
Chapter 1657 The difficult Ike to solve

Although I have to admit that the Minx team's top lane, mid lane and dual-core early laning fast break tactical routine does have strong characteristics that are difficult to guard against, but for most of the coaches and team leaders of various clubs present, it is still It is more satisfying to see the orthodox tactical style of Team God.

Look, this is the most reasonable tactical response!

In the early stages of the laning, the opponent was back and forth, but he was neither greedy nor aggressive. Personal strength is important, but the overall cooperation of the team and the deployment and control of various visions and resources are even more indispensable.

In the past, Team God's game videos and tactical style have always been used as classic teaching cases for analysis and discussion by new and old teams in various major competitions.

Because it is impossible for most professional players to have a personal operational strength comparable to that of the Seven Kings and Four Emperors. If they have some advantages in the lane, they will not be able to kill their opponents all the way alone.

League of Legends is always a team game. If you are not strong enough to save the whole situation by yourself, then the importance of teamwork needs to be highlighted even more.

One person is not enough.

It takes five people to work together.

Maybe I can't beat you in the early stage, but through strategic detours, adjustment of different strong power points in the early, middle and late stages of the hero, vision control, and various routines of changing lanes and battlefields, I can do it bit by bit. Bring back the early disadvantageous rhythm.

So at this moment, seeing the response of the blue team God Team on the field, the coaches and leaders of various clubs off the field nodded repeatedly to express their appreciation, and also did not forget to pat the heads and shoulders of the players of their own teams around them and give instructions:

"Watch carefully."

"In a disadvantageous situation, how does God's team control vision!"

"This ability to control rhythm and handle disadvantages and pressure is much better than you guys!"

The members of each team who were taught such a lesson by their coaches and leaders did not dare to refute, but although they agreed with this statement, they were still a little unconvinced and complained in their hearts. Of course, they just muttered to themselves:

"It's just a field of view...how can it be so exaggerated?"

"The point opposite Ike is still unresolved, okay?"


Ekko, a purple top laner with a record of 5/0/0 during this period, seems to have really become an unsolvable big boss level existence. Not to mention that no one is Ekko's opponent in single lane solo, even now. Come to the jungle and gank to catch people. In 2V1 situations, they will be counter-killed by Ekko.

The roaming support of the mid-bottom lane in the previous two waves has allowed The-Sword's Ekko to lead two waves of rhythm one after another.

At this time, the time assassin regained control of his own and returned to the road. Although he had not seen anything more for the time being, everyone present had some vague premonitions and judgments in their hearts——

This The-Sword will never relax like this.

Next, if Ike is given another opportunity, there will probably be another wave of kills immediately.

"But we can't give Ike another chance to act so unscrupulously——"

Off the court at the KG team club, Konjac, who is the team's ADC, couldn't help but feel a little worried. In the LPL division, his ADC can be ranked in the T1 echelon. Although it is lagging behind Huangxue Yege, his personal strength is still there. He has excellent eyesight and judgment.

Especially as the ADC himself, he was able to fully understand the huge threat that Ekko from the purple side on the field posed to the blue side.

This Ike...

Now I can cut the back row at will.

Cut to seconds.

And it's completely unreasonable. Just look at Huang Xue Ye Ge. This person's operation and reaction speed are definitely the best in their LPL division, and even the top ADC player in the world. He had just been forcefully cut by Ekko. He couldn't even use half of his skills or even level A, and was directly beaten to death by the damage.

what does that mean?

This means that Ike's damage at this time has almost overflowed.

Anyone who is killed will be taken away in one set. If the assassin continues to get kills and snowballs, let alone the early stage, even the entire mid-term stage of the game will be ruled by Ike. By then, even if the blue God team is here, It was Shen and Lulu who used their ultimate moves at the same time, but they couldn't stop Ekko from cutting into the back row in seconds.

The ADC is designed to continuously output damage. When encountering an unreasonable and explosive mage, it will be like encountering a natural enemy.

not to mention--

This lineup of the blue side God team not only has an ADC policewoman in the bottom lane, but also the mid laner Varus, who is also an AD hero of the same style.

If the two largest core C positions and the only two output points are defeated by the opposing top laner Ike, there will be no hope of a comeback in the later stages of the game.

Old C, the jungler of the KG team standing aside, looked calmer and gave his own evaluation:

"The widow must squat."


Even if Widow Evelin goes to the top lane to gank without any effect at this time, at least she has to help her top laner, Eye of Twilight, counter-crouch under the tower. This does not mean preventing the opponent's jungler from grabbing. This is purely for the sake of preventing his top laner teammate from being killed by his opponent Ekko through the tower in the blink of an eye.


Just being a widow may still not be enough.

The game time came to the 14th minute.

In the bottom lane of Summoner's Rift, Huangxue Yege of the God team on the blue side controlled his ADC Policewoman and his auxiliary teammate Lulu, and a large wave of troops pressed under the opponent's purple side defense tower.

At this time, because we knew that the opposing top laner Ekko had no teleport, and the jungler Zac had just returned home not long ago, the bottom lane was able to press so fiercely despite the lack of an outer tower.

In fact, it has to be so fierce.

Because if this rhythm cannot be regained, the next situation will only become more difficult for the blue side.

The ADC policewoman controlling her quickly began to level the A point tower. At the same time, Huangxue Yege also communicated quickly on her team's voice channel:

"The tower on the bottom lane should be demolished."

"Stay safe on the edge."

"Here, let's dismantle the tower and change the lines. Don't let anything else go wrong first!"

The first dragon to be refreshed is the wind elemental dragon, which is not a particularly valuable strategic resource. If the bottom lane successfully knocks down the opponent's outer tower, the God team duo will switch to the top lane and rely on the female police commander. The advantages combined with Lulu's protective ability can always restrain teammate Ike's hands.

Then when they slowly pick up the rhythm of tower pushing, the disadvantage in the early stage will be gradually recovered——

However, these are just the most ideal arrangements for Team God.

But the opponent...

But it is not easy to comply with their wishes.

Just as Huangxue Yege's ADC Policewoman on the bottom lane began to level the A point tower, Summoner's Rift hit the road, and a new wave of troops... had also been pushed to the blue side by top laner Ekko from the purple side. In front of the defensive outer tower.

The update is here. The next chapter will be before 12 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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