
Chapter 1360 Proposal

The long distance of thousands of miles and the absence of relatives and friends will always make people feel homesick in a foreign country.

At this time, being able to eat food with the flavor of home is the best spiritual and physical comfort.

"That's right..."

"But, how many days have you been in the UK?"

In a hot pot restaurant in Chinatown, the atmosphere is lively and noisy, and the hall is a festive red. Almost every table is full of customers who are familiar Chinese and oriental faces, and they are also mainly young students. An Xin, who is sitting at a square table in the corner, glanced at someone opposite.

That's right.

After all, they have been abroad for half a year or a year, so they have the so-called homesickness and hope to eat the food of their hometown.

How long have you been here?

Can't stand it on the first day?

But Lin Feng still argued: "Anyway, nothing is as delicious as hot pot!"

It was over in one sentence.

After saying that, someone raised his hand to call the waiter, took the menu and started to order with great interest. Speaking of which, even when he was in China a few days ago, he didn't have time to eat a good meal. After all, his mind and energy were all focused on the Jin Ge Cup and the three-team training camp. In addition, he had been worried about the situation in Manchester City before... Someone felt that he was just missing a scale. He had not taken good care of his diet recently and probably lost a lot of weight.

An Xin poured cold water on the other side:

"If you eat more, be careful not to eat too much like Ah Tian."

What does Lin Feng look like at 200 kilograms?

Anyway, at this moment, someone didn't care about this possible future at all. He completely ignored the words of the girl opposite him and started to order dishes. He took care of the girl's health so he ordered a shabu-shabu pot, and other vegetables and fish...

The waiter left with the menu.

Then they had to wait a while before the food could be served. While waiting, Lin Feng looked around and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Oh, there are so many people here." "Hey, it seems that there are not only Chinese people, but also many foreigners." An Xin, who was sitting opposite, also looked around and nodded: "Well, Chinatown is very lively, and Chinese food and hot pot have become more and more popular in the UK in recent years-" The two were chatting casually when they heard a cry from another table not far away: "Wow, the LPL team seems to have set off tonight in China." "It's early morning here, right?" "It's 12 hours of flying here, so they won't arrive until tomorrow at noon, and they have to adjust to the time difference..."

"It's okay, they came here a day or two early, so they can take a good rest and adjust their condition before the finals start."

"This year... I hope it's better!"

The voice was vaguely heard in the noisy atmosphere of the hall, but words like "lpl" and "finals" could still be clearly captured and heard. Lin Feng looked back:

"Hey, it's a player from the national server."

The table where the voice came from was sitting with several boys and girls who looked like college students. After eating hot pot, they were resting and chatting enthusiastically while holding their mobile phones.

Someone touched his chin:

"So the time is advanced..."

"Originally, I thought they would leave tomorrow morning in China."

The training camp played in Shanghai for three days.

It was supposed to end last night, and according to the original planned itinerary, the players of the three clubs of the national server lpl should have rested for another day today and set off for Manchester City, England early tomorrow morning.

But now it seems that the formation has been changed and the time is advanced by half a day.

"It's better to come earlier."

An Xin agreed: "What the people at the next table said is right. If you come earlier, you will have more time to adjust to the time difference. After all, even if it is the group stage, it is still very dangerous if you can't adjust to the best state."

Lin Feng thought about it and nodded:

"That makes sense."

"This year's group stage will probably be more fierce than in previous years..."

Although the three teams in their national server lpl division are in unprecedented good shape this year, the teams that qualify in other divisions this season are also stronger than in previous years.

In previous years...

They are nothing more than the old teams, old faces and old opponents in each division.

But this year, let alone other things, there are already many new players in North America, Europe and South Korea. What about North America, Europe's Nate, they are almost qualified to directly impact the seven kings, not to mention South Korea, which has always suddenly appeared in the finals every year. Top new players that shocked the world.

In addition to these newcomers, the veterans in this year's finals are also terrifyingly strong.

More importantly, there are too many of them.

The so-called "Four Emperors" and "Seven Kings", although there are only a few people standing at the top of the pyramid with the title of "Emperor", but in the ranks of the "Seven Kings", there have actually been several rounds of silent replacements over the past few seasons.

The newly promoted Seven Kings are like Tian Tian in last season.

But the old Seven Kings...

Even if they are pushed down by the latecomers, they are still absolutely not to be underestimated by anyone.

Therefore, some people on the Internet have lamented before that if we continue to play this season after season, it is estimated that the past and current Seven Kings will fight more and more, and the number of new and old top players will be so large that the entire finals field will be crowded. .

Of course, it's not that exaggerated right now.

But in this year's s6 finals, a rough count can already count eight or nine seven-king level experts, and there are even a few who are slightly closer but have reached the threshold of seven kings.

Quite lively.

This year's finals are destined to be extremely intense and exciting starting from the first round of group points matches.

But it is also destined that this year will never be easy for any team in any division from the beginning.

If the LPL division wants to find a way out, it really must not relax at any time.

You must adjust your condition to the best possible condition.

Several students at the next table seemed to have almost rested after finishing the hot pot, and were about to pay the bill and leave, but suddenly a girl made a suggestion:

“Hey, there’s no class in the afternoon anyway, why don’t you go to the Internet cafe and sit in the black queue?”

Such a suggestion immediately made the eyes of the other companions next to the girl light up:

"What a great idea!"

"There are two Internet cafes next door that can be opened."

"The delay in the Chinese server is a bit high and I think it won't be comfortable to play. Let's start in the fifth row of the European server!"

There was an enthusiastic response.

An Xin, who was sitting at the table in the corner, could not help but light up when she heard the voice over there: "Hey, there is an Internet cafe next door, how about we go and have fun later?"

"Ah?" Lin Feng was stunned for a moment and then realized: "But didn't I say I was going to visit your school and the place where you live this afternoon..."

An Xin shook her head repeatedly: "If there's anything good to see in school, you can go there anytime."

Someone muttered: "You can go to Internet cafes at any time..."

The girl raised her eyebrows and looked at someone: "Why, are you afraid that you will be embarrassed by going to an Internet cafe if you are not in good condition?"

A very obvious and superficial provocation.

So someone was perfected and was about to succeed. He immediately slapped the table and stood up suddenly:


"I'll show you how strong I am now!"

The tone was impassioned.

The result was another look from the girl: "Idiot... finish the hot pot first."

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