
Chapter 1238 Ten minutes is too long

Even professional players, there will always be times when they slack off.

However, compared with ordinary passer-by players...even compared with ordinary professional players, the truly top-notch players are those who can take a moment to relax, face a passive disadvantaged situation that they may encounter slightly, and be able to do it in the fastest time. Out of the adjustment of the state, and then use their own enough crushing strength to forcibly break the deadlock of the disadvantage and restore the victory.

This is the case with Lin Feng.

I have to say that after winning the first game of BO3 easily and casually, the tactical adjustments and system operations made by the opponent Shangwai team in the second round really caught someone a little bit by surprise. and.

And the purple army on the opposite side did indeed play a very beautiful rhythm as soon as they came up.

Less than ten minutes.

The team's economic advantage is close to 3,000.

Two outer towers.

ADC mouse has two heads.

And if you take into account the factor that the purple team's lineup is biased towards the mid-term strong force, then it can almost be said that the Shangwai team that started the game like this has already won more than half of it——

In other words, the disadvantaged passive situation that the blue team, as the opponent, is currently falling into is already very severe and very difficult to overcome.


It is precisely because of this that someone's fighting spirit was really raised for the first time in today's competition venue.

Ahead... just thinking about finishing the game quickly and rushing to the three training camps in the evening.

It did ignore that the rival Shangwai team, as a veteran team in the high school e-sports circle in Shanghai, has a strength that cannot be underestimated.

This opening is to let the opponent play several waves of rhythm one after another.


That's what made the game a little more interesting.

Controlling his own ADC Wayne, he walked out from the high ground and rushed back towards the second tower on the next road. Someone's eyes fell on the opponent's purple ADC mouse in the distance, and there was a clear and sharp light in his eyes. Flashes and jumps.


He needs to be more serious.

Speaking of which, the situation of his ADC Vayne seems to be somewhat similar to the previous training confrontation with Xiao Wu at the God Club training base. That time Xiao Wu seemed to use an ADC with a big mouth?

It was also targeted very harshly in the early stage...

But still, no matter how they were targeted, they couldn't really break Xiao Wu's big mouth.

Let the huge mouth of the abyss still develop steadily and unstoppably.

Gradually exert strength.

Until the final sweep of the carry audience.

You know, that's just an ADC, and it's also the most easily targeted Dazui in the early stage, even as an opponent against one side at that time... It was also a mid-lane trick enchantress with the coordination of the duo of dawn and morning star. .

Under such circumstances, Miss Xiao Wu's abyssal mouth can still rely on almost her own strength to complete the comeback.


Someone admitted that his ADC strength was at least a notch worse than that of Xiao Wu.

But also...

At this moment, the opponent he is facing is equally impossible to compare with him, Dawn Morning Star or other members of Team God at that time.

Difficulty coefficient is not a grade.

Since Miss Xiaowu was able to do that kind of thing back then, he in this round can naturally do it too.


Purely relying on subjective confidence, there is still no way to directly change the actual situation of the battle.

At this moment, the situation on the scene is still completely on the side of the purple side's active advantage, and even if someone is still optimistic and confident enough for this game, his ADC Vayne is still far from developed enough to rely on The degree to which the situation can be reversed by one's own efforts.

"Vayne needs at least another ten minutes to develop."

West Wind in the commentary seat made a judgment.

This is already a very optimistic expectation, and it is still based on the premise of sufficient recognition of someone's personal operational strength.

Mo Sheng frowned beautifully and looked at the OB screen on the big screen watching the battle:

"But the purple side..."

"The rhythm of the Shangwai team is getting better and better."

It is indeed a piece of bad news that is extremely worrying for both the blue Shangcai team and the audience who support Shangcai.

Leaving aside the bottom lane, the upper and middle lanes, including the jungle, have the rhythm initiative completely on the side of the purple side's upper and outer teams.

middle road.

Shangcai’s mid laner card was killed in front of a wave and lost a lot of experience and gold in the line. At this time, the ability to push the line is not as good as the opponent’s Fan Mom, and because [Flash] has not cooled down, I am afraid that the opponent will come again Gank, you can only be passively defended under the tower.

This is definitely not a good thing for a card master after reaching level 6, because it means that the roaming support opportunities of his ultimate move are greatly reduced, and it is difficult to help teammates on the side.

In the wild area, the purple side's jungler mantis has also developed at this moment, and it is completely capable of solo killing when it meets the prince alone, so now it is also necessary for Dou Zi, who is the jungler leader of the Shangcai team. Under great pressure, it would be difficult for him to stop even if the opponent came to fight against the field. He could only try his best to use his real eyes to make a defensive vision, but the whole can only be in a passive defensive position.

As for hitting the road...

The top lane heroes on both sides in the early stage were indeed affected to a certain extent by the development of the lane change tactics.

But now, Eyes of Twilight, who used to support the middle lane and got a head, has also woken up. A pair of tough shoes made in the front directly made the opponent's blue team's top laner Rambo lose his mind. At this moment, Shen's body that consumes ability due to fighting is almost painless——

And seeing that the Eye of Twilight at this time has already made Tiamat.

In the duel, Shen began to gain the upper hand.

Even the right to push the line will slowly fall into Shen's hands.

"Shangwai team is now a big advantage—"

Xifeng couldn't help but sighed again.

No matter how you look at it, the three lanes plus wild area on the scene is a rhythm of the blue Fang Shangcai team being suppressed, and there is almost no turning point-of course, if it is delayed in the later stage, the lineup of the Shangcai team may be able to Gradually bring out the advantages in the team battle, but don't forget... the purple team's Shangwai team is fighting you at a fast pace in the early stage.

"Mantis' ability to roam and gank is pretty scary right now."

"No matter where you swim, you should almost die as soon as you catch it."


"There is also the point of the mouse, which is also half a wandering position."

"Don't forget that Shen's big move will soon be turned into a good CD again."

The members of the various college teams in the spectator seats in the audience were talking about it, and they came to the same conclusion, that is, as long as the purple side's foreign teams rely on frequent roaming and ganking, they can almost be in a stable situation. In the defeat, the Shangcai team on the blue side let alone want to comeback, even how to deal with the opponent's next gank offensive is a huge problem.

"But the Japanese girls also started to swim away."

On the front row of the spectator seats, Qiu Yijie's eyes fell on the small map on the OB screen of the big spectator screen:

"Going down the road... it should be temporarily stocked and developed by Wei En for a while."

The veteran Tongji jungler frowned:

"The choice is right."

"But it feels...it doesn't make much sense, do you think this can last until Wei En's rise?"

Although both of them had an in-depth understanding of someone's strength on the stage, one thing was the other. The current situation really made it difficult for them to have more optimism and confidence in the blue team's Shangcai team.

It will take at least ten minutes for you, Wei En, to develop, just like the two commentators on stage said.

But no matter how you look at it now...

Ten minutes is enough for the opponent's foreign team to seal the victory.

Qiu Yijie nodded slowly:


"So... it can't just be a simple development."

"Vayne still has to find an opportunity by himself—to shorten the ten minutes by himself."

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The update is here, the next chapter is around nine o'clock, let's take a look today and strive for the third update.

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