
Chapter 1662: Flat

Just as Lin Feng commented.

Although everyone's attention was focused on the fierce battle just after the top lane, they were amazed at the game and confrontation between the players on both sides, and were stunned by the perfect and timely outflanking of Dawnstar mid laner Varus. , and even felt sorry for Ike of The-Sword...

But from an objective point of view, the biggest problem in this wave does not actually lie with Ike.

Even though Dawnstar's roaming support of Varus was accurately timed, it was not entirely his fault.

The problem is in the middle.

In fact, it is a very simple and direct truth. If Ekko of The-Sword on the top side of this wave can confirm the situation in advance and receive reminders and learn about the intentions of the opponent's mid laner Verus, then Ekko may not be the winner of this wave of top lane. Will play so aggressively.

After all, no matter how well developed your Ekko is, no matter how powerful your The-Sword's personal operation is, you are not afraid of the jungle widow hiding in an ambush in 1V2, but if you really want to encounter a 1V3 situation...

I'll still think twice about it.

However, this wave of top lane games was almost deadlocked for half a minute from the start of the fight to the appearance of Varus. During this half minute, when Varus had disappeared from the view of the mini-map, the purple team Minx team In the internal voice channel, I never heard even half a warning from my own lane.

Not even a signal.

So, let’s be more direct.

This wave really has to blame Fly, who is a snake girl in the purple square.

As for The-Sword, his character is not as overly arrogant as his mid laner teammate. Although he has extremely strong strength and is also the core position of the vague leader in his own team club, he can usually be compared to other teams. The attitude of his teammates is at best indifferent, at least not like Fly who scolds him whenever something goes wrong.

But this wave...

It really hurt his Ike's rhythm.

This is not what it should be.

That's why he said something like this at this time. Although his tone was still indifferent and showed no anger, he could directly name Fly. It was already clear that he was dissatisfied with his mid laner teammates.

And Fly could only admit his mistake with some embarrassment.

On the one hand, his status in the club team is only equal to that of The-Sword, and he has no capital to rely on; on the other hand, he really has no excuses this time around.

As a qualified mid laner, he would not have never sent a signal to his teammates when the opponent Verus disappeared for such a long time.

But he really didn't send a signal.

Of course not intentionally.

But...he really ignored and forgot.

Although such mistakes and oversights can be made by anyone and do not need to be studied in detail, the truth that Fly himself is unwilling to face and reflect on is... this wave of negligence was not accidental.

It was after the previous opponent's mid laner Varus disappeared in the lane, the snake girl Cassiopeia he controlled was so surprised that she immediately took the time to invest in her safe and stable single-line CS development rhythm, which led to the subconscious choice. Sexual neglect forgets other things.

And the reason for this... is that the more than ten minutes of laning time in the early stage actually made Fly, the core ace mid laner of the Minx team, feel an unprecedented oppression and suffocation, and unprecedented mental and physical exhaustion.

When Varus left, he felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

The whole person relaxed.

I don't have the energy to think about anything else.

This is really a very subtle subconsciousness, and perhaps it is impossible for Fly to believe and admit it, but the truth is that facing Dawn Morning Star, who is the solo captain of the God team, it actually made him have a faint laning mentality. Shadow, subconsciously longs to avoid continued head-to-head confrontation with the opponent, or at least to gain as much breathing time as possible.

Of course, let alone whether Fly is aware of this kind of thing, even if he is aware of it, it is absolutely impossible to admit it. At this time, several other members of the Minx team, including The-Sword, are also fully focused on the current game. Even if they feel that There is something strange about Fly and he doesn't want to delve into it.


This does not mean that no one in the audience noticed the problem.

"This is... being beaten so hard that I almost lost my confidence."

On the side of the five members of the SSK team, Cube once again pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose and commented, with a bit of teasing in his tone.

Next to him, Ray, who is the ADC of the team, shrugged:

"So, this is bullying the weak and fearing the strong, right?"

Wolf, the jungler, also shook his head, a little regretful: "Actually, if we can qualify this year, it might be more ideal."

Indeed, although the strength of the dark horse team Minx has impressed the top teams in all major regions, and even unexpectedly defeated the No. 1 seed team in the two major regions of Europe and North America in two games in the morning, after all, this team in their LCK region The rookie team is still too young.

There are too many unstable factors.

Playing against some teams that are naturally restrained can indeed achieve unexpected overwhelming results.

But when we encountered a tough and strong team... many problems were immediately exposed.

In a situation like Fly's, if their division team's seventh-level mid laner Orian had been on the field, they would never have ended up like this and made such a serious low-level mistake.

"Indeed, you are still too young."

On the other side of the crowd, Shi Hang also clicked his tongue:

"It's understandable to have a smooth game when you have an advantage, but when you encounter a disadvantage, it becomes like this - there's a big problem with Fly."

Tang Bingyao, Li Shiyi and Zeng Rui, who were nearby, also nodded in agreement.

An Xin smiled slightly and said:


"It also needs to be discussed on a case-by-case basis."

"After all, there are not many players who can put the Minx mid laner into a disadvantageous and uncomfortable situation."

This sentence is irrefutable.


Even though the mistakes and omissions made by Fly in this wave have made people complain and question him, and they have revealed the weaknesses and flaws of this player in disadvantageous games, but having said that, how many people can do this against the mid laner of the Minx team? How about steadily suppressing it to a disadvantageous matchup?

At this moment, all the seven kings and four emperors in the first training room and the top players from each competition area are gathered together, but if they are selected according to this standard, it is estimated that there will be no more than three people who are qualified.

The game time came to the 15th minute.

The number of heads on the scene was temporarily stable at 5 to 5.

However, after the wave of kills on the top lane ended Ike's head, the rhythm of the blue God team seemed to have picked up.

15 minutes and 45 seconds.

In the bottom lane of Summoner's Rift, the ADC Policewoman under the control of Huangxue Yege cooperated with her auxiliary teammate Lulu to press into the tower with a wave of troops, and finally pulled out and demolished the opponent's outer tower in the bottom lane.

Immediately, the God team took advantage of the situation and changed lanes.

The duo heads to the road.

On the one hand, this is to protect the outer tower of their top lane, and on the other hand, it is also to relieve the laning pressure of their own top laner teammate Shen, and at the same time to suppress the purple side's top laner Ekko.

An update is here. I can’t confirm the time for the next chapter at the moment. I have a lot of work today.

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