
Chapter 1663 Not That Simple

Compared with the proactive choice of the blue team God team to change lanes, the purple team Minx team still made no other adjustments.

Continue to let Ekko fight solo in the top lane, while EZ and Fan Mom develop in the bottom lane.

In making such a decision, the Minx team on the one hand considers that their bottom lane duo is no longer a match for the opposite combination of Policewoman and Lulu. In regular laning situations, even if there is no jungle gank, they may be killed by the opponent. I would rather let Ike hold on 1V2.

On the other hand, letting EZ and Fan Ma continue to lead the lane in the bottom lane can suppress the development of the opponent's top laner Shen. At the same time, the next dragon refresh can also allow their purple side army to more steadily collect the dragon resources. middle.

The first one is the wind dragon.

On the contrary, it has little significance and impact.

But what will be refreshed soon is a fire dragon.

This is a very important strategic resource, especially for the lineup of the Minx team. With the fire dragon buff, dragging it to the mid-to-late stage can ensure sufficient combat capabilities.

Naturally, the blue team God team knows the importance of this fire dragon, but it seems that they still chose to give up the fight for this fire dragon.

It's a bit of a pity.

However, the coaches and team leaders of various clubs off the court looked at this with appreciative expressions and nodded slightly.

A very wise decision, but also prudent and careful enough.

Because at the time when the next wave of fire dragons are refreshed, the combat effectiveness of the purple side's army has just reached its strongest stage. The blue side's head count is almost equal to that of the opponent, but in a head-to-head battle, it is almost 28:20. situation.

Don't think that you can relax your vigilance after Ekko was killed once by the Terminator.

The 5/0/0 Time Assassin and the 5/1/0 Time Assassin kill you in the back row instantly.

It is still a big boss level existence.

Even Fly's mid laner Snake, who was killed twice by the opponent in the early stage, entered her own period of strength in the following period. The previous Snake still held on when Varus wandered onto the road. After eating a few more waves of soldiers, the damage of the level and equipment at this time... is enough to pose a considerable threat to the God team.

"So the blue side can't fight yet."

Off the court, a coach from a European MLG team gave his own analysis and judgment:

"To play in a group now is to die."

"What Team God should really do at this stage is to stabilize the situation and delay the time to the later stage. Shen who is dragged to the front row can stand up, and the three-piece equipment set of Varus and the policewoman is formed, and the damage of the Widow is Get up, that’s when they have a head-on battle with their opponents.”

This blue God team's lineup actually has quite a few limitations in terms of team battles.

That is that they lack the ability to cut into the back row.

Of course, jungle AP assassins like the Widow can take on this responsibility, but the problem is that the Widow cuts into the battlefield alone, and her teammates behind her are destined to be impossible to keep up. And in comparison, when the Widow can kill people, his own Blue The back row of the color side may have been beaten until the entire army was annihilated.

Therefore, there is only one most suitable teamfight method for the blue team’s lineup——

Play in the front row.

It relies on the continuous damage output ability of Varus and the policewoman, and under the protection of Shen and Lulu, pours all the firepower on the nearest enemy front row hero, killing them from the front, while the widow harasses or separates the battlefield on the flanks. …

But the main responsibility has to fall on the two C-positions, the policewoman and Verus.

"It's very difficult."

Zeng Rui couldn't help but frown. For a handicapped player like him, even just thinking about the terrifying amount of operations required in the mid-to-late team battle between Varus and the policewoman would give him a headache.

"It's difficult." Lin Feng also nodded.

He also has to admit this, that is, in fact, the lineup selected by the God team is not easy to fight when it encounters the lineup of the opposite purple side Minx team. Even if they want to exert their strength in the middle and late stages, for the Chinese The operational accuracy and strength requirements of the two single ADC players are also extremely high.

Even taking a step back, in fact, such a lineup does not belong to the inherent style of the God team.

The God team, which is good at mid-to-late-term operations and team battles, often has a more solid and stable lineup in past games, with a relatively higher fault tolerance rate. Perhaps there is no single-point carry like a savior, but a savior-like single-point carry. Rely on teamwork to win the game.

Anyway, the two crispy AD output points of Varus and Policewoman will not be used like in this match.

But then again...

"This is also the good intention of Team God."

An Xin answered with a smile:

"We happened to encounter an extremely aggressive opponent like Minx, so we simply used them as the most convenient whetstone to hone and supplement the abilities that our team originally lacked."

"Winning or losing is not that important. After all... this is just a training match, isn't it?"

"This is the meaning of the training match."

Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui couldn't help but be stunned after hearing this, and nodded with approval. Shi Hang scratched his head next to him, but suddenly shook his head:

"No, no."

"That's true, but winning or losing is also important."

"No matter what, I have to knock this Minx down to relieve his anger!"

When the game time came to the 17th minute, the second fire dragon in the jungle river was firmly won by the Minx team of the purple side.

As expected, the blue God team chose to avoid the battle.

And as a result, the rhythm of the situation on the scene seemed to slow down.

There are currently no other resources on the map to compete for, and on the third route... there is also no opportunity for a battle to break out.

It's not that the Minx team on the purple side doesn't want to attack, but after the God team on the blue side made lane changes, the double lane of Policewoman and Lulu came to the top lane to suppress Ike, relying on the Time Assassin alone. Alone, he didn't dare to force it open even when the flash had not cooled down.

At the same time, Huangxue Yege's own ADC policewoman also stood very carefully, taking advantage of Caitlin's ultra-long range to always maintain a safe distance between herself and the opposite Ekko, so as not to reveal any flaws easily.

Such a cautious policewoman, coupled with the protection of Lulu beside her, can still compete steadily even against a well-developed boss like Ike.

Not to mention that Shen Shu, who had been switched to the bottom lane, was freed. He could resist the pressure of EZ and Fan Ma alone. At least his life was not in danger. In this way, the Eye of Twilight could start to make more use of himself. Use the ultimate move to rescue and roam——

Regardless of whether your purple side Minx is in the middle or in the top lane, I Shen will open up and follow him as soon as possible.

It's enough to scare you away.

This kind of rhythm of the situation is naturally something that the God team on the blue side is happy to see, and the players and players from various teams and clubs watching the game do not find it boring, but are looking forward to the next confrontation between the two sides. Game——

In the two matches in the morning, neither MLG nor Season team played such a stable rhythm.

Now it can be said that the God team has been successful in dealing with the early stage.

Drag further down...

Maybe it can be delayed until Minx is unable to succeed!

However, although most of the players and team members watching the game thought so, there were also a few top players who had different views.

"not that simple."

For the five SSK players, top laner Wolf shook his head and gave such a concise comment.

An update is coming. The next chapter will be very late. I suggest you get up and read it tomorrow morning.

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