
Chapter 1253 What to do

The rhythm of the game seemed to be slowed down to an unbearable level because of the blue team Shangcai's defensive tactics of guarding against death and never going out.

Although the purple team on the field has just smashed the opponent's second tower in the middle and took down the fire dragon, which can be regarded as snowballing a big advantage smoothly and smoothly, after all, after careful calculation, there are already several In 10 minutes, there has never been a head burst on the court.

Not even a small-scale trial battle happened.

Just look at the three lanes, including the wild area, where the blue army has fully retreated, staying under the defense tower to clear the line of soldiers, and then go back to the city when the wards are used up.


It makes the game look a bit boring in the middle stage.

It also naturally made many audience members feel dissatisfied to a certain extent.

As a result, some viewers began to complain and complain about the blue team's Shangcai team. Some viewers who were originally neutral came to watch the game today not to support which team, but just to see enough exciting duels. The previous Shangcai team brought them a hearty feast of massacre and crushing, and they cheered for Shangcai team——

And now.

It was these audiences who first began to have strong dissatisfaction with the Shangcai team, and many voices were also uploaded from the audience seats:

"What's the matter, what's the point of procrastinating like this."

"How could anyone be so cowardly? Go out and find an opportunity to fight with the opponent!"

"I've been cowarding the tower and can't win. Have you already given up and let the opponent be so brainless?"

"This is still a ghost!"

And even some viewers who originally supported the Shangcai team found it difficult to find room to speak for the former at this time, because even they couldn't help feeling that such shrinking was meaningless——

It's okay for you to procrastinate, but at least it makes people think that your procrastination has something to look forward to.

If it drags on like this...can it be turned around?

The purple army on the opposite side now has a snowball advantage, and you dragged it so far that the development of others has no solution. Where are you looking for?

Instead of this -

It's true that it's better to take the initiative and forcefully gamble once, right?

Even on the front row of the spectator seats at the home base of Shangcai E-sports Club,

There were also some members who couldn't help whispering in low voices, thinking that the way several members of their own team handled the battle situation was unreasonable.

One of the members inadvertently complained a little:

"This one would be fine if the ADC didn't take Vayne."

"Choose someone else who is stronger."

When I said this, Qiu Le who was next to me immediately stared at me: "Hey, what are you talking about, can this be blamed on Fengzi? Don't you take a look at this weapon? If it wasn't for Fengzi's next laner, Wei En took it very well." With so many heads, the situation should have collapsed even more!"

The members who had accidentally leaked their true thoughts before could not help shrinking their heads, but still weakly argued for themselves:

"No, I didn't say he didn't play well."

"It's just that the choice of this hero is inappropriate--in this situation, what's the use of Wei En taking the head, there is no way to carry."

Some other members of the club also rushed over to persuade the two of them, but even so, in fact, there are indeed many people in the e-sports club at the moment who have the same thoughts in their hearts.


They're not saying it's playing someone's ADC badly.

In fact, it was precisely because they placed their highest hopes on someone, thinking that the key to the outcome of this game should fall on someone, that they were dissatisfied with the choice of ADC Vayne in this move.

Really, why take Vayne...

Even if Obama and Delevingne are banned, can there still be a lot of ADC heroes such as the policewoman, Verus, and EZ to choose from? Very good hard group control, EZ is also flexible enough, or Jinx can find a better output or harvesting environment than Vayne in team battles——

But Wei En was chosen.


"Indeed, it's a little embarrassing."

Mo Sheng in the commentary seat couldn't help shaking her head slightly at this time, giving such an evaluation regrettably and tactfully.

Because even from a personal point of view, she has absolute optimism and trust in someone's strength, but her professionalism as a professional commentator still makes her face the current situation of the game. In terms of the situation faced by the blue team, it is really not very ideal.

Even if you Wei En took the head, it would look a bit tasteless.

Because it is really difficult to convert the kills and supplement economy you get into the contribution of the team to the situation.

Many times in the professional arena, everyone will look forward to the appearance of an ADC hero with a control type like Vayne, because it seems to bring more exciting highlights to the game, but in fact, almost most professional teams can easily Don't dare to take Vayne casually, because this hero is indeed vulnerable to great restrictions——

For example right now.

A night hunter who is strong in laning, but unable to make sufficient contributions in team battles...

In truth, what use could it be?

Xifeng also frowned and looked at the equipment column of the blue ADC Wei En on the big screen to watch the OB: "The production route of the crit style shows that Lin Feng should have realized that it is very difficult for him to find him. The environment has sustained and stable output damage, but even if it is a crit-like equipment, can it improve the current problem?"

Because even in the LPL events of the national server a while ago, Wei En didn't appear many times, let alone the crit style Wei En has never shown her style in the professional arena, which makes it difficult to find a suitable enough player. Examples that support the rationality of this build route.

At most, passers-by will use it, or the anchor will play abusive food during the live broadcast.

But now this is not abuse.

On the contrary, Wei En's blue side is at a huge passive disadvantage.

so what should I do now?


At this moment, Zou Siyuan actually didn't care about what his opponent would do, because he was more and more sure that the opponent would not be able to find any other way to deal with it.

I can only shrink back like I am now, holding on for time.

But is it useful to procrastinate?

There is no turning point——

In front of the computer screen, Zou Siyuan finally showed a ferocious and pleasant smile on his face again, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth became more and more cruel.

The mood...is becoming more and more cheerful unstoppably.

Simply hearty.

While the mouse and keyboard were moving quickly and tapping, Mouse Tucci's figure once again turned on the "lurking" of the Q skill, submerged in the shadows and darkness, and moved towards a selected target direction.

The game time is just over 20 minutes.

Summoner's Canyon was on the road, and the kill announcement of the female voice of the system suddenly came again after a long time:


"Double Kill!—"

for a while.

The entire competition venue was boiling and alarmed!

The members of the Shangwai E-sports club in the back row of the spectator seats were almost ecstatic and screamed and cheered!

At the same time, the faces of the Shangcai e-sports club in the front row, including Qiu Le, Feng Tao, Shen Zhuang, Deng Zhe as the vice president, and all the other Shangcai club members suddenly turned pale!

Summoner's Canyon is on the road, and the blue side defends in front of the second tower.

The bodies of the two heroes, Card Master and Rambo, turned into icy corpses at some point, and fell slumped on the ground in front of the tower.

not far away.

It was Tucci, the source of the plague, who quickly fired Q again amidst the ear-piercing laughter and retreated into the air.

Rat double kill!

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The update is here, some work needs to be dealt with first, so the third update will be very late. I suggest everyone wake up tomorrow morning and watch it again.

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