
Chapter 1656: Stable

In the past two days, Lin Feng had basically handed the Gopher game console to everyone around him and tried it again. Almost everyone tried to challenge the nightmare difficulty mode of the game console to test themselves. A rough hand speed performance level.

Not only the people in the LPL division, but also the two European Dharma Kings Spoon and Phoenix this morning also tried two hands each.

This makes the performance standard of hand speed time more specific and reliable.

Among them, there are people like Zeng Rui who are helpless and handicapped, Tang Bingyao whose performance is not too outstanding but is amazing enough, and Shi Hang who is the first-line backbone of the LPL region with his statistical performance. There is no shortage of test performances from veteran Seven Kings and even Yonko-level powerhouses such as Dawn Star, Spoon and Phoenix.

But even among so many people, if all the test time scores are arranged from high to low, one person's record can still be firmly at the top.

Maybe it's not yet possible to return to someone's best state.

But with a stable performance of eight minutes and ten seconds, it was still able to completely overwhelm everyone else. Even Phoenix, Dawn Star, or Spoon were still a bit inferior.

This is understandable and no one would be surprised.

After all, when it comes to personal operational ability and pure reaction speed, in this field, no matter then or now, the only one who can be on equal footing with someone or even outperform someone is Han Shihao.



Lin Feng's evaluation of The-Sword was that the core top laner of the Minx team might even be as good as himself.

And this evaluation also means that for him, in terms of operation and hand speed alone, The-Sword's strength level is even better than the top seven kings such as Phoenix, Dawn Star and Spoon.

But for someone's comments like this, everyone around them could only remain silent.

Silence is the default.

Because this The-Sword has proven everything with its strength and record data in the past ten minutes.


There is only such the most powerful operating speed,

Only then can it perfectly match this purest aggressive offensive style.

"God is really difficult." The expression on Shi Hang's face became serious. Maybe he could still be relaxed and even joke with the people next to him. He was excitedly expecting that this God team could teach Minx a lesson.

But now...

On the opposite side, there is only top laner Ekko, but he has gradually begun to bring a faint fatal threat and huge pressure to the blue side's God team.

In terms of hand speed, even Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege, two of God's core C-position aces, cannot compete with each other.

In other words, in the next single match, their God team is completely unable to solve this Ekko by their personal ability.

have a look……

Just two waves of wandering.

Ekko achieved a wave of double kills in the middle and a wave of single kills in the bottom lane. Taking advantage of the situation, he also helped his teammates in the middle and bottom lanes relieve the pressure and push back the defensive towers.

But this is only the early stage, and then in the early and mid-term stages, the power of the hero Time Assassin will truly begin to show, and the majestic edges and corners of the core ace top laner of the Minx team will truly gradually reveal its sharp edge.

If it were any other team, it would actually be close to a small collapse at this point, with almost no hope of winning.


Fortunately, this is Team God.

"God, this team is not good at early laning and individual operations." An Xin smiled slightly and gave such a comment.

Shi Hang woke up from a dream and couldn't help but feel refreshed when he heard:

"That makes sense!"

“The early stage of the fight was like this…it’s already very impressive.”

"There's still more to fight!"

Yes, before the two waves of Ike's rhythm, the situation on the scene allowed the God team on the blue side to even suppress it 4 to 2. This was something that no one had expected or expected before the start of this match. .

Although the situation now seems to be under the control of the opponent's purple side Minx team, but having said that...

Originally, this was what everyone expected, right?

"The financial difference is less than two thousand."

Lin Feng looked up at the blue and purple economic statistics of both sides on the electronic viewing screen, then turned to look at Autumn:

"It's pretty much the same as what we talked about before."

Autumn paused slightly after hearing this, then nodded slowly:


In the previous conversation, someone had already given his own opinion on this training match. The bottom line is that as long as the God team can control the economic disadvantage within the range of 2,000 to 3,000 in the first fifteen to twenty minutes. , then if this competition continues to the middle and late stages, God will be able to control more winning situations.

The current number of heads between the blue and purple sides is 4 to 5. In terms of defense towers, the purple side's army has obtained the outer tower economy of the middle and lower lanes of the blue side.

But even so, the overall economic gap of the team is still less than 2,000.

This means that in terms of the respective development and last-hitting of the heroes of both players, the God team on the blue side has not fallen behind, and even still maintains a slight lead.

However, after acknowledging someone's point of view, Autumn shook his head slightly:

"But don't forget, it's only been 10 minutes."


Ten minutes is just the difference.

But there are still ten minutes left before the game enters the middle period.

This means that in the next ten minutes, the Minx team of the purple side army will further exert its strength, and the current economic gap of one to two thousand... is likely to be further widened in the next period of time.

Lin Feng smiled and said in an understatement:


"But don't forget...this is Team God."

Looking at major competitions around the world, there are few teams that can, like Team God, maintain the situation steadily after experiencing two consecutive waves of rhythm, and continue to methodically control the economic gap within a certain acceptable range.

After losing two defensive outer towers in a row, although the development space of the blue army has been continuously compressed, the God team's vision is still extremely determined and tough.

river channel.

wild area.


Almost all the five people on the blue side had one real eye inserted into each key terrain position, lighting up the safe protective vision. The jungler widow and assistant Lulu replaced the scanning wandering lanterns, and at the same time, each of the reconnaissance guards was also Constantly putting down efforts to detect the whereabouts of the opponent's heroes in each position as much as possible under such a disadvantageous situation.

Therefore, the Purple Minx team’s jungler Zach’s movement back to the city after collecting the three wolves in the second half of the jungle was discovered.

On the bottom lane, Huangxue Yege's ADC Policewoman cooperated with her auxiliary Lulu teammates and decisively began to push forward again. The two waves of consumption directly crippled the health bars of Fan Ma and EZ on the opposite side, and she was able to carry out the army line at a glance. A wave of pushback.

On the middle side of the road, the view of the grass on both sides of the river mouth was also cleared and occupied by the blue God team, which made Fly's mid laner Snake Girl not dare to press the line rashly. After pushing a wave, she could only choose carefully and withdraw to her own jungle area. Brush a round of F6 wild monsters.

It seems that the Minx team's fast break rhythm was slowed down invisibly by the God team's resolute vision control during this period.

The coaches and team leaders of various clubs off the field nodded repeatedly, with unstoppable admiration and admiration in their eyes——

Compared to Minx's completely unreasonable attack and recklessness...

God's team's response is truly the calm demeanor that a strong veteran team should have.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around ten o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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