
Chapter 1236 Misfortunes never come singly

When the game time came to about seven minutes, the economic gap between the blue and purple sides on the field was widened by more than 1500.

The purple side's Shangwai team...

Take the lead.

Of course, the leading economy mainly came from the first blood tower that was demolished on the top lane, and the number of kills was 1:1, with the ADC heroes on both sides each getting a kill.


At this stage, I really have to say that it is more useful for a mouse to take a human head than for Wei En to take a human head.

"The main reason is that it was difficult for Wei En to find a suitable output environment and carry point during the whole period of time in the early and mid-term..." Xifeng on the commentary seat sighed with emotion: "After all, Wei En's strong period is still in the mid-to-late stage. .”

But mice are different.

Not even talking about entering the mid-term team battle. Mouse Tuqi, who has a big move, can hit an amazing burst of output to complete the harvest as long as he finds an angle. Even in the early stage, the source of the plague with a Q skill "lurking" in his hand can always Able to activate stealth for opportunities to steal heads.

The wave of killing cards in the middle just now is the best example to prove it.

In the front row of the spectator seats, the captains of the Tongji and Fudan teams sat up straight at some point, staring at the OB screen on the spectator screen with a dignified expression.

This round...

The blue side is really a bit difficult to play.

This was something they didn't expect before the start of the game. They just thought that Zou Siyuan of the foreign team took out his own ADC mouse and had such a lane-changing tactic. It was unexpected, and it might make the game a little bit more exciting.

But now—

It's more than that.

Now, the purple team Shangwai team is gradually beginning to occupy and expand its advantage, and the blue team Shangcai team is gradually forcing the opponent into a passive situation.

After completing a wave of wandering ganks in the middle lane, the mouse who got the head and her auxiliary Fengnv chose to return to the city in a wave, quickly updated a round of equipment in the spring equipment store, and then rushed back directly to the bottom lane.

And in front, because of his own jungler Mantis to help the top laner Twilight Eye defend the tower and eat the line,

So this bottom tower of the purple army...

It was really firmly guarded.

This made the blue side Shangcai team really lose a top lane defensive outer tower for nothing, which is equivalent to saying that the Shangwai team's lane change tactics in this round completely brought out the effect.

"It's good to switch back to the normal laning. In this 2V2, our Wei Enjia Japanese girl can still be on the opposite side, right?"

On the side of the Shangcai e-sports club in the front row of the spectator seats, Qiu Le couldn't help but yelled: "If you're done, you can still push down the Residual Blood Tower on the opposite side!"

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the vice president Deng Zhe who shook his head:


"It's impossible to put towers on the opposite side so easily. As long as Fengzi and Jingu Xuemei fight fiercely in the bottom lane, as long as the pawn line presses forward, the jungler Mantis will definitely swim over in the first time—and don't Forget, the top laner on the opposite side will reach level six soon, and even more so, he will be able to support the bottom road protector in minutes."


Even if he was forcibly killed by the tower in the early stage, his level and development at this time are comparable to the top laner Rambo on the blue side, but a hero like Twilight Eye... as long as he reaches level 6, the roaming ability he possesses The support ability is still far stronger than Rambo, and it can easily play a huge contribution.

"So even if Lao Sun's card finds an opportunity to fly down the road, at most it will enter the field with the opponent Shen."

"It's only 3 on 3 if you're exhausted."

Deng Zhe supported the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose, and came to a rather heavy conclusion:

"And if that's the case—"

"Shen Ding takes the damage in the front row, Feng Nu protects, and Mouse directly uses big moves in small-scale team battles... The burst damage output is still much stronger than Wei En."


To put it bluntly, Wei En's combat ability is actually not good at this time.

The equipment and level haven't risen yet.

output is not enough.

The gap between this and the opponent's ADC mouse... can't be made up by manipulation, it's purely because of the different characteristics of the ADC heroes on both sides, and there are early and late periods of strength.

So at this time, Lin Feng, who saw this clearly, still seemed not in a hurry, and his tone was calm and calm:


"Grow first."

However, even someone who is the blue ADC Wei En can still hold his breath, but for the purple team's foreign team, the second game has played such a good start, so the next ...It is to further snowball the advantages and rhythm.

The game time is just over 8 minutes.

In the middle of Summoner's Canyon, a wave of battles broke out again.

The jungler prince of the blue Shangcai team wandered in the middle of the gank, and the card master who noticed the whereabouts of his jungler teammates quickly and decisively moved forward, and the W skill was almost stunned by a yellow card drawn in seconds. Target fan mom.

The prince Jiawen strode forward decisively, and EQ made two consecutive dashes to keep up!

But at this very moment, the single fan in the purple square who got rid of the control of Drizzt's yellow card quickly used the E skill to accelerate a right-angle dance position, dodging the prince's EQ two-time thrilling dodge, and backhanded the energy of the W skill The chain binds the opponent's card master!

At the same time, a group of purple-white rays of light lit up from Karma's body!

Eye of Twilight's big trick——

Mercy saves souls!

The exclamation from the spectator seats in the audience suddenly came one after another. The purple top laner Shen, whose development was affected by the change of lanes, did not expect that it happened to be promoted to level 6 at this time, a perfect and timely big move to support the middle lane!

The fan mother RQ Erlian shot again.

The psychic ball strengthened by the mantra blasts out and hits the card!

A burst of blood damage directly detonated!

The second stage of the W skill is triggered, and the card masters who are unable to break free from the range of the energy chain in the future will be imprisoned and controlled in place!

Be cautious and make big moves to the ground.

Direct E skill to taunt forward and connect control!

WQ's skill Erlian instantly pulls the translucent energy sword to himself and his teammate Fan Mom, and the 1.75-second defensive barrier propped up is perfect before eating the next wave of damage from opponent cards and princes.

Flat A.

The extra spell damage that triggers the passive effect of the Q skill "Profound Truth · Curtain Blade" is detonated.

Another flat A match with Fan Mom's basic attack damage, directly killing the head that took away the residual blood card.

"An-enemy-has-been- (an enemy hero was killed)!"

The kill announcement of the system's female voice suddenly sounded from the middle of Summoner's Canyon.

Take the head carefully.

The prince was forced to choose to retreat.

The cheers and screams of the members of Shangwai E-sports Club in the back row of the spectator seats were almost like thunder, while the faces of everyone in the Shangcai E-sports club in the front row turned pale——


This wave is another big injury.

The prince's gank failed, but the opponent hit a wave counter-kill or Shen's head. Next, the development of the opponent's top laner will become better again.

"If you're careful...it's also quite a tricky point."

West Wind on the commentary seat took a light breath.

And the so-called misfortunes never come singly.

Almost at the same time that the head-to-head battle broke out in the middle lane of the Summoner Canyon, far down the lane, another system kill announcement that completely caught people off guard came like lightning and thunder, and naturally it was heard by several members of the Shangcai team on the blue side. Edge rings:

"An-ally-has-been- (a friendly hero was killed)!"

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The update is here, the next chapter is around nine o'clock, and the fever and sore throat are still not good. . . Very crazy.

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