
Chapter 1002 side 51

Indeed, apart from dealing with someone's ADC Vayne in the bottom lane, then the purple team's layout and handling in any other aspect of this game is absolutely perfect.

Even in someone's bot lane, the combination of ADC Vayne and auxiliary Japanese girl actually didn't get much advantage in the early stage, and Vayne's few kills were purely due to someone's personal strength. Shengsheng snatched food from the opponent like a tiger's mouth.

Not to mention the other roads including wild areas——

In the top lane, Rambo's development level economy was suppressed by his opponent Shen. Now let Shen start a solo belt. Rambo's side is difficult to defend and can only be suppressed under the tower. There may be a chance of being solo killed by Shen in a head-to-head fight. risk.

In the mid laner, the card has almost never had a chance to make a move from the beginning to the end, which means that most of its role has been abolished.


The prince will not be too embarrassed, but compared with the opponent's mantis Kazik, it is definitely the latter who has achieved more significant results in various roaming ganks in the early and mid-term.

Even now that the game is gradually entering the mid-term stage, the purple side's foreign team, which has entered its own strong rhythm, is still playing very well. They are not eager to try to force the team, but are constantly searching and occupying various jungle resources. Come to snowball a big advantage, and at the same time, control the rhythm of tower pushing is even better.

Looking at the small map at this moment, the Shangcai team of the blue army on the field has already pushed 4 defensive towers in a row, and the field of vision and development space have been compressed extremely passively.

As the opponent, the purple side, the Shangwai team only lost an outer tower in the bottom lane.

Almost unaffected.

More importantly, although the opponent's ADC Vayne has been developing, the AC Mouse Tuqi on the purple side has not slowed down his last attack and development rhythm.

Although slightly inferior to Vayne, there was hardly any significant difference.

at this point--

Compared with the top game situation, it is simply a world of difference.

"And when the second little dragon is refreshed, it is estimated that it will be taken away by Shangwai again."

Xifeng on the commentary seat looked at the small map and the time count of Xiaolong's refresh: "In this time period... if you fight hard in the wild, the Shangcai team will not dare to take risks at all.


Only by guarding under your own defense tower can you ensure safety as much as possible.

Otherwise, once you go out... Of course, it can be said that in the case of a frontal team battle, the combo of the prince's ultimate move with Rambo and the Japanese woman can exert great power, but don't forget the two points of the opponent's jungle mantis and ADC mouse. It wasn't originally a frontal encounter with you.

Just grab your chance to ignore the flaw.

Straight up the sneak attack.

No matter if the mantis is the first one, or the mouse unleashes a wave of perfect big moves to reap the harvest, what the blue Shangcai team will face will definitely end in an instant explosion and collapse.

"But the second one is still a fire dragon—"

Mo Sheng's good-looking Liu Mei could not help but wrinkle because of worry: "In the early stage, there was one earth and one fire. This is really bad news for the Shangcai team."

Originally, if the blue army dragged down to the mid-to-late stage under normal circumstances, it would slowly regain its strength in the first battle, but once the opponents took the key dragons in succession, then even in the mid-to-late stage, facing The opponents with superimposed buffs of several fire dragons and earth dragons are still quite difficult for the Shangcai team.

It means that this fire dragon will hurt very much.

But if you don't let it, you have to venture out of the tower to the wild to face the opponent's possible sneak attack at any time.

It's almost a dilemma.


"Give it up."

In the end, it was Lin Feng's words that directly finalized the result, "helping" solve the dilemma of riding a tiger.

Yes, even a dragon.

Also let it go.

Compared to the other teammates beside him who chose to nod for reconsideration but were still not reconciled, Lin Feng at this moment seemed extremely calm and relaxed.

Now that he has made up his mind that this move is to follow Xiao Wu's style of play...then it has to be done more purely and thoroughly.

Opportunities are not left to opponents at all.

Don't take any risks.

Even if this will make the opponent snowball the advantage a little bit, but at least... it won't be the case of being knocked down by the opponent early.

Of course, if they really give up all kinds of resources to their opponents endlessly, they will naturally collapse in the end, but for Lin Feng, he doesn't worry about this at all.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the snowball is rolling across the street.

But in fact, very few people noticed that even his teammates in several other positions seem to be under pressure and development is extremely bleak now, but his ADC Vayne...is also snowballing.

The Infinity Blade has just been made.

Not counting the attack speed shoes, now it is a two-piece set of electric knife and endless, and just bought a new pair of fighting gloves and an attack speed dagger...

Attack speed up.

More importantly, the crit rate is also slowly rising.

Now, it's 60%.

Someone looking at his equipment bar and hero attribute panel slightly raised his eyebrows. In fact, more than half of it has been formed. At this time, Wei En's normal participation in team battles can already exert enough combat power, but... if it is to deal with the current battle situation, then Just not enough.

This time it is true that his Vayne is much more difficult to join the team than the opponent's ADC Mouse.

I can only rely on myself.

And if teammates can't provide enough suitable output environment for his ADC, then this way his Vayne itself can't take a regular path of stable and continuous output.

To put it bluntly, in fact, it should be somewhat similar to the mouse on the opposite side.

it's all...

Relying on a wave of shots, the victory can be sealed in an instant.

It sounds a little unrealistic. You, Wei En, don't use a big move like other mice that can kill a lot of people in a few seconds. Where did you get the way to seal the victory in an instant?

But at this moment, someone still seemed calm and calm.


The truth is that's right.

However, while many people are subconsciously exalting the incomprehensible strength of the ADC mouse in the opposing lineup... they ignore a problem.

That is the lineup of the purple side on the opposite side, which also has a flaw.


Maybe it really just happens to be a flaw that only his ADC Vayne can catch.


The game time slowly came to the early nineteen minutes.

The second refreshed fire dragon was finally acquired by the purple team's Shangwai team. At the same time, looking at the overall economic situation of the blue and purple armies on the field, the blue team's Shangwai team has been pulled away by the opponent by more than 4,000. economic disparity.

And this is the case when someone's ADC Vayne is ahead of most of the opponent's purple heroes.

That is to say, apart from Vayne, the heroes in the other four positions of the blue army lag behind the opponent by at least half a large piece of equipment on average.

"The only thing to be thankful for may be that although the Shangcai team is a little behind economically, at least the level has not been stretched too obviously."

Xifeng on the commentary seat helped the Shangcai team on the blue side to speak.


The difference is mainly due to the gap between the teams created by the economy of various defensive towers. In terms of making up and clearing the jungle, the players on both sides are almost the same.

Mo Sheng frowned tightly:

"But... that's not enough."

"Originally, the mouse on the opposite side is the most important thing to be solved, but now the blue team's princes, cards, and Rambo are not developed enough. On the opposite side, there are mid-lane fan moms, auxiliary wind girls, and Shen. Next... it is impossible to kill the rats with a frontal attack."

"Even if it's a set fire, the lineup of the purple side can give the shield milk blood, and it can keep the mouse steadily."

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The update is here, there are only two chapters today, and the third update should be restored tomorrow.

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