

This team also performed very well and even amazingly in the early laning. When their top lane was being suppressed by their opponents, they suddenly stood up in the bottom lane. The two waves of bottom lane kills in return also helped the God team to hold up in the early stage. Improved rhythm and morale.

But after ranking the top three, people discovered that the mid laner Fly, another core ace of the Minx team, was not ranked.

Indeed, many people who had expected it were shocked and surprised.

The early performance data is 0/2/0.

A snake girl was killed twice online by Varus.

Even the opponent's mid lane hero missed from the middle and forgot to send a signal to his teammates, causing his Ekko to lose a big kill that was terminated.

It seems that someone on the outside of the crowd has just made various comments and comments, and it is true that the level of Fly's early performance was too disappointing, and it was not as exciting as the rumors in the morning.

But this really can’t be blamed on Fly.

After all, the mid laner opponent he encountered this time was Dawnstar, and he was a Dawnstar who had gone through training and prepared for the game and received someone's wholehearted help and was about to truly cross the threshold of the Four Emperors.

And the laning in the early stage,

He was indeed underestimating the enemy.

Then it is really difficult to recover after the first wave of solo kills.

To be fair, if Fly could be given another chance to start a new match with Dawnstar, his performance would never be as miserable as it is now.

However, after all, it is one of the two core players of Team Minx and The-Sword.

The strength is recognized by Spoon, Phoenix and even Autumn, the top seven kings and four emperors.

Although the rhythm in the early stage almost collapsed, Fly has still worked hard to make up for its development in the past period. The record is a bit worse, but in the end, the level and economy have not been far behind.

And in the mid-term, Snake Girl's strength is originally there.

Such a rookie dark horse mid laner of the Minx team, when he really grits his teeth and prepares to fight, the energy he bursts out cannot be easily ignored by anyone.

The header occurred when the game time came to the 18th minute.

The battle took place on the river in the lower half of the wild area on the right side of the middle road.

It just so happened that Fly's mid laner, Snake, walked to a small tuft of grass between the rivers to use her real eye for vision. She happened to bump into the jungler Widow from God's team who had also just collected river crabs and was about to leave.

The midfield heroes on both sides encountered an unexpected encounter.

But this moment is enough to distinguish the strength of the two players.

Fly's reaction speed was almost extremely fast. The moment he saw the target widow Evelin, there was no hesitation at all. The "Petrified Gaze" of his ultimate move was activated like lightning and connected with the summoner's skill "Flash" in the next second.

The fatal green beam of petrification suddenly bloomed.

The figure of the snake girl Cassiopeia moved forward in an instant with a burst of bright golden light in the lightning flash!

R flash!

Suddenly, the target widow who had no time to react was petrified and controlled!

[Light up] Hang up.

Answer Q.

Dump E.

Then W to slow down, level A and then E.

In an instant, most of the health bar above the head of Widow Evelin was swept away wildly. When the junglers of the God team hurriedly controlled their Widowmaker to turn around and escape, they were caught up by the Snake Girl who was already accelerating. It was the "twin fangs" of several E skills that stung him hard and took away the remaining health bar.

"You-have--an-enemy (you killed an enemy hero)."

The system's female voice announced the kill.

Fly's face suddenly turned red in excitement in front of the computer screen.


The snake girl opened her business, and her head came into the account.

The record data came to 1/2/0.

The spectators from various clubs and teams outside the field couldn't help but gasped and were also a little shocked. The snake girl was suppressed like this in the early stage of the laning, but they never expected that at this time... Still got up.

Moreover, this wave of killing operations really revealed Fly's personal operational strength.

The unexpected encounter in the wild river was just a flash of light, and Fly's reaction and operation speed were too fast.

A wave of force that was extremely fierce and decisive.

There is also that impeccable R flash.

Paired with such explosive damage in seconds.

Finally, many players and team members watching the game had a new look at the Minx team's core ace mid laner - this guy... is indeed a bit scary!

However, not everyone has this view and attitude.

"The operation is no problem."

In the back row of the crowd, Lin Feng nodded and commented, but then shook his head:


"It's not necessary."

Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao next to them may not have fully understood and were a little confused, but Li Shiyi, Shi Hang and even Autumn all nodded in agreement:

"It's really not necessary."

This may seem quite unreasonable at first glance.

Take the head...

Not necessary?

This wave of Snake Girl's killing operations are so exciting. Of course it is a good thing to get the kill. Why is there such a saying as "necessary but not necessary"?

Seeing the confused expressions of Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao next to them, An Xin smiled and helped explain:

"Of course it's a good thing to take someone's head."

"But... this time, in order to kill the widow Evelin, the snake girl used all the double summons that she flashed and ignited, which is a bit of a loss."


At this stage, for the God team on the blue side, the death of a jungle widow will not have much impact, and there will be no other further losses. But for the Minx team on the purple side, their snake girl is purely for The individual has handed in all the precious double summons, but the subsequent advancement rhythm of their purple side army will be affected——

Snake Girl's flash and ignite ultimate move should have been used in more important and critical battles.

Handing it over so hastily... seems like a waste of anti-aircraft guns used to kill mosquitoes.

Or even put it from another angle——

He exchanged his own Widow's head for the opponent's Snake Girl's double summons, which smoothed the opponent's next wave of strong attack rhythm and delayed it for a while. This kind of transaction may be quite happy for the blue side's God team. .

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 11 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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