
Chapter 1250 The Rhythm of Shangwai

"What are you doing!?"

"I said you just got a little more stable and you still stand so far ahead!?"

"Don't you know that the Japanese girl on the other side opened her big move as soon as she said it? You!?"

In front of the middle lane is his own jungler Mantis who got a wave of double kills, but the players of the Shangwai team hadn't had time to be happy for a long time, and now their captain Zou Siyuan was furious and confronted his support Fengnv. A slap in the face.

And the supporting Fengnv team members were scolded so badly that they couldn't lift their heads at all and could only admit their mistakes again and again, feeling even more miserable.

This wave...

Can't really blame him at all.

In fact, when the opposite side assisted the Japanese woman to move forward, he himself was already a little vigilant, and was ready to retreat immediately, so the opponent's Japanese woman's big move "Sun Flare" was not completely dizzy. Xuan controlled him, only slowing down a little.

In the end, it was still cut by the E skill of the opponent's backhand.

Followed by the Q skill "Shield of Dawn" stun.

Then Wei En drove up, and gave an E skill "Demon Judgment" to repel the nail wall.

He was charged abruptly for two or three seconds.

Then, before he even had time to get rid of the control and hand over any skills, the blood volume of the blood bar above Janna's head evaporated out of thin air in the blink of an eye.

Two-thirds of the blood bar.

Clear it to zero directly.

Originally, I thought that the combination of the opposite Japanese girl Gavin's damage burst ability should be weaker than the previous combination of Obama and Bron, but who knew that after they changed the lineup...it was still so terrifying! ?

At this time, Zou Siyuan also calmed down his anger a little bit and calmed down a little bit. Thinking of the scene where the other side forced him for no reason just now, he also had lingering fears and his eyelids twitched——

This made him feel like reliving the nightmare of the last one.


His mouse couldn't rescue him at all, and the control on the opposite side was too fast to pick up the burst second person, and he could only watch his auxiliary Fengnv being forcibly killed and taken away.

Indeed, one should be more careful.

After all, my top laner and jungler have all gone to the middle lane... In the 2V2 situation, the opponent can really open it just by saying it.


"Forget it." Zou Siyuan snorted coldly, looked at Wei En and Fengnv who had already brought a large wave of troops to the outer tower of his home not far away with a gloomy face: "Let him get some money... It won't affect the overall situation!"


"It's really purely based on personal strength—"

Xifeng on the commentary seat was filled with emotion.

This is not the first time.

From the first wave of bot lane kills to get first blood, then to the previous Wei En bot lane double kills, and now this wave of strong kills of Fengnv, in fact, every time is not an ideal timing and there is no Any foreign aid or help, but someone's ADC Wayne is able to find his own development rhythm and opportunities in this situation where the team as a whole is at a passive disadvantage.

This really cannot be analyzed and explained by any other reason, there is only one answer——

personal strength.

"If it were any other player, it would be almost impossible for Wei En to get the headshot so smoothly these few times."

Mo Sheng also sighed sincerely in the same tone.

These words fell into the ears of the audience in the audience, and even the members of other college teams couldn't help but subconsciously nodded in agreement.

Nothing to admit.

Speaking of personal strength...

Compared with someone on stage, they are indeed far behind.

That is to say, the blue team's ADC Vayne is operated by the great master Lin Feng, otherwise the blue team's army would have been completely crushed at this moment, how could it at least keep the development of the road like it is now? ?

"But looking at it now—"

Xifeng's conversation suddenly changed: "Vayne's development with human heads like this... still has little impact on the current overall battle situation."

Next to her, Mo Sheng gave a "hmm", and her expression became a little more serious again:

"The rhythm is still on the purple side."

"Even if Wei En gets a few kills...but if the purple side's Shangwai team just finds a wave of opportunities, they can still quickly push the blue side's Shangcai team into a dangerous situation."

Because to put it bluntly...

With the current rhythm, it seems that Wei En is relying on her own personal strength to cooperate with the Japanese girl to constantly change heads with her opponent.

You kill people in the middle of the road.

I also kill people in return.

But this situation is only because everyone is still in a relatively stable three-way laning period, and it can even be said that it is only because the opponent purple team's Shangwai team has not really decided to start a frontal team.

When there is no team battle, Vayne can handle 2V2 or small-scale battles in the bottom lane.

But once the team battle started——

It has been analyzed before, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that even if Wei En is well developed, entering a team battle can play 60 to 70% of the level that appeared in the laning stage and deal 60 to 70% of the damage. Thank goodness for that.

"In other words, if we can continue to maintain the current rhythm, the blue side will definitely be happy to see it."

"It's really a chance to drag it to the later stage."

Said West Wind paused, then shook his head again:

"But the opponent's purple side...it's impossible for the Shangcai team to easily get what they want."


"It's definitely time to really start hugging."


The game time came to around the 17th minute.

Accompanied by the reminder from the female voice of the system came from the direction of the river in the upper half of the wild area, the purple team's Shangwai team successfully killed the canyon vanguard.

This news also made many spectators in the spectator seats under the stage couldn't help being awed:

This pioneer takes...

The purple army now has a new means of pushing towers.

In the front, maybe because the mouse is not long enough, it is not easy to huddle up to demolish the tower directly, but once the Canyon Herald is released, it can almost push down at least one defensive tower steadily.

This is indeed the case.

After winning the canyon vanguard, several heroes from the purple side of the army began to quickly gather towards the middle of Summoner's canyon.

The lead line began to press in the direction of the second tower in the middle of the opponent's blue side.

The jungle mantis summons the canyon vanguard and releases it directly.

Several heroes from the blue Shangcai team also quickly supported and rushed back to the second tower in the middle to prepare to return to defense, but the canyon vanguard directly hit the head and instantly dropped the health of the defensive tower with two-thirds of its remaining health. less than one-third.

The mouse quickly moved forward.

Under the protection of several other teammates, he quickly leveled the tower at point A, and within a few strokes, he flattened and demolished the second defensive tower in the opponent's middle lane.

Amidst the rumbling sound, the defense tower collapsed into ruins.

Several heroes on the blue side could only retreat to the high ground. Fortunately, the canyon pioneer was used by the opponent to tear down his second tower, and it was difficult to gain further gains, and was quickly killed by the blue side.

"But a second tower is already very profitable."

On the side of the Shangcai E-sports Club in the front row of the spectator seats, everyone couldn't help but feel worried.

The second tower in the middle road was destroyed.

This time, the field of vision and development space of the entire map are suddenly compressed again, and more importantly, their blue army will lose most of their dominance and control over the upper and lower wild areas, and even the next The competition for Xiaolong and Dalong...are destined to fall into great passiveness.

Even the veteran jungler of Tongji and Qiu Yijie of the Fudan team couldn't help nodding slightly at this moment:

"It's really good to play Shangwai."

"The rhythm is controlled...very stable."

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The update is here, the next chapter will be around nine o'clock, get out and continue coding.

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