
Chapter 1564 Invincible Advantage

Seeing this wave of team battles in front of Xiaolong Gorge in the river, Lin Feng couldn't help but think of the post he saw on Tieba on his phone when he just got up and washed up this morning.

Regarding the prediction of the performance and strength ranking of each team in these two days of training competition.

The poster ranked the God team at the first place in the prediction, which does make some sense.

As the most recognized team in the national server, God-God's Hand has almost no shortcomings in terms of overall strength except for the two C-position aces, mid laner and ADC.

Perhaps the early laning or jungle roaming gank was not outstanding, and sometimes it was even slightly suppressed by the opponent.

But this team is patient enough.

Regardless of small advantages or small disadvantages, the mentality of the five members of the team from top to bottom always seems to be neither urgent nor slow, and the rhythm of the operation is relaxed and relaxed. They just slowly wait for the opponent to reveal their flaws first, and then defeat them in one fell swoop.

In the first 15 minutes of this match, it can be said that the blue and purple teams on the field are still in a balanced situation.

But just this wave...

The blue side God team, which did not take the lead in economy or level equipment, seized the opportunity and directly played a beautiful 1 for 4.

Perfect fit.

A textbook-level classic team battle.

Dawnstar's mid laner Jayce consumed poke twice with a solo kill in the front line and in this wave of team battles, which perfectly demonstrated his level of strength as a top seven-king level player.

Huangxue Yege even got a wave of three kills, and the output of various positions and skill level switching in the team battle reached an almost breathtaking level.

"God is still strong..."

"Damn, I thought we could win this group."

"It seems like it's going to get cold again now, ugh——"

I heard the sound coming from the spectators at the Assassin Team Club nearby. They were all sighing with somewhat frustrated expressions on their faces. They were also the No. 1 seeds in the division, and they were all veteran strong players who had been competing for several seasons. team, but looking at it now, their assassins still seem to be a bit worse than the God team.

On the other side, the leaders and coaches of the God Club had expressions of satisfaction on their faces.

It's not that they care about the outcome of this match, but after a few waves of rhythm like this, they can see that the members of their own team are performing very well. As long as they maintain this mental outlook, the next official game will be a success. You probably don’t need to worry too much about the group stage round.

As for the outcome——

Oh, this game is almost a sure thing anyway.

"The purple side is gone in this round."

In contrast, the judgment given by Shi Hang, who was standing with Lin Feng and others watching the battle, seemed more direct and straightforward:

"There is still fighting ahead. God won this wave of fire dragons and let Obama take so many heads. The assassins still won with heads."


It’s not just Huang Xue Ye Ge’s ADC Obama who has gained weight at this point.

The more important point is that after such a wave of rhythm, the entire blue army became fatter.

Morning Star's mid laner Jayce is officially about to enter his strongest period of exertion. In contrast, the jungler Olaf of Nian Thirteen on the purple side should also be the point of exertion in this mid-term, but now it is not possible. Got——

It's not that Olaf didn't do enough damage.

But now the damage done by the opponent's blue side army is more sufficient.

If you, Olaf, really want to attack someone, you can still attack him, but before you can attack him to death, your opponent can easily use damage to kill you.

In other words, the Purple Army's original strongest core point now no longer poses much of a threat to God's team.

Lin Feng and others also nodded in agreement.

Looking at the OB picture from the perspective of the current electronic screen, Olaf, the jungler of Nian Thirteen on the purple side, is still running hard around the map of Summoner's Rift, trying to help the team regain its rhythm, but it is obvious that he has It can be seen that there are some limitations.

The snowball of advantage of the blue God team is getting bigger and bigger.

"It's gone."

Zeng Rui couldn't help but echoed.

There was a saying in the Chinese LPL division before: As long as the game has an advantage in the first 20 minutes, the God team is almost invincible.

The strongest team in the Chinese server has such a reputation and strength certification even in the world’s e-sports circles——

That is, they rarely lose advantageous games.

And this one...

There seems to be no exception.

When the game time came to 34 minutes, the purple team's base crystal exploded in a distorted light, and the blue team's "Victory" emblem slowly appeared and rose in the center of the screen.

Team God wins.

The members, team leaders and coaches of the two clubs watching the game in the training room all clapped and cheered. No matter the winner or the loser, they don't care too much about the outcome of a training match. What matters more is that each other can learn from this. You may gain more experience and lessons from the confrontation.

The ten players from both teams stood up and shook hands with each other in a friendly manner and exchanged a few words with smiles.

In fact, they are all old acquaintances, otherwise the two clubs would not have contacted each other as soon as the training started this morning.

Nian Shisan was probably the only one who still had a bad expression on his face when shaking hands. He was obviously a little bit upset about the game he just lost, so he turned to face several members of his own Assassin team. Just a lesson.

Facing the reprimand of their own captain, the other main members of the Assassin could only hang their heads and listen to the instruction and admit their mistakes. Indeed, they were not good at this game, and some of them could not be brought down by "one god with four pits". Visual sense.

"It's not like one god to lead four pits..."

At this time, Dawn Morning Star also saw Lin Feng and the others here, walked over and said with a smile:

"This Thirteen played very strongly, but in fact, in the early stage, their Assassin, other top jungle ADs and auxiliary performance were also pretty good, which was obviously improved compared to last year."

"Before doing this... I guess it would be hard for our God to beat this one."

There was some room for euphemism in the words.

But Lin Feng and others understood it clearly.

Yes, before, if the God team had met such an assassin whose strength had also improved, it might have been difficult to determine the outcome of this training confrontation.

But although the assassins are making progress, God's team, which has been training and preparing for war in recent times... has made even greater progress.

Especially Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Yege, the two core C positions who are the team's aces, have already reached the threshold of breakthrough respectively.

So to be fair, the current God team has really surpassed the Assassin team in terms of overall strength.

Of course, we can’t say anything too absolute.

After all, it's just a training confrontation now, and it's only BO1.

If we really wait until later, if we all meet in the quarter-finals and the BO5, with the background of the Assassin team, they will definitely show more and stronger things than now.

At this time, Nian Shisan seemed to have finished lecturing several of his team members. He looked up and saw Lin Feng, raising his eyebrows:

"Hey, are you here?"

"What's going on? Let's have a game?"

As soon as these words came out, most of the other people in the training room were fine, but all the members of the Assassin Team Club suddenly looked at someone in shock and surprise.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around ten o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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