
Chapter 1478 The real test

Standing in front of the gopher machine for the third time, Tang Bingyao took a deep breath and put her right hand on the console in front of her again, looking at the three difficulty mode options still displayed in the center of the screen, as well as the options behind the box. The cute and cute gopher popping up from the middle of the nine-grid hole——

The girl pursed her lips.

Trying hard to suppress his nervousness.

But various thoughts couldn't stop coming to mind. The scenes of the first two games just flashed back uncontrollably, the sudden acceleration every thirty seconds to increase the difficulty, and the faster and faster appearance from the Jiugongge underground cave. The gophers came faster and faster, and after 2 minutes, two or three of them appeared at the same time, making people confused...

So difficult——

If you operate it with one hand, just trying to deal with the first two minutes is a little difficult, but after three minutes... dealing with three gophers that appear together at the same time, it is the limit...

As for the difficulty level in the next four minutes.

Four gophers appeared together at the same time.

It's simply not something she can do.

Even though she had tried hard to cheer herself up earlier, the girl still couldn't help but feel afraid and flinched when facing the gopher machine. Her right hand on the operating table could not make up her mind to confirm. Press.

And at this moment, Bullet's somewhat indifferent voice suddenly sounded in her ears, as if without emotion:

"Actually, it's just a very simple little game."

"It's just training people's reactions and hand speed."

"Compared to League of Legends, this is much simpler, but if you feel uncomfortable, try to think that you are controlling the ADC hero and the opponent in the last-hit lane."

"Tell me, what is your usual laning style like?"

Tang Bingyao was stunned when she heard this. She subconsciously wanted to open her mouth, but she didn't know where to start——

Her laning style...

Yes, what is it like? How should I say it?

Not paying much attention to the girl's hesitation, Bullet just nodded slightly, and then asked in a different way: "Or,

What are you thinking about when you're laning? "

After thinking hard, the girl carefully considered her words, and then spoke slowly and hesitantly:

"I...I didn't think too much."

"Just watch and if you get a chance, just go up and fight and get the head."

If anyone else heard the girl's answer at this moment, they might not be able to help but feel speechless——

I really didn’t think too much about this...

To summarize it simply and straightforwardly, the girl's words actually mean "I don't think about anything, I just do it when I get the chance."

It's really quite straightforward.

Bullet nodded after hearing this:

"very good."

"Then, the game in front of you is even simpler than fighting and killing people on the line."

"You don't need to be wary of junglers, because your opponents are only moles, and you don't need to consider whether your opponents have any movement skills to escape, because the only thing these stupid moles have is 'speed', and they don't even have It may be a "counterattack" against you, and the only thing I can do is to run away as fast as possible under your nose. "


Bullet paused when he said this, his tone still calm and casual:

"Actually, the initiative in the entire game is in your hands. Since your enemies cannot pose any 'threat' to you and can only run away, then... there is no need to be nervous."

"All you need to do is one thing -"

"Just don't let your opponent, your 'enemy hero' escape."

Number 1 on the side raised his eyebrows slightly and took the words:

"Speaking of which, Tangtang, you should have encountered a situation before where the jungler's prince EQ flashes you and at the same time taunts you with flash control. As an ADC, it may even be more than that. He may face a big top laner named Stoneman. The flash move is in his hand, and the mid laner Annie's big move is in his hand, all thinking about killing you instantly - if you are targeted like that, can you avoid it? "

Tang Bingyao hesitated for a moment and nodded slowly: "It should be... okay."

Number 1 quickly asked further:


Tang Bingyao was a little confused by the question, and murmured almost subconsciously:

"At once……"

"Just see...and avoid...it will be fine."

Such an answer was almost the same as no answer, but Number 5 next to him heard it and already clapped his hands gently:

"Yes, that's it."

Number 1 had already smiled and made an invitation gesture to Tang Bingyao towards the gopher machine in front of the girl:

"very good."

"Then... just fight like this."

The girl was stunned, and then slowly, her face seemed to show a look of gradual awakening. She nodded subconsciously, turned around and faced the electronic screen game screen of the Gopher Machine again, and placed it on the console. His right hand moved slightly.


She took a gentle breath and closed her eyes.

Open your eyes again.

At this moment, although nothing seemed to have changed, No. 1, No. 5 and Bullet standing aside all narrowed their eyes slightly——

They felt the aura of the girl in front of them...

Already changed.


Accompanied by pleasant and cheerful background music, the third game trial begins.

The first mole quickly poked his head out of the upper right corner of the Jiugongge burrow, and then heard a crisp "pop" sound of pressing the button. The first mole was knocked unconscious instantly and disappeared. The count in the upper right corner of the screen The display jumps from 0 to 1.

Followed by the second head.

The third head.

The fourth head.

The difficulty of the nightmare mode in the first thirty seconds was the same as the previous two games. Although it was fast, it was not so fast that it made people panic. This time, Tang Bingyao in front of the console seemed to become calmer. The first thirty seconds were steady. spend.

Bullet had a noncommittal look on his face, No. 1's lips slightly raised, and No. 5 showed a bit of anticipation.

Starting from the 31st second, the difficulty of the game increases.

Gophers appear faster.

The girl's one-handed operation was still stable, but the crisp and sweet keystrokes became faster and more continuous.

One minute passed steadily.

Let’s raise the difficulty again.

Another thirty seconds passed, and another thirty seconds passed.

Starting from 2 minutes and 01 seconds, the number of gophers appearing in the Jiugongge burrow on the screen changed to two appearing at the same time. Tang Bingyao, who was in the first game, was already in a hurry, but at this moment... the girl Er's eyes were extremely focused and sharp, and the operations in his hands suddenly became faster as the difficulty of the game increased, but he was still stable and never missed a gopher.

No. 5 couldn't help but his eyes lit up slightly:

"This round... there is hope."

With her eyesight, she could naturally tell at a glance that the girl's rhythm in this game was obviously much better than the previous two games.

The corner of No. 1's mouth curled up:


"This girl...is really devoted now."

Only Bullet remained silent, his eyes focused on the girl.

Because at this point, it doesn’t matter.


Three minutes, or even four minutes later...the real test will begin.

The update is here, the fourth update is done. See you tomorrow, friends. Good night. Good night.

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