
Chapter 1237 Going abroad to win?

If it is sad and regrettable that this wave of prince’s wandering gank in the middle lane was counter-killed, then the system female voice kill announcement suddenly coming from the lower lane of Summoner’s Canyon was like a thunderclap, which almost knocked the Shangwai e-sports club Every member of the team was shaking their heads.

down the road...

problem occurs! ?

Wei En, the ADC who controlled him, quickly withdrew and retreated without hesitation, retreating all the way from his own defense tower to the rear safety zone which is extremely far away from the defense tower. Lin Feng's eyes swept across the front of his own outer tower and lay down On the icy ground, the corpse of the auxiliary teammate Nina shook her head:


Of course it was Jingu Sakura.

The game screen on the computer screen in front of him turned into a bleak black and white tone. The beautiful Japanese girl tightly pressed her lips together and nodded after a while:


"my question."

While the two were talking, they could see the central area near the mouth of the lower road. The ADC mouse on the purple side and the auxiliary Fengnv general on the opposite side had already advanced towards their blue side's defense tower with a large wave of troops.

Following this wave of purple minions was the opponent's jungler Mantis.

This wave is a wave of strong opening that Jingu Sakura chose to launch in the bottom lane when she noticed that the opponent's single Shen opened a big support in the middle.

There was nothing wrong with the timing.

The "Zenith Blade" of the E skill also directly hits the opposite auxiliary Fengnv - it is no problem to choose Fengnv first. Control is more difficult to deal with.

But the problem is that this wave is still too hasty.

of course.

The opponent's top laner, Eye of Twilight, teleported to the middle.

But there is still a jungle mantis on the opposite side that has never appeared in sight.

So almost at the moment when Jingu Ying made a move, Lin Feng directly issued a warning signal to retreat, but it was still too slow, and even the opposite assistant Fengnv might have deliberately sold such a position to deceive the goddess of dawn, the E skill suddenly appeared on her face Before, just fell into the trap of the opponent.

Then, without any accident, the wild mantis on the opposite side flew up from the back grass with lightning wings to kill.

The mouse activated its big move and poured out firepower crazily.

Even the Goddess of Aurora, who was as thick as a W skill eclipse shield, fell under the explosion damage output by the opponent's focus fire after carrying it for only two or three seconds.

As for Lin Feng, when he realized it was too late, he didn't even think about it, and didn't even have the slightest plan to save people, so he turned around decisively and quickly retreated.

He really can't get on.

Otherwise, it is estimated that not only Jingu Sakura's auxiliary Japanese girl, but even his ADC Vayne will be forced to stay.

But now, although only one died, and Wei En's head was preserved, but...

"The defense tower can't be defended."

Mo Sheng on the commentary seat looked at the bot lane scene on the OB screen on the big screen watching the battle, and saw the three heroes from the purple side coming forward with a large wave of troops, and finally showed an undisguised look in his tone. deep worry:

"Right now, the blue side really has a little bit of a collapse."


To say it is "Xiao Beng" is actually a bit euphemistic.

This wave is equivalent to the fact that the purple side's upper and lower teams are blooming in the upper and middle lanes at the same time, and the two consecutive kills also fell on their key core C heroes.

The head count on the field has immediately become 1 to 3.

In terms of the team's overall economy, the purple team even widened the gap to over 2,000 in one fell swoop.

"And if the tower outside the road is broken, the economic gap may be close to 3,000."

West Wind's tone was a bit heavy.

In fact, it is estimated that no one in the entire competition venue would have thought that this round would end in less than ten minutes in the early stage. Such an obvious lead.

even to know-

Now this is not yet the period when the purple team’s Shangwai team is strong. After about five minutes, the purple team’s Shangwai team has really entered their own strong stage... Then in this game, the blue team’s Shangcai team How should we proceed?

For a moment, an unbelievable idea emerged in the minds of almost every audience member at the scene:

Could it be.

Is this foreign team really going to win?


The game time is 8 minutes and 40 seconds.

Summoner's canyon bot lane, the female voice of the system announced the announcement again, accompanied by the bot lane defensive outer tower of the blue Shangcai team finally collapsed into ruins under the concentrated fire of the opponent's three heroes.

Everyone in the Shangcai e-sports club in the front row of the spectator seats couldn't help feeling a little bit heavier.


It was two consecutive outer towers that were broken.

And the defensive towers on the purple side on the opposite side are still standing firm.

The mouse took two heads.

Eat the economy of two defensive towers.

The current development of the ADC position, regardless of economy or level, is obviously stronger than that of the ADC Vayne on the blue side.

Zhou Xiaoyao, who was at the back row of the spectator seats, looked more delighted and said to Tang Bingyao beside him:

"Look, Tangtang, look!"

"We're really going to win this game! It took less than ten minutes in the early stage to have such a big advantage-it's even faster than the advantage of Shangcai's last game!"

Even Chen Mo couldn't help but nodded slightly:

"And if the mouse is so smooth in the early stage...it is really difficult for the blue side to block the attacking rhythm in the mid-stage."

It seems that all the realities are pointing to the outcome of this game where the foreign team will win the game steadily. However, even under such circumstances, Tang Bingyao still shook her head after listening to the analysis and discussion of several girlfriends and roommates beside her. Shake your head.

There was no argument or explanation.


From the beginning to the end, she never doubted the final outcome of this match.

This disadvantage -

It's impossible that Fengzi can't solve it.


"It's okay, I'll just get off the road and control the line."

Although the defensive outer tower was directly demolished into ruins by a wave of pushback from the opposite side, but at this time, Lin Feng on the side of the blue army on the stage still seemed relaxed and calm, and comforted the other teammates:

"It's just right~ I, Wei En, can make up for my growth."


Although the pace of pushing the towers on the opposite side is fast, it is true that they quickly put their blue side into a passive disadvantaged situation in the early stage, but there is also a little advantage in that at least Lin Feng's ADC Wei En can control the pawn line in front of his second tower. , you can make up the knife with peace of mind without worrying about being gank by the opponent in various ways.

It can also be regarded as a stop loss.

Immediately Lin Feng turned his head to look at Jingu Ying: "Shen Gong, don't stay in the bottom lane, go out and swim."

On the one hand, this will allow ADC Vayne to eat the line alone to replenish his level; on the other hand, it is no longer easy to fight against the opponent head-on, it is better to let the Japanese girl go to the side lane, and it may also play a certain role. Gank effect.

Jingu Sakura nodded, then frowned:

"But Mr. Lin, you are going down the road alone, just in case..."

After all, the opponent purple side has an ADC mouse and a wild mantis, both of whom are good at sneak attacks and plotting. Without the close protection of the goddess of dawn, even if it is controlling the line, once the opponent is determined to target the bottom lane, they can still find it. Swimming over to sneak up on kill opportunities.

Lin Feng smiled:

"fine. "

"They can't kill me."

As he said that, someone's eyes subconsciously narrowed slightly.

This one...

The rhythm in the early stage was really bad.

It is rare for him to encounter such a targeted and indeed passive and embarrassing situation playing ADC.


That's what makes it really interesting.

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The update is here, there are only two updates today, and I am still trying to recover, I hope I will recover soon. .

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