
Chapter 1661 Embarrassment and Embarrassment

Ekko's ultimate move is really a very powerful skill.

It can be used to deal damage, or it can be used to escape immediately after a wave of sudden attacks, or it can even be used to quickly buy equipment after pressing the B key online to return to the city, and then return to the line in one second to continue the battle. .

Like this wave on the road at the moment, for The-Sword, the purpose of his Ekko ultimate move is to use it to instantly shift back to the battlefield and detonate damage.

This wave.

Just give Ike even 0.5 seconds more time.

The ultimate move's "Time and Space Break" R returns to the field.

Perfectly entering the space-time field of the W skill that he released in advance.

The two of them were stunned.

The ultimate damage caused two people to explode.

It only takes such a moment, and it is enough for the Eye of Twilight, which is full of blood, to empty most of the fragile widow Evelyn's blood tank in a second, and then follow up with a double kill.

But the problem is that Ekko’s ultimate move also has certain restrictions on its casting——

This skill can even be used to avoid the shark bite in the second phase of the Little Murloc's ultimate move. However, if the skill is stunned, imprisoned or knocked up before the skill is released, then even if the operator presses the keyboard frantically, it will be impossible to succeed. Cast the shot.

For example.


Even the spectators from the various clubs and teams off the field, when watching the game through the God's-eye OB screen, never noticed that the blue side's mid laner Wei Wei was about to enter the most intense stage of life and death in the top lane. Ruth actually swam in quietly.

Grass at the mouth of the river.

Thick purple vine chains shot out like a fierce dragon.

The target Ike was accurately hit and fixed in place.


At this moment, the outcome of the entire war was suddenly changed!

So at this moment, many players and players who supported the God team were ecstatic.

Because they know how crucial Varus's ultimate move is.

Just this "chain of corruption".

This instantly eliminated the possibility of Ekko launching his ultimate move while under control.

This makes it impossible for Ekko to instantly return to the two blue Ueno heroes to complete the explosive harvest, and even Ekko's W skill space-time field is invisibly reduced to nothing.

Or even——

You, Ekko, can't even use your ultimate to escape now!

He could only stand there unable to move, becoming a living target for the three blue heroes!

Widow Evelyn arrived with lightning speed.

Q skill connects to A and then E.

The ultimate move crashed down without hesitation, and densely packed ferocious twisting thorns protruded from the ground like poisonous flowers blooming and penetrated Ike's body!

same moment.

Varus raised his crossbow.

Draw A to Q to E.

A again.

A set of small combos came out of his hand as if in an instant, and in just a moment, the blood tank on top of Ike's head was completely empty and returned to zero. The next moment, only Ike's first-person computer screen game screen was visible. Suddenly black and white!

The kill announcement of the system's female voice suddenly rang through the canyon:


At the same time, the entire first training room was boiling and became a sea!

Phoenix, who was in the front row of the spectators, took a deep breath:

"What a timely swim."

Spoon's expression changed a bit next to him, and he finally sighed: "What a decisive move."

"It would have happened in half a second."

This was what Autumn said to someone in the back row of the crowd watching the game as he turned his gaze away from the OB screen on the electronic viewing screen on the wall and turned to face someone beside him.

As the world's auxiliary god who has always been known for his precise calculation and control of data, the judgment made by Autumn is naturally beyond doubt.

Indeed, all variables occur within half a second.

If Varus arrived just a beat slower, or if the order of the first move's skills was changed so that the ultimate move was released a beat slower, it would be enough for Ekko to react and instantly use his ultimate move R to move away.

The result would not be what it is now, but at least Ike would get a double kill and even have a chance to escape.


"Lao Ye, he didn't slow down."

Lin Feng shook his head:

"It's impossible to slow down this beat."

Autumn nodded slowly: "The situation... this can be considered a bit of a fight back."

I did get some back.

In this wave, the blue army directly got an ending big head, and the head bounty fell on the head of Dawn Star's mid laner Varus, which was directly caused by a wave of Ekko's tower kills in front of him. The losses were immediately recouped and there was still a large "surplus".

The head count was tied.

On the road, Shen can also make up for his growth with peace of mind.

Of course, the most important point is that after winning this wave of finishers, the development rhythm of the opposite Ekko has finally been curbed. At the same time, for the entire God team of the blue army, this is a morale boost. and inspiring.

Even if it’s 5/0/0 top laner Ekko…

It’s not like they don’t have solutions!

"The main thing is that God has cooperated well with this wave——"

The spectators from various clubs outside the field came to their senses at this time, and could not help but whisper and lament:

"And Varus arrived just in time."


This wave of games between the heroes of the blue and purple players on the top lane is simply thrilling. First, Shen seduced with remaining health, and the Widow lurked in the background. Then, followed by The-Sword from the purple side, Ekko deliberately guessed the intention of the God team. Pretend to take the bait, then pretend to retreat...

But even the seemingly "unwilling" pursuit of the two men on Team God's side, seemingly falling into the trap of their opponent Ike, actually seems to be an acting disguise!

What was waiting for was Varus's outflank and that fatal move.

"The performance was almost a disaster. Everything was in disgrace."

Even when analyzed now, it still makes many players watching the game feel frightened. Although the cooperation of the God team is extremely wonderful, it is also extremely thrilling. What if Varus fails to catch up, what if Wei Why didn't Russ fail to activate the big control immediately?

However, the actual outcome is not as unpredictable as this.

"This is Team God——"

On the outside of the crowd, Shi Hang, standing next to Lin Feng, sighed and sighed:

"Almost everyone in this team... has absolute and unconditional trust in Lao Ye, the captain."

"Otherwise, it would be almost impossible for any other team to achieve this level of success."

There was a hint of sincere envy in his tone.

But there are some things that cannot be envied.

For example, Team Hayami, where Shi Hang belongs, although he is also the core of the team as the mid laner, and the entire team is led by him to carry out tactics, but when it comes to the level of trust and cooperation like Dawnstar and Team God, it is far from the level of trust and cooperation. and.

After all, this is the tacit understanding and trust that they have developed after working side by side for several years and seasons.

But then again——

"This wave of God fought well, and Lao Ye's support was timely."

Lin Feng touched his chin:

"But Minx didn't even give a signal to Miss in the middle, and they still scored at least half of the blame."

On the field, on the Minx team of the Purple Army, their own Ekko is still waiting for resurrection in the spring. Looking at his record data that has become 5/1/0, The-Sword still has an indifferent expression on his face. Changed, but his brows wrinkled slightly:


After a long while, I heard Fly's somewhat embarrassed voice coming from the team's voice channel:

"Feel sorry--"


The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, friends. The weather has turned cold recently. Be careful not to catch a cold~

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