
Chapter 1563 The strength of the assassin

"Lao Tian and KG are in the second training room next door right now, training with the Thunder team."

"Later, I guess our Hayasui will also find one of the two teams in the LMS division as our opponent to warm up first."

"Several teams in the European LCS seem to be competing with the North American LCS. Legend is probably playing Cog now."

"MLG seems to be in the sixth training room downstairs. The opponent is Season - I guess MLG's first training session will be cool. Someone from our Hayami team went down to take a sneak peek and said that Season was in particularly good condition today."

Shi Hang eloquently introduced the situation to Lin Feng and others. After speaking, he looked at the two teams of God and Assassin who were training and competing at the scene:

"As for this..."

"It's hard to tell the outcome yet."

Listening to Shi Hang's words, Lin Feng and others looked across the crowd towards the field.

At this time, the ten players from both teams on the field were all obviously focused on the current match, with serious expressions on their faces.

Although it was only a training match, this game seemed to have reached a relatively stalemate stage, and no one dared to be careless.

There is also an electronic screen hanging on the wall next to it, showing the real-time picture of the match from God's perspective.

Lin Feng and others looked at it.

The God team is on the blue side, and the Assassin team is on the purple side.

The current game time is just over fifteen minutes, and it is about to transition from the early laning phase to the mid-term small grouping phase. The team economy of the blue and purple sides on the field has not widened the gap, but the blue team has a slight advantage. One or two thousand.

The number of heads is only 4 to 3.

From the God team, we can see that Jayce, the mid laner of Morning Star, has two kills and one assist in hand. The record data of 2/0/1 makes the future guardian of the mid laner extremely strong in this period of time. Next, the group grouping is destined to enter Jess's time of strength.

However, the early development of ADC Obama in the bottom lane of Huangxue Yege seemed quite bad.

0/2/1 record data.

Even in terms of last-hitting, which he is always proud of,

He was also beaten 20 times by his opponent's ADC policewoman.

If we want to talk about the pure ADC personal strength level, Huangxue Yege is naturally half better than the ADC players from the opposite Assassin team, so the current development situation naturally leaves only one possibility -

Lin Feng glanced at the purple jungler.


Record data 2/1/1.


Someone curled his lips, this time Old Thirteen chose Olaf as jungler... there is something about it.

In the latest version of S6, although Olaf is not the most powerful T1 jungler, after the regular ban/pick is over, several T1 junglers are often banned or robbed. However, Olaf is a relatively versatile hero. Heroes are often released.

It just so happens that this kind of violent and brainless hero who can run around with two axes is very suitable for Nian Shisan's playing style.

It's just a fight.

Lin Feng and others had already learned the lesson last night.

In the current game, it seems that because the opponent's blue side has few places to move in the top and middle lanes, Nian Shisan, who is the jungler of the purple side, Olaf, directly and decisively focused on the bottom lane.

He is simply targeting Huang Xue Ye Ge's ADC Obama to death.

Now it seems that the effect is equally significant.

"Thirteenth-year-old Olaf is really strong." Li Shiyi sighed from the side: "When it comes to the official competition... I guess this hero cannot be easily released to the Assassin team."

Lin Feng nodded in agreement: "You can't let it go casually."

Olaf's characteristics as a heroic jungler, it is estimated that only Nian Shisan in the entire professional e-sports circle can truly utilize them to the fullest.

This jungle captain of the Assassin team...

It's really the kind of player who barely spends time in the jungle and is completely focused on slapping the opponent's hero in the face.

As for this kind of style, ordinary professional junglers really can't do it, because it seems reckless, but in fact the requirements for junglers are quite high.

On the one hand, it requires strong and excellent psychological quality.

If you don't focus on ganking in the jungle, it means that you have given up on your own development first. Then once you fail to gank a few times, your jungle will naturally collapse. When the game ends, you will be blamed for not being confident enough. People really don’t dare to mess around like this.

On the other hand, what is required is strength.

You have to be really sure of the various movements of the opponent's three lanes, including the jungle. Every gank that seems reckless actually requires precise analysis and planning - not just anyone who randomly ganks can succeed. , but Nian Shisan almost always gets kills or assists every time he slaps the opponent's hero in the face.

This is also the biggest reason why the Assassin team has been able to remain the number one team in the LMS division for so many years.

In fact, the strength of this team itself is not too outstanding, and except for the jungler Nian Shisan, the individual abilities of the other players are not outstanding either.

But they know how to avoid their shortcomings and use their strengths.

Knowing that the jungler captain is the core, the other positions have been diligently practicing their tacit understanding of cooperation with the jungler in daily training or games.

You may not be able to compete online.

But as long as I come from the jungle and roam, my online hero can definitely provide perfect cooperation and help complete the kill immediately.

The current match is a good example. In terms of the strength of the bottom lane duo, Huangxue Yege and his auxiliary teammates from the God team on the blue side are definitely better than the two from the opposite Assassin team. A section, but now...

Look at Obama's record.

Look at Huang Xue Ye Ge's somewhat darkened expression behind the computer screen.

You can basically see the problem.

"However, the purple side is still more difficult to win in this round."

An Xin, who was next to him, made a comment at this time and glanced at the OB screen on the electronic screen on the wall:

"The top lane is God's team's advantage. Sword Princess has more than half of Rambo's level of experience and half of the equipment's economy."

"Obama is actually quite stable on the bottom lane."

"And the middle road..."

"Jace is too fat."

As if to cater to the girl's analysis and judgment, just as the game entered the middle stage of the game, the God team finally started to exert its strength.

Morningstar's mid laner Jace completed a wave of solo kills online, taking away the head of the opposite purple square mid laner Snake Girl.

Then at the 19th minute of the game, a wave of fire dragon team battles began around the river Xiaolong Gorge.

The two second QE rounds allowed Jess's long-range plasma cannonballs to hit the center of the opponent's purple army's formation, directly knocking out the opponent's core fragile C positions and instantly poke them to residual health.

The top laner Sword Girl sent a wave of teleport around her.

Jump into the battlefield like lightning!

The crowd watching the battle suddenly burst into exclamations of exclamation.

Half a minute later, the team battle ended.

The blue team exchanged 1 for 4 and almost wiped out the opponent. However, Huang Xue Ye Ge's ADC Obama, who had serious problems with early development... got three kills in one wave!

Get fat instantly.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around eight o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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