
Chapter 1562 The beginning of communication and confrontation

It's a joke, but for the fact that Tang Bingyao can become the successor of Bullet, several people are still happy for the girl from the bottom of their hearts.

For Zeng Rui, while being happy for Tangtang, it is inevitable that he also has a bit of envy and regret.

An Xin, who was standing next to her, saw the look on Zeng Rui's face and said with a smile:

"Don't be envious, Zeng. Although Tangtang will have Senior Bullet to help with teaching and training, you will not be short of guidance."

"Senior No. 1 and Sister Xiao Wu, as long as they have time, they will definitely not hesitate to teach you if you ask them."

"not to mention--"

The girl who said this paused for a moment, then added with a smile:

"Didn't Senior No. 2 say it before? Senior No. 4 is also here this time. If you talk to him later, you will definitely gain a lot."

These words made Li Shiyi and Lin Feng next to them nod their heads loudly:

"Yes, yes! There is nothing wrong with what Baozi said."

"A Zeng, you can really have a good chat with Senior No. 4 then." Lin Feng reached out and patted Zeng Rui on the shoulder: "Although the position may not be a good match, Senior No. 4 is basically giving guidance and training. There is no distinction between positions.”

Li Shiyi agreed:

"Yes, in S1, senior No. 1 and Sister Xiaowu were only responsible for actual combat and occasionally accompanied us to discuss, but other details were theoretical and analyzed many problems. The top laner, jungler, ADC assisted to the five positions of the mid laner. Most of the work is done by senior No. 4 alone.”

"And -" An Xin answered with a smile and looked at Zeng Rui: "It just so happens that Senior No. 4's greatest expertise and habit lies in data analysis, and he is a good match for you in this aspect, Azeng."

Lin Feng even beat his chest to Zeng Rui and vowed:

"Senior No. 4 is very powerful!"

"You saw Baozi helping Eleven analyze and solve problems last night, right?"

"This kind of thing is Senior No. 4's special skill! It's way better than Baozi! If you have any problems, just talk to him and he can help you solve it in minutes!"

Just as he was talking he was beaming with joy,

Someone received a loud bang on the head, and he immediately screamed in pain and looked at the girl next to him who was his childhood sweetheart:

"Why did you hit me?"

"I'm right, senior No. 4 is definitely better than you in this regard!"

"That's right, that's right." The girl retracted her hand without any fireworks, and then smiled brightly at someone: "But some words coming out of your mouth just feel awkward."

Someone: "..."

Even though he felt aggrieved, he dared not speak out in anger.

Listening to the comfort and encouragement from the companions around him, Zeng Rui also cheered up again. Especially when he was described by the few people just now, he couldn't help but yearn for it:

"It would be great if I could have a good exchange with Senior No. 4... of course."

And after saying that, he frowned a little:

"However, judging from what seniors No. 1, 2 and Sister Xiaowu said earlier, it seems that senior No. 4 is still busy with something at the moment. I don't know if he will be free next time."

An Xin smiled: "Don't worry, no matter how busy you are, you will always finish your work. Senior No. 4 appreciates those talented and hard-working juniors, and will definitely be willing to help."

Zeng Rui felt a little relieved after being told this, while Lin Feng next to him touched his chin:

"Hey, come to think of it——"

"When I was in the room earlier, I heard that Senior No. 4 went to meet someone from the World Electricity Association headquarters?"

"Hey, this time it's not just Korea's Lee Do-jae and M, but also North America's Bullet seniors. Now even the No. 2 and No. 4 seniors, two people who have not shown up for thousands of years, are here. It means that this time Manchester City is simply owned by the previous generation. A legendary gathering!”

Saying this, someone couldn't help but start to beam with excitement, and slapped the dining table hard:

"So my guess is right!"

"There will definitely be a big scene this time! It's an unprecedented big scene!"

An Xin, who was standing next to her, clapped her hands softly: "Well said, but -"

The girl changed the topic and said lightly:

"No matter how big the scene is, you can't get involved."

One sentence can directly knock someone back to his original state of dejection: "Hey, Baozi, can you stop being so boring..."

The girl smiled brightly: "Okay, how about you try to sneak in when the time comes? Let's see how seniors No. 1 and No. 2 will react?"

Someone: "..."

The faces of the two seniors immediately appeared in his mind, which instantly extinguished all the passion for gossip like a basin of cold water.

"Okay, are you full?" The girl who easily poured cold water on someone stood up leisurely: "Okay, it's been a long time, let's go to the seventh floor - the training matches may have already been held there. It’s begun.”

After leaving the cafeteria, everyone took the elevator all the way to the seventh floor where the training room is located.

At this moment, Lin Feng sent a message to Tian Tian to ask about the situation, but he did not receive a reply. It is estimated that the KG team should have started playing training matches with other teams at this time.

There are actually a total of eight team training rooms in the hotel. In addition to the four on the 7th floor, there seems to be another four on the 6th floor. The purpose is to ensure that the space is enough for teams from all competition regions to have a training room. environment.

When he walked through the corridor to the training room where everyone was training last night, Lin Feng looked around and saw that the other training rooms were also closed at the moment, but the crisp sound of the mouse and keyboard could be heard inside. There was the clicking sound of mobile operations and occasional murmurs of discussion.

Sure enough, various clubs and teams have begun to contact and exchange training.

There is a white paper posted on the door of each training room, which makes it easier for Lin Feng and others to see clearly the current internal situation of each training room——

What is written on the first training room is the team name of God and the Assassin team.

Lin Feng's eyes lit up:

"Oh, Ah Xing and the others are having sex with Lao Shisan."

It was also a coincidence that everyone had just competed against each other in private last night. Unexpectedly, in this morning's formal exchange training confrontation, Dawn Morning Star and Huang Xue Ye Ge faced off against the same Thirteenth Thoughts again.

"You can take a look at this."

Someone made the decision.

Then he stretched out his hand to hold the door handle and tried to twist it. The door was not locked and was easily opened. Lin Feng gently pushed the door and looked inside. What he saw was that the training room was crowded with people. A group of people were holding the door. The two rows of computer training seats facing each other in the middle formed a circle and seemed to be watching the game. From the circle, the rapid exchanges and shouts of various players on the field and the clicking of mouse and keyboard could be heard continuously.

Lin Feng and the others walked in, attracting the attention of many people in the outer circle of the crowd. The players of the God Club and several team leaders and coaches all smiled in surprise and waved hello to someone:

"Little brother Lin Feng (the great god) is here?"

"Tangtang girl!"

"Hey, you're late. We've already played half of the game here."

"Come in, come in."

Just at this time, Shi Hang suddenly appeared out of nowhere: "Hey, why are you so late? You just woke up, right?"

Lin Feng looked at Shi Hang in confusion:

"Why didn't you fight?"

Shi Hang spread his hands and said, "We're moving too slowly. All the teams we wanted to meet have been booked out in advance. We can only watch the battle first to see the excitement and wait for their round to end."

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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