
Chapter 1252 Turtle Tactics

Originally, when Fan Mom was selected as a mid laner, she possessed an extremely strong team protection ability in the middle and even late team battles. In this round, although Fan Mom, the mid laner of the purple team, did not get What kind of head can also be regarded as a smooth development.


If it is compared with the heroes of the opponent's blue team in several positions except Wei En, Fan Mom's development will be even more significant.

This has become a huge problem that the Shangcai team will face first.

Because if you want to talk about the ability of the lineup to start a team first, there is no doubt that the lineup of the blue Fang Shangcai team with heroes such as Prince, Rambo, and Japanese women is stronger and more proactive.

And they really have to make the first move, otherwise, if they are caught by the opposing mouse or praying mantis, they won't be able to fight.

But now the first problem facing us is——

They cut in first, and the damage was not enough.

Rambo, the top laner, is of course able to connect and cooperate with Japanese women and princes to form a combo of skills, and in the early and mid-stage stage, Rambo's big move "Constant Temperature Burning" could have dealt considerable AOE damage in team battles.

But there is a fan mother on the opposite side.

And she is a mid-lane fan mother who developed very smoothly.

This makes Rambo, the top laner on the blue side, almost instantly be attacked by the opponent.

Your Lambo drives big.

Even if it is too big, but my mid laner fan mom directly backhanded and instantly opened the RE second company to bless the whole shield, which can almost easily give the AOE group damage of your Rambo ult to perfection. The shield value is fully digested and absorbed.

It's almost painless, at most it breaks the shield and hurts a little bit of blood.

But that immediately negates Rambo's ult.

And this one can already see that the mid-laner fan mother on the side of the purple side made CD shoes. It is a half-CD and half-meat production route. In a wave of team battles, it can be opened three or four times. Shield, but at least two solid RE second companies can definitely be released.

This made the blue team's already slightly insufficient damage output capability once again greatly reduced.

The power is greatly reduced.

And just a fan mother can already make the lineup of the blue Fang Shangcai team stretched for burst damage, so let alone there are heroes like Shen and Fengnv on the opposite side——


"It can't kill people at all."

On the other side of the Shangcai e-sports club in the front row of the spectator seats, Deng Zhe, the vice president, frowned tightly.

The lineup of the purple side on the opposite side...is indeed a good choice, especially in the case of an advantageous rhythm, it can give full play to the effect of this lineup.

There is more than one point of protection.

At the same time, there is no shortage of burst damage and harvesting ability.

Can play first.

Can also play backhand.

It's almost flawless.

In other words, after analysis, in the current time period or at least five to ten minutes in the future, the blue team Shangcai team can't find the capital to fight the opponent head-on. They are a lineup that is as tight as an iron barrel, seamless and nothing to do.

Qiu Le jumped anxiously when he heard it from the side: "Then don't be confrontational, look for an opportunity to kill one alone first, first reduce the opponent's staff and then look for an opportunity to form a group!"

Deng Zhe shook his head helplessly: "It's not that easy..."

And Feng Tao was even more angry and gave Qiu Le a blank look: "You just thought of catching orders, didn't the other side think of it? The mice and praying mantises are not strong enough to sneak attack and catch orders?"

Qiu Le choked when he was told, but still couldn't help muttering:

"Then what should I do?"

"Just keep shrinking like this, and the snowball rolls easily when the other side takes up all the resources, or our side will collapse naturally—"


But even so, it seems that the only option left to the blue team on the field is still the only way to retreat and passive defense.

In fact, people like Lu Ze, Sun Ming, and even Dou Zi on the Shangcai team have never thought about taking the initiative to find opportunities, but whenever such a proposal is made on the voice channel of their team, But they were directly rejected by someone without hesitation:

"Do not hit."

"Let them take the resources, and drag them first."

In a few words, the blue team's decision to continue to maintain a defensive posture was finalized.

Even if Sun Ming and Lu Ze were not reconciled, they had no choice but to obey the arrangement, while Dou Zi relatively thought more, and would have more doubts in his heart——


How long will it take.

What are you procrastinating for?

Lin Feng did not directly and clearly give a positive answer to this, but when he finished collecting a wave of soldiers in the bottom lane and returned to the city to open an equipment store at the spring water point in the base, he had already combined the equipment in the equipment column calmly. There was a yellow fork.

On the hero attribute panel, Vayne's crit rate has quietly increased to 70%.

Almost ready.

But, it's still a little bit worse.

The economy is still about 1,500.


In fact, at this time, for the members of the upper and foreign teams on the side of the purple army on the field, it was also quite a headache to encounter the opponent blue army who was so determined that they were completely messed up and couldn't defend their tactics.

"Grass, why are you so cowardly on the other side?"

The mantis players in the jungle couldn't help complaining at this time.

But at this time, if the blue hero on the opposite side is a little bolder and dares to push the three-lane pawn line out more, or if the C-position mid laner or AD is greedy for an extra buff monster, his Kha'Zix can More chances to find gank targets and get kills.

But now—

The opposite is really cowardly!

The line of soldiers will never easily take out the edge of the range of the three-way defense tower.

After clearing the line of troops under the tower, turn around and retreat directly, or just stay under the tower and refuse to go out.

Even the red and blue buff wild monsters in the wild are refreshed, like Vayne and cards, they don't seem to have the slightest intention to take them, so they just give up.

In the situation where the blue army is so ambiguously retreating, although the purple team seems to be occupying and searching the opponent's various resources and occupying all kinds of terrain vision with ease, the superiority snowball is also steadily increasing. big roll...

But from the beginning to the end, the Shangwai team really couldn't find an opportunity to start a wave of big-tempo team battles.

Can't catch anyone.

There is no way to get a kill, and it is impossible to achieve the level that a wave of team battles destroys the opponent and instantly seals the victory.

It can only slowly erode the opponent's economy in this way, but the explosive power of their own lineup in the mid-term team battle stage has no room for further demonstration.

If it weren't for the rules of the game, the members of the Shangwai team who were playing a bit awkwardly would even want to open a public chat channel and send a message to the other side to taunt:

"Didn't the previous fight be awesome, you guys?"

"Why are you so cowardly now?"

"You can't grow a little bit, come out and play a group!"

"Okay." At this time, Zou Siyuan, the captain, finally interrupted the dissatisfaction of several other members of the team with a cold snort: "What's the hurry, isn't our advantage right now? The other side is not in a hurry, let's accompany them slowly." Just play slowly."

For him, such a situation allows him to enjoy it quite a bit.

In stark contrast to the previous round, watching the opponent's blue army under their oppression, which can only passively retreat in defense and even dare not show a little bit, will bring him a great relief. The vicious pleasure of--


Just continue to coax in front of everyone!

He wasn't in a hurry...he wanted to slowly and little by little torture and humiliate the other party to the extreme.

not to mention--

Do you really think cowardice is useful?

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The update is here, the next chapter should be around nine o'clock, get out and continue coding.

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