
Chapter 1358 Stomach affects the outcome

Because it was still in the morning, early in the morning, shopping malls such as the shopping avenue, King's Street or the-norther-quarter, which are quite well-known in Manchester City, were far from opening their doors, so Lin Feng and An Xin After getting off the bus in the city center, I just strolled around and found a coffee shop along the street.

I found a small round table by the floor-to-ceiling window and sat down, ordered two cappuccinos with the beautiful waiter, and ordered two additional snack cakes, sitting comfortably on the soft chair and admiring the pedestrians on the street The vehicle scenery always has an exotic and relaxed atmosphere.

Elegant light music is played in the coffee house, and the rich aroma of the frothed coffee slowly diffuses in the air. Sunlight pours in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, bringing a relaxing warmth.

Such an atmosphere will make people relax involuntarily.

Not long after sitting in the seat, Lin Feng began to feel drowsy, and his eyelids couldn't stop fighting and getting heavy.

An Xin, who was sitting opposite him, looked at someone with a smile on his chin with one hand:

"What, sleepy?"

Lin Feng braced himself up: "No, I'm in good spirits."

In exchange, the girl gave me an angry look:

"It's obvious that I'm too sleepy, but I have the nerve to quibble."

"Didn't sleep well last night?"

"I slept very deeply..." Someone still honestly admitted: "As soon as I hit the bed, I fell asleep directly, but it feels like I haven't slept enough."

An Xin sighed: "Sure, idiot, you didn't have a good rest on the plane and train all the way here yesterday, and you shouldn't be allowed to stay in the hospital for so long after yesterday, you should go back early Sleep a little longer."

Lin Feng shook his head again and again:

"That won't work."

"If I didn't see you confirm the situation yesterday, then I wouldn't be able to sleep even more."

The tone is extremely serious.

An Xin was startled when he heard that, and then his eyes on Lin Feng became softer, and his voice became softer: "Okay, I know you are worried about me, thank you for your hard work... But since you are so tired, don't go shopping today. , or I'll take you back to the hotel to rest?"

One sentence directly made someone's eyes widen:

"Back to the hotel?"


Someone immediately forcibly regained his energy: "It's hard to come to Manchester City,

How can you spend all your time in the hotel, you must take a good look around! I haven't even visited your school or your place of residence here, okay? No, don't go back! "

When the words "school" and "where to live" were mentioned, a strange light flashed in An Xin's eyes, and then quickly concealed the past and returned to normal. typical:

"What's so good about the school and where you live?"

"It's not like that~"

"It's different, it's different." Lin Feng shook his head again and again: "You have been in Manchester City for half a year, I have to take a good look at how you are doing here."

An Xin was speechless:

"Why, are you here to check your account? You have to be so careful..."

But someone's attitude is still extremely firm: "Anyway, it depends!"

Finally, it seemed that she couldn't resist someone's persistent attitude, and the girl finally chose to compromise and give in: "Okay, okay, I see, I'll take you to see it later, it's still early, first think about where can I go next?"


Lin Feng touched his stomach subconsciously:

"Oh, I'm a little hungry."


After leaving the coffee shop and taking a taxi again, on the way to the next destination, the girl in the back seat of the car couldn't help but complain to someone beside her:

"Really... when I came to England, I still only wanted to eat Chinese food."

"Western food, steak, local cuisine, etc. There are so many other options to consider—"

But someone still seems plausible:

"What's wrong with Chinese food! Chinese food is the most appetizing and delicious!"

After talking for a while, someone suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up again:

"Hey, is there any hot pot here?"

“Hot pot is also available!”

An Xin helped his forehead helplessly: "I really lost to you... What's the difference between this and you in China..."

"Anyway, I'm not used to Western food..." Someone murmured, then glanced at the girl beside him, and added: "And you just finished the operation, steak and the like are not suitable, oh yes, hot pot It's too heavy, so I'll order a lighter one later."

But An Xin was stunned, subconsciously said: "Does this have any effect?"

But Lin Feng was even more puzzled when he heard it:

"Of course, aren't you a gastrointestinal tumor? You still have a weak stomach after the operation..."

The girl froze slightly for a rare moment, as if she suddenly realized that she seemed to have inadvertently said something wrong, met someone's suspicious gaze, but quickly adjusted and returned to normal:

"It's okay~ But listen to you, then eat lightly."

As she spoke, she quickly changed the subject again:

"But speaking of it, when you came to England that year, you enjoyed eating Western food, didn't you?"

Lin Feng didn't go to the bottom of the question, he was easily distracted by the topic without any precautions, and scratched his hair when he heard it:

"Oh...it was okay that time."

"But it was poor at the time, and I could only stay in hotels and eat instant noodles. It's rare that I have a little money. Everyone pooled some money and went to a restaurant to have a good time. It doesn't matter whether it's Western food or Chinese food, it's better than instant noodles. .”

What the two of them are talking about here is naturally the experience of the team who came to the UK to participate in the finals during the s1 season.

Indeed, it was really poor at that time.

Eating instant noodles every day... the money for the next restaurant is all hard-earned, in order to have a good meal before the game to boost morale and at the same time raise enough energy to be able to perform better in the game, anyway, in Lin Feng's impression At that time, the first western food in the UK was devoured by all the big guys. Compared with the monotonous taste of Wannian instant noodles, the delicacy of western steak and spaghetti really moved them so much that they were almost as indifferent full face.


"It ended up ruining my stomach."

Someone scratched his hair again in embarrassment.

This is really an embarrassing thing, but the fact is that after the big meal before the game, they went back to the hotel to rest and sleep. That night, he, Fatty, Amo Aqiu, and Shiyi almost all went to the toilet with stomachache I ran back and forth countless times, and when I woke up the next morning, everyone was pale and weak.

An Xin curled her lips: "Isn't that so... I even startled Brother Chu, Miss Xiao Wu, and Senior No. 1, thinking that something is wrong with you."

Someone coughed twice involuntarily:

"Ahem... But luckily we won the game anyway."

It's also really not easy.

The five of them who were in the same state on the second day at that time forced their spirits to overthrow the opponent's European and American teams.

Otherwise... because of a big meal, the trip to the finals was ruined early, and it is estimated that this will become the biggest joke of the year in the entire professional e-sports circle.

Speaking of which, their incident also became a lesson for the domestic professional e-sports circle.

Each team club has made strict arrangements for their team members:

Excessive eating is strictly prohibited before the game.

Of course, Tian Tian of the kg team is a special case - this is a strange thing that everyone knows that the more he eats before the game, the better he will perform in the game the next day.

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