
Chapter 1479: Overcome in one fell swoop!

The difficulty of the first two minutes is indeed nothing to a professional player, not to mention that Tang Bingyao had successfully passed this level in the last game, so it is even less difficult for the three legends present. Feeling surprised or worried.

The real highlight... was meant to be later.

Right at the top of the screen, the game time display has reached 2 minutes and 58 seconds.

The eyes of No. 1, No. 5 and Bullet, who were standing aside and watching, lighted up slightly at the same time. It was almost the same. Just about 3 minutes later, the girl fell on this level.

What about this time?

The time quickly came to just over 3 minutes.

Almost at the moment when the number on the time display jumped to 3 minutes and 01 seconds, the difficulty of the game suddenly increased again, and the frequency of the number of gophers in the Jiugongge underground hole changed again.

Three gophers appear at the same time!

The frequency suddenly accelerated!

It can almost catch more than half of the professional players off guard, leading to mistakes that end the game.

But this time the problem did not seem to happen to the girl. At the same moment when the difficulty of the game increased, the girl's one-handed operation speed suddenly accelerated again!

The three moles that appeared at the same time were all clicked out immediately with lightning-fast keystrokes!

The next second, three more gophers appeared.

He was hit and knocked unconscious in no more than 0.5 seconds!

The hand speed of the operation suddenly increased, but there was no trace of disorder at all. It was as if the speed was naturally completed in one go. Even the expression on the girl's face did not change at all, and the eyes in her eyes were still extremely focused and even... Staring more sharply at the game screen on the screen in front of him.


No. 5 couldn't help but drink softly, his tone full of joy.


Just by responding to the speed change in the first few seconds, it can already be seen that the girl's difficulty level in the next minute will no longer be any difficult obstacles.

The gazes in the eyes of Bullet and No. 1 coincidentally became darker at this moment——

So then...


It depends on the difficulty of the next level.

The one after 4 minutes.

As long as you get to that step, it means that you have left 70 or even 80% of professional players behind. The only ones who can operate faster than that kind of hand speed are the remaining % in the e-sports circle. The strong man of twenty.

3 minutes and 20 seconds.

3 minutes and 40 seconds.

Time passed quietly bit by bit like a countdown. The frequency and number of moles in the Jiugongge underground hole have stabilized at this level of difficulty and will not change for the time being. However, even if they stabilize at this level of difficulty, two rats appear in succession at the same time. Just three cunning gophers appearing together quickly will still make people dizzy and dazzled.

If one is not careful, it is still easy to miss a target in an instant, causing the game to be terminated on the spot.

But the girl's operation was so stable at this time that it was extremely reassuring.

Because at this moment, she seemed to have truly entered a rhythm that was completely adapted to her.

Undivided attention.

There is no trace of distracting thoughts.

His eyes were tightly locked on all positions of the entire nine-square grid, and all dynamic changes that might occur at any time were included in his own insight and control. The one-handed operation of his right hand on the operating table seemed to be so proficient that there was no sluggishness at all. Astringent, smooth and smooth, no need for a moment's rest.


Although this kind of operation makes people unable to help but admire it, the other three people present can still keenly notice that the girl in front of the gopher machine has a slight sweat on her forehead at this time.

Number 1 and Number 5 looked at each other, understanding each other's thoughts.


After all, it is only the third time I have tried this game, and I am not familiar enough to adapt to it. I can maintain extremely high-intensity hand speed operation with one hand without making any mistakes. It is absolutely perfect for my eyesight, physical strength, and mental ability. It is consumed like fuel burning every second.

During the S1 season, even Lin Feng and the others complained endlessly when training for such a small game, and even tried every means to cheat and slip up, which shows how painful this kind of training is.

Therefore, even if the girl at this time is not aware of her physical exertion because she has entered the state of concentration, this problem will only slowly become more apparent in the future...

It is becoming more and more obvious.

It will even have an impact on the player's subsequent operations that cannot be ignored.

"How long do you think Tangtang can last?"

Number Five asked softly.

No. 1 narrowed his eyes slightly and shook his head:

"It's hard to say, anyway... let's watch the four-minute wave first."

The game time at the top of the screen showed at this moment 3 minutes and 59 seconds.

Another beat.

Entering the fourth minute.

In an instant, the system's game difficulty automatically increased again.

The number of gophers appearing at the same time becomes four!

The frequency of occurrence has even increased!

What's more important is that from this moment on, after a single gopher is killed, another gopher will be quickly filled in the Jiugongge underground hole without any pause in the middle. This means that entering If a player at this difficulty level cannot solve four moles at once within 0.3 to 0.5 seconds, then the moles in the hole will continue to pop up crazily and remain at four. superior--

Players will also lose any moment of respite from this moment on!

This is the reason why the difficulty level of 4 minutes can directly eliminate more than 70% to 80% of professional players in the professional e-sports circle.

Because of this difficulty...

It is no longer on the same level as before.

At this moment, the eyes of No. 1, No. 5 and Bullet all suddenly flashed with sharp light, knowing that this would be the biggest test the girl would ever face.

Can you survive it?

The girl in front of the screen of the gopher machine didn't have the time and energy to think about the answer to this kind of question.

Because she has entered a state that seems to be completely isolated from the outside world.

The whole world, the whole field of vision...

Only the nine-grid hole in front of him was left.


When the game time reached the fourth minute and the difficulty of the game suddenly increased exponentially, Tang Bingyao's right hand on the console suddenly moved again.

Snapped! ——

There was a crisp sound of key tapping!

What followed was a rapid tapping sound that was continuous and dense with almost no breaks!

Operation speed that is difficult to detect with the naked eye!

The four gophers that emerged from the nine-square grid hole on the screen were cleared and taken away by the girl in an instant!

Without any pause, four more gophers appeared, but within less than 0.3 seconds, the girl's five fingers on her right hand on the operating table were almost nimble and extremely fast, and she had already completed a new round. mobile tapping——

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Then came a line of crisp movements that played rapidly and crazily!

The time of the game is still moving forward steadily second by second.

But the gopher count in the upper right corner of the screen began to increase crazily at a terrifying speed that made one's scalp numb!

No mistakes or omissions.

No stopping in sight!

At this moment, Bullet, who had been looking dull from the beginning, finally suddenly had a sparkle in his eyes!

Number 5 even shouted in surprise:


The fourth minute difficulty level...

Get through it in one fell swoop!

The update is here. The next chapter will be around nine o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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