
Chapter 1655 Almost better than me

Whether it is the God team or the members of various clubs who are familiar with the God team off the court, they rarely see this team being directly defeated by the opponent's single core C position in the early laning stage of a game. Huge economic development advantage per capita.

Top laner Ekko with 4 heads in hand.

And it is a developmental rhythm that can be achieved in just ten minutes.

You must know that the God team's playing style has always been stable. The most obvious manifestation is that even if they have a disadvantage on a certain route in the early stage, they will never let their opponents snowball too quickly.

But now...

Going on the road, this is more than just a snowball of advantages?

The avalanche rhythm is simply an advantage!

What's more fatal is that the controller of Ike, who has a 4/0/0 record at this moment, is still a top player who can bring his offensive and aggressive style to its purest extreme.

As a result, the situation on the scene seemed to gradually become serious and unfavorable for the God team of the blue army.

On the road, Eye of Twilight Shen was completely unable to get out of the tower. He could only stay under the tower in fear and barely managed to get a last-ditch hit. He also had to worry about the opposite Ekko's tower-crossing kill at all times.

The jungler's widow also needs to stay in the upper half of the jungle as much as possible. Otherwise, relying on her top laner teammate alone, she really can't prevent Ekko's sudden rise and strong attack.

In the middle, Dawn Star's Punishment Arrow Varus has a good early development rhythm, and even after being killed once, the snake girl Cassiopeia is still ahead of the opponent in terms of level and economic CS. However, after the outer tower of defense is demolished, The development space has also been greatly compressed, and you dare not push out easily, otherwise it will be even more dangerous if you are ganked again.

It seems that the only one who can still maintain an advantageous rhythm is the bottom lane where Huangxue Yege's ADC policewoman is.

But at this moment, Huangxue Yege has become extremely vigilant and cautious.

His development as a policewoman is pretty good.

But after all...

Just an ADC.

Moreover, it will take some time for the Piltover Policewoman's equipment to be initially formed. At this time, his damage is enough to fight in the lane, but it is still difficult to join a small group or face the front row of others' purple side. Can hit.

But compared to an ADC hero like his policewoman who has a continuous output flow——

Whether the opponent is mid laner Snake or top laner Ekko,

But they can all explode in one wave and kill people in seconds.

Especially Ike!

So at this moment, Dawn Morning Star’s warning came from the blue team’s voice channel:

"Lao Ye, be careful when you get off the road."

"Be careful not to get caught."

Once the outer towers in the middle were dropped, not only was Dawnstar's own mid laner Varus's development space compressed, but also the blue side of their God team lost control of the entire Summoner's Rift map and jungle vision. At least a third.

Now in the lower half of the map, not only the rivers, but also the wild areas are shrouded in shadow and fog, making people feel faintly panicked when they look at it.

In response to such a reminder from his companion, Huangxue Yege naturally nodded solemnly.


Some times.

Some things are just impossible to guard against.

The 12th minute of the game.

In the bottom lane of Summoner's Rift, a kill announcement from a system female voice suddenly came, once again shaking the entire first training room:

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)!"

The game screen on the computer screen in front of Huangxue Yege suddenly turned black and white.

The crowd watching the game gasped in shock and exclaimed.

For a moment, I don’t know how many players from each club suddenly stared blankly, feeling unconfident.

This wave...


From the God OB perspective of the electronic viewing screen on the wall, you can clearly see the delicate body of the blue side ADC female police officer Caitlin slumped in front of her second defense tower in the bottom lane, close to the Stone Man jungle area.

It can also be seen that in the grass at the front of the Stone Man jungle area, the purple top laner Ekko is calmly preparing to read a note to return to the city.

On the side of the SSK team off the court, Cube, the assistant, subconsciously lifted the bridge of his nose and put on his glasses, and gave his comments:

"You can't be unreasonable anymore."

Next to him, Ray, his ADC partner, looked annoyed and complained as if he was feeling the same:

"This kind of method... the beating is so disgusting."

The implication is that he admitted that if he had been the blue policewoman on the field in this wave, the ending would probably not be any better than that of Huang Xue Ye Ge at this moment.

Even Ray gave such a comment, which proves that the death of this wave of female police officers in the bottom lane is indeed inevitable.

Taking advantage of the opponent's bottom lane duo's return to the city, the purple side's top laner Ekko quietly teleported to the eye position of the opponent's stone jungle jungle area in the bottom lane, avoided sight, and moved to the second tower of the opponent's bottom lane. Grass on the front right.

Sit down.


Wait until the blue side ADC policewoman takes the lead in walking out of the bottom lane to defend the second tower.

The E skill "Phase Dive" instantly pops up.

Answer Q.

Flat A instantly connects to the rocket belt.

The damage of the passive three rings and skills are stacked and detonated at the same time.

A wave of instant kills took him away.

The policewoman was not given any time to react and use her skills, before the blue side’s assistant Lulu arrived to rescue, and even before the blue side’s top laner Twilight Eyes had time to use her ultimate move to protect——

Instant kill.

Ekko's record data came to 5/0/0.

This reality indeed proves one thing to everyone present, that is, no matter how smoothly your mid laner Verus or ADC policewoman develops in the early stage, as long as you are a squishy... encounter development The even more incredible top laner Ekko only has the word "death" to speak of.

There is absolutely no room for maneuver.

Because Ike's protruding face is too unreasonable, and The-Sword's operating speed is too fast.

"Hold still."

In the voice channel of the blue team on the field, the voice of Dawn Morning Star came again, still calm and composed. It seemed that at this moment, for the entire God team, only by seeing their mid laner captain in such a calm and composed state could they be able to Give them a little comfort and hope.

Huangxue Yege's face looked very ugly.

This wave of solo kills that were ambushed by sneak attacks in the bottom lane was equivalent to interrupting his ADC female police's great rhythm. He even looked like he was about to push down the opponent's outer tower in the bottom lane, but now that he died, it was his own The outer tower on the bottom lane may be pushed back by the opponent's EZ plus fan mother.

Come and go...

The opposite EZ can recover a large gap in economic backwardness.


These specific details did not stay in his mind for too long. At this moment, another thought that seemed to be far-fetched suddenly flashed through his mind -

This The-Sword.

If you were to challenge that Gopher game console, what would your hand speed score be?

With the same question, Zeng Rui, who was on the outside of the crowd watching the game, couldn't help but ask.

After pondering for a while, Lin Feng gave a decisive answer:

"More than eight minutes."

After saying this, someone paused and narrowed his eyes:

"Maybe... it won't be much worse than my current state."

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night. See you tomorrow.

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