
Chapter 1667 It’s cold! ?

The collapse of the second tower on the Blue Square was expected.

It is true that Shen was completely unable to guard against it and had no intention of doing so.

At this moment, The-Sword's top laner Ekko of the purple side Minx team doesn't even need to worry about the Eye of Twilight under the tower. He just comes up and hits the tower with the "Phase Dive" of his E skill, which is four points. One's blood volume.

Even if he takes two hits from Shen, he won't feel any pain from being taunted.

On the contrary, God's top laner Shen didn't dare to step forward easily. Ike could only watch helplessly when Ike demolished his own defense tower, and then had to quickly retreat to the high ground.

The loss of the second tower on the upper road actually puts the second tower on the middle road in danger as well.

His top laner Shen was forced to retreat to the high ground. If Ekko went directly to the middle to outflank him, the blue heroes guarding the second tower in the middle would probably have to abandon their towers and retreat.

But fortunately, Varus, the mid laner of Dawnstar, cast his Q skill accurately in the middle. He followed two waves of Q to the ADC Ezreal on the opposite side of the purple side, directly crippling his health bar. In addition, Dawn Morningstar's ADC policewoman quickly cooperated with Lulu to clear the line of troops, which made it difficult for the Minx team, which was out of shape, to directly press the line and force the attack.

The heroes of the Purple Legion receded quickly like the tide.

This wave...

It has stabilized for the time being.

But the players and players from various clubs watching the game still felt heavy in their hearts.

Because they know that this is only temporary. When the purple side Minx team returns to the city to resupply and update their equipment, they will come back quickly. They don’t even need other tactics. They can just repeat the same wave according to the rhythm of this wave. Can continue to make the God team on the blue side helpless.

"The next wave...it is estimated that the high ground on the blue side will fall."

"It's really impossible to prevent it."

"Ike can't solve this problem with just one point."

The players and team members watching the game off the court were whispering to each other.

Not to mention the top tower, even if the God team on the blue side loses the second tower in the middle, their control over the upper half of the wild area will be completely lost.

And just for this moment,

The Minx team on the purple side has retreated into the control field of God's upper half jungle area, and the ward position on the Baron side is also completely occupied.

If you wait a little longer, even if you don't push the tower in the middle lane and push the troops in, the purple side will directly surround the baron to ambush and force the team, and the blue side army where the God team is located will be unable to do anything.

"If this dragon is taken down by others...it will really be impossible to fight."

Shi Hang couldn't help but say something.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes:

"Dalong's words——"

"The other side should not be open for the time being."

Although the Minx team has taken the great advantage and initiative in the overall battle situation, it is true that they have no intention of starting to fight Baron.

Because this is still a little risky for them.

A place like Dalong Gorge...

It is almost the place where a comeback is most likely to occur.

After all, the EZ of the purple side team is not developed well at this time, and the speed of opening the baron is not very fast. The mid laner and ADC of the blue side God team have also been developed. If the five players of the purple side are in the Baron Fjord When playing the Baron, Varus fired a few Q shots from a distance to inflict enough poke damage, which could also cripple the health bar on the purple side.

Of course, if we really want to start a team, the Minx team on the purple side still has the absolute advantage and chance of winning.

But in comparison, the 41-point zone is still the most stable tactic, so there is no need to spend other efforts and risks.

"But as long as the top high ground is destroyed, or the second tower in the middle is destroyed, it will be convenient for Minx to turn to Baron."

Li Shiyi gave his own opinion and evaluation.

Lin Feng nodded:


"So in the next wave of God, God must find ways to find opportunities."

To be fair, at this moment, the two core points of the mid laner AD of the blue side God team are still not fully developed. The three-piece output set is still a little away, so it is not yet time for them to really exert their strength. point.

But in the professional arena of e-sports... your opponents won't be so nice and waiting for you.

It's not always possible to wait for the most ideal time to take action.

The arrow is on the string——

I had to send it.

The timing is bad, but the situation forces you to bite the bullet and have to do it.

On the blue side of the field, the God team members are also aware of the current situation and understand that the next wave is very critical, and they even need to take the initiative to find opportunities to break the game.


The reality is always not as ideal and perfect as planned in the script.

Perhaps it was the previous 20 minutes of fighting that made several of God's main players only have a deep impression on The-Sword's top laner Ekko, but they ignored the other core mid laner of the Minx team.


As a result, they finally suffered a big loss when the game entered the middle stage.

Game time is 25 minutes.

When the new wave of troops was pushed from the middle to the blue side's defense tower by the purple side's Minx team, the ADC policewoman controlled by Huangxue Yege in front of the tower stepped forward and placed clips to deploy as usual. The auxiliary Lulu stood by and prepared to go up first. The Q skill cripples the minion's health and helps clear the line and use the knife——

But all of a sudden.

Almost without warning.

Even all the spectators and players on the field had never expected it——

In the voice channel of the purple team on the field, Fly suddenly heard a command full of cruelty and bloodthirsty:


The words fell.


Accompanied by a burst of bright golden light, the figure of the purple square snake girl who had just followed the military line forward suddenly flashed forward and moved forward, and a burst of pale blue light suddenly swayed out!

Not a flash ult.

But another R flash that caught people off guard and reached the extreme!

It's completely unreasonable and forceful without any logic at all!

It is impossible for any professional mid laner who is calmer to make such a reckless and sloppy move. He did not even wait for the slightest moment of stalemate in the confrontation, but acted in the most ferocious and violent manner the moment they met. way to start the team battle!

Everyone cannot believe it and cannot do it.


Fly is an exception.

Perhaps the last wave of solo kills by Snake Women in the jungle seemed too reckless and greedy for success for the few powerful players at the level of Seven Kings and Four Emperors.

But this time——

The same is true for R flashing first.

But in an instant, everyone in the audience, including Spoon, Phoenix and Moon, even the main players of SSK, and even Lin Feng and Autumn on the periphery of the crowd, suddenly changed their colors and were shocked!

problem occurs!

Whether it's a mistake or a careful plan.

This time Snake Girl's R flashed first——

It happened to be just right, and it hit Team God directly on the life gate!

The ADC policewoman under the control of Huangxue Yege, who was caught off guard in front of the blue square tower, and the auxiliary teammate Lulu beside her were directly petrified and controlled almost instantly!

Both were frozen in place.

Can't move!

A bone-chilling chill suddenly rushed from his back to Huangxue Yege's forehead, making him almost black out. There was only one thought left in his mind -


This is so... so cold!

The update is here. The next chapter will be around ten o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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