
Chapter 1480 Six minutes and eight seconds

As a game that purely tests the player's reaction and hand speed, Gopher Machine is indeed very professional in this aspect.

The simple nine-grid burrow gameplay does not seem to have too many complicated things, but this game trial does not require too many complicated processes——

Gophers appear randomly in the nine-grid hole.

The player reacts on the console and taps the corresponding buttons to knock the mole unconscious.

The image information is received by the eyes - transmitted to the brain processing center - and then instructions are sent to the hands - the fingers perform tapping operations.

As the difficulty of the game increases and the number and frequency of gophers increase, the time spent in this entire process must be continuously compressed and shortened. At the beginning, a relatively complete processing response may be possible, but later on... ...It really almost skips the two middle process steps. The movements of the hands must be synchronized the moment the eyes see it.

It is completely operated subconsciously.

And this indeed corresponds to the gameplay of League of Legends. When you are in a laning or team battle operation, various unexpected sudden outbreaks will also never give you any advance reaction time. If you are prepared, you can only make the only response choice in the shortest moment.

As an ADC player, Tang Bingyao has always done this very well in daily rankings or matches.

At this moment——

Standing in front of the Gopher Machine and facing this game trial, the girl seemed to have finally regained her state and feel in Summoner's Rift.

The difficulty suddenly increased as the game entered the fourth minute.

The girl's reaction was almost synchronized and her hand speed exploded!

Keep up steadily without any slowness!

The crackling sound of keystrokes was heard continuously and crisply, and the movement even caused some other customers not far away from the coffee shop to subconsciously listen to it. They looked here with some surprise and stood in front of the gopher machine to concentrate. A girl who is into the game.

Standing next to the girl, the three legendary seniors in the e-sports circle of the previous generation could not help but move slightly.

With wonder.

There is appreciation.

Because just from the girl’s response operations in the first few seconds to the beginning of the fourth minute of the game, one thing can be confirmed——

This difficult level has been successfully passed by the girl relying on strength without any luck.

"Next...it depends on the durability."

Number 1 narrowed his eyes slightly and made a comment.

Number 5 next to him nodded slightly and looked at Tang Bingyao in front of the gopher machine with a bit of expectation in his eyes:

"Tangtang's words..."

"How long can it last?"

As if by coincidence, the key word durability is also mentioned here.

It's just that it is somewhat different from the concept of "durability" that Phoenix mentioned to Lin Feng in Milton Stadium. The durability mentioned by the former is mainly reflected in the condition of a professional e-sports player. Stay stable and play BO3 or even BO5 without much decline in level.

And at this moment, the kind of durability No. 1 was talking about——

Be more specific.

It is also more targeted.

What this is talking about...is the time that the extreme hand speed state can be maintained.

In this hand speed test game of the Gopher Machine, the two levels of difficulty before four minutes and after four minutes are almost two completely different difficulty modes.

If we talk about the difficulty level four minutes ago, a few professional players who can be considered excellent can still get through it with their strength and reaction speed, and maybe even handle it with ease... Then after four minutes, when the difficulty increases to an incredible level, even if No matter how top-notch a strong person is, it is impossible for him to have any remaining strength.

All potential and abilities will be completely squeezed out by the game in this abnormal difficulty mode.

Go all out, tighten all the nerves, grit your teeth and persevere, treating every second of game time as if it is torture.

Even if he is as strong as Bullet, you can still see that in the first four minutes, the one-handed operation of the legend of the previous generation in North America was still indifferent and calm, and his expression remained unchanged. He even had time to chat with the No. 1 next to him with various sarcastic remarks.

But after four minutes, even Bullet had to adopt the most cautious attitude to deal with it. With full firepower, he could not consider the issue of retaining force. He could only rely on his terrifying full-power state to forcefully suppress the rhythm of the game difficulty and save himself. Try to get as much procrastination and persistence time as possible.


Anyone who reaches this difficult stage is trying to hold on.

It's just that a strong person like Bullet relied on his strength to defeat the game.

And most other people -

You must grit your teeth and use your own physical strength and energy to fight off the painful time spent every minute.

But this is actually another test that occurs after the game reaches this difficulty stage - the previous test was the ultimate upper limit of the player's hand speed, and the current test is the player's ability to reach the extreme limit of his own hand speed. How long to hold on.

As mentioned casually by No. 1 earlier, Lin Feng lasted three minutes and forty seconds at this stage. According to the current time of this gopher machine, he lasted until seven minutes and forty seconds.

As for Ah Mo, whose ID is "Si Yan", he was 20 seconds longer than someone else, and he barely managed to hold on for 8 minutes.

It seems to be no less impressive than the 8 minutes and 01 seconds that Bullet did just now.

But of course everyone also knows that Bullet, who just gave a demonstration, still has some strength left. As for the true upper limit of this North American legend of the previous generation, there is no answer yet.

But that's not important either.

Because the current protagonist...

Always the girl in front of the gopher machine.

Time is still passing by second by second.

The crisp sound of keystrokes still sounded continuously from the console. At this time, it could no longer be described as a performance movement, because such a stormy rhythm of operation and tapping was completely devoid of the calmness and elegance of any piano music. Only the purest and most violent murderous aura emitted from the nine-grid button.


Just murderous intent.

The purest and most direct battle between manpower and machine systems!

4 minutes and 05 seconds.

4 minutes and 10 seconds.

4 minutes and 15 seconds.

After just fifteen seconds on this new difficulty level, you can see that the hair on the girl's forehead is completely soaked with sweat at this moment, and she emerges from the cave at an abnormal speed. The countless gophers are so dizzying that your eyes start to sting slightly——

If the difficulty in the first four minutes only caused the player's physical strength to gradually decrease, then starting from fifteen seconds ago, the girl's physical strength consumption rate has almost doubled, which is extremely astonishing.

But she still persisted.

Even though his body was clearly beginning to feel overwhelming fatigue, the fingers on his right hand on the console were already sore, as if they were about to lose control.

The operation is still continuing.

Still trying hard to maintain his extreme hand speed, he kept his eyes wide open and refused to let go of any target that appeared in the Jiugongge underground cave.

I don’t know when No. 1 has arrived at Bullet’s side:

"How was your other apprentice's performance so far?"

Bullet was silent for a moment, then slowly answered:

"6 minutes and 08 seconds."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 12 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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