
Chapter 1359 Fooled once

Although he is now recognized as the strongest top laner in the national server and even the world, if it were several former teammates including Lin Feng and Li Shiyi, they would all know the true and specific situation of Tian Tian——

In fact, this guy is quite timid and a fat man who can't handle pressure.

Even when he first started playing professionally, Tian Tian would be so nervous before every game that he was shaking all over and even couldn't hold the mouse firmly. He had to let several other teammates take turns to rack their brains to find ways to comfort and encourage him.

That's not enough.

In the end, I discovered that only eating can really distract Tian Tian and temporarily let go of the huge tension and pressure of the upcoming game. Only then can he really cheer up or have the courage to go to the competition field after eating. opponent.

People don’t have enough food and don’t have enough energy.

Tian Tian is not full and courageous.

Back then, even when the big guy was eating instant noodles, he had to buy an extra bucket for Fatty to ensure that his team's top laner could play with the stability he deserved.

And this was gradually discovered by the team members, team leaders and coaches after Tian Tian went to the kg club. As a result, the top management specially held a meeting to discuss and finally made a decision - other team members still need to eat before the game. It is under the unified arrangement and control of the club, and as for Tian Tian...

Anyway, as long as you don't get food poisoning, let the rest go.

This also led to an interesting scene that often appeared in the kg team. The night before the game, all the other team members were pitifully eating clear soup and little water around a small table. All the envious and jealous eyes turned to the other table. What they saw Tian Tian was alone, with a shy expression and rather ravenous movements, eating greasy and rich fish and meat...

This was even taken by an e-sports media reporter who was digging up gossip materials and posted it online. At that time, all Chinese server players and netizens on the Internet were completely laughing. People from other Chinese server teams and clubs also commented:

"Kilogram of club funds were all eaten by Enshen alone."

"Eating so much... no wonder one person can hold up the entire kilogram banner."

Of course it's all a joke.

Nowadays, the e-sports industry in the national server is developing better and better. Every team and club has a poor owner, not to mention big fish and meat. For a world-class top laner like Tian Tian, ​​kg will feed him every day. No problem at all.

But that was not the case at all back then——

I was poor back then.

Everyone is poor.

Therefore, meeting Tian Tian, ​​a teammate who was like a bottomless pit of foodies, was a huge headache for the other four members of the team at that time, including Lin Feng.

During the European S1 Finals, Aqiu complained countless times, "Fat man, if you continue to eat like this, you will eat up all our food expenses for the next three days."

Eleven, who was in charge of expense planning at the time, looked at the overrun food bill with a frown on his face.

Ah Mo didn't say much about this, but he couldn't help but worry about reminding the fat man several times, "A Tian, ​​eat less...it's not good for your health to get fatter."

And Lin Feng, who was the captain at the time...

"You just came to me and shouted for help and took away all my pocket money." An Xin glanced sideways at someone in the back seat of the taxi.

Lin Feng looked embarrassed and said haha:

"Oh, you still remember this -"

"It's all over, it's all over~"

It's all over, but now when I recall the past, it's still vivid and clear.

Perhaps it is precisely because I came to this land on the other side of the ocean again that I can't help but be reminded of so many memories of the past.

"Maybe it's because he's old."

Someone sighed.

What she got in return was another eye roll from the girl next to me:

"Don't come here. You're so old that you have the nerve to rely on your elders and show off your skills. Now the people who are working professionally are much older."

This is true.

Although it has always been said that the golden age of professional players is only one or two years, and after reaching the age of 20, the players' various physiological conditions gradually decline. The best age for players is between the ages of seventeen, eighteen and twenty. At the peak of his career as a player, this truth does not seem to be necessarily true now.

Because although new people are constantly emerging in the circle, the old people are far from leaving.

Seven Kings, Four Emperors.

Among the eleven people at the top of the world's e-sports pyramid, only one-third have careers within one or two years, and most of the rest are senior players who have played for at least three seasons, even those in their mid-twenties. There are three or four people over 20 years old - Phoenix, the third among the four emperors, and Autumn, the auxiliary god, are even in their twenties.

"Is f also twenty-two-three?"

An Xin suddenly remembered to ask Lin Feng, and the latter scratched his hair: "It seems he hasn't arrived yet... I remember he is only two years older than me."

Lin Feng himself is only nineteen this year.

So f-Han Shihao, who is recognized as the leader of the Four Emperors, is only in his early twenties now.

"But it feels like it's been a long time..." the girl sighed: "It has been six full seasons from S1 to S6, and I have been with League of Legends almost from the beginning until now."

As she spoke, An Xin glanced at someone next to her and gave her a lesson:

"Look at people."

"I have been playing professionally for six years without interruption. I have still been able to maintain my position at the top of the pyramid. I am much better than you."

Only she could teach Lin Feng such a lesson.

Lin Feng listened and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes...that guy is indeed better than me in this regard."

As he spoke, he clenched his fist again:

"But when I come back next year, I will definitely kill him!"

What he said was extremely heroic.

The next second, a strange sound of "gurgling" was heard. Someone froze in place and stretched out his hand to touch his belly in embarrassment... And the girl who also reacted just now almost burst out laughing. You have to go over it in the back seat of the taxi:

"Okay, I know you're great."

"If you are so ambitious, let's fill up your stomach first~"

The taxi finally stopped at its destination.

This is the Chinatown in the southern part of Manchester's urban area, and it is also the location of the second largest "Chinatown" in the UK.

In recent years, the number of Chinese students who have come to study in the UK has been growing continuously, which has also made Manchester’s Chinatown become more lively and business is extremely prosperous. Basically, Chinese students who cannot get used to Western food in a foreign country will go to Chinatown. Run, not to mention that as this area gradually develops into a Chinese cluster community, it will naturally attract a large number of Chinese in the UK.

After all, this is the only place where everyone speaks the same language, has the same familiar and friendly oriental faces, and can talk about homesickness.

Of course the main thing is convenience.

Chinese supermarkets, various Chinese restaurants, hot pot restaurants, including breakfast shops, barber shops, etc., are almost all available in this Chinatown. In addition, from the boss to the cashiers and waiters, almost all are Chinese, and there is no language communication. Obstacles also seem familiar and familiar...

An Xin told Lin Feng the introductory information about the Chinatown in front of her without changing her expression.

Lin Feng also nodded in admiration and nodded in admiration:

"Baozi, you are really familiar with this place!"

But the next second his attention was attracted by a small shop next to it with an eye-catching light sign. As soon as he saw the Chinese characters on the light sign, he shouted excitedly:

"Oh! Hotpot!"

The next second, the person disappeared from the spot and rushed to the door of the store.

Seeing someone gathering in front of the hot pot restaurant to pull out menus, An Xin patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief:


It’s like I’ve fooled myself a little bit more.

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