
Chapter 1235 Only in the long run

A game starts with a lane change, and the duo lane first pushes down the opponent's first-blood tower. Often, the side will quickly switch back to the lane and switch defense towers with their top lane teammates again, so as to gain an advantage in the number of defensive towers. the goal of.

Based on this cognition, at this moment, both the members of the Shangcai team and most of the audience on stage and off the stage also subconsciously feel that the ADC Mouse and the auxiliary Fengnv of the purple Fang Shangwai team should be fast. I have to choose to go back to the bottom lane and guard the line.


Through the OB screen from God's perspective, the audience in the audience can quickly see the different choices made by the purple team Shangwai team.

They saw that after pushing the opponent to the outer tower, the ADC Mouse and the auxiliary Fengnv on the purple side retreated back but did not choose to return to the city at the first time. Instead, they got stuck in a blind spot of the opponent's vision and then moved towards Go all the way down the river.

As the blue side on the court, several members of the Shangcai team stood in their first perspective, but it was not as transparent and convenient as the God's perspective of the audience.


Even if someone's warning signal has been quickly marked in the middle lane, no matter Dou Zi or Sun Ming, who is a mid laner card, the reaction speed is still a bit slower.

Then, the purple side's auxiliary Fengnv walked through the grass at the river mouth on the left side of the middle road first.

The card master is approaching the goal quickly!

After closing the distance, a W skill "Guardian of the Wind" directly hits the target card Drizzt with an air elemental spirit, slow down and control it!

Not far away, the single fan mother in the purple square has also activated the E skill and quickly accelerated to catch up.

An energy chain of W skill directly bound the card master!

Finally, at this moment, he suddenly realized the danger. Sun Ming, whose eyelids were twitching wildly, didn't dare to hesitate at all. While controlling his card master, he turned around and quickly ran towards the tower, and at the same time activated the W skill to select cards——

The cards and cards above Drizzt's head switched colors rapidly.

When the yellow card flashed, he was selected by a lightning draw!

The backhand directly aimed at the target Fan Mama behind him and shot away. With the sound of "Ding", Karma, who received a yellow card, was suddenly stunned and fixed in place, followed closely by the card master. Without hesitation, decisively exchange flashes!

A pile of finely chopped golden awns fried brightly.

Drizzt's figure suddenly broke free from the energy chain of the fan mother's W skill, and fled towards the bottom of his own tower!

Such an instant and one-stop response operation caused many audience members to applaud subconsciously. A card master who can react to such a level when encountering a gank can already be regarded as an old card.


If there are no other unexpected factors, this wave of card masters should be able to rely on their own operations to retreat without any danger.


Almost at the moment when the card flashed and landed.

Not far from the left side of the front, there was a burst of cold and piercing laughter, and the figure of the purple ADC mouse suddenly appeared in the air, followed by a venom* barrel with W skill that suddenly moved towards the direction of the card Throwing comes!


The venom barrel exploded!

Spread out a foul-smelling yellow-green poisonous miasma zone, and at the same time further slow down to keep Drizzt's figure!

This is... the mouse with the Q skill turned on sneaked around and approached quietly.

In an instant, Sun Ming's mood was completely cold.

He originally thought that if the opposite side just pushed the tower slower on the road, his card master would have a chance to use a big walk to kill this mouse once on the road at level 6, but who would have thought...

Before my own ideas could be put into practice, Tucci, the mouse, came to the door first.


W skill throws the venom barrel to slow down and keep people.

shorten the distance.

Flat A.

Again A.

Cooperating with the auxiliary wind girl's Q skill hurricane, the card master was further blown into mid-air to control it, and the mouse made a few easy flat A to fully stack the passive venom layers hanging on the card Drizzt, and the final calculation was accurate Damage to an E skill directly detonates all layers of venom——

"You-have-been-(You have been killed)."

The kill announcement of the system's female voice came suddenly.

On the side of the blue square army on the stage, the game screen on the computer screen in front of Sun Ming suddenly turned into a bleak black and white tone.

Let the mouse take the human head firmly.

In the back row of the spectator seats, all the members of SISU e-sports club burst into applause and applause, and Zhou Xiaoyao, the girls in dormitory 312, waved their hands in excitement:


"Hahaha, this card is so stupid. When you see Feng Nu coming, you think that the mouse didn't follow. It's useless to pay this flash!"

Zhang Jing next to him said with emotion: "Now, the card really hurts."

And Chen Mo shook his head: "Fortunately, there is still a teleportation for the card. After the resurrection, it will be directly teleported back to the line. It is estimated that it will lose half a wave of soldiers..."

As she spoke, she paused, and looked at the purple ADC mouse on the big screen watching the battle:


"This wave of mice really got fat."

In the front, the first blood tower was pushed down on the top lane, and then a wave of gank was taken in the middle lane to get the head of the card. It can be said that the development of the purple ADC mouse in the early stage of this round was so smooth that it couldn't be more smooth. .

Very comfortable……

The make-up knife is also steadily approaching without missing a single one.

Now let’s talk about economic development, even if compared to the opponent’s blue-fanged ADC Vayne, who took the first blood, Mouse Tucci probably pays a few hundred more tower coins, not to mention that even if he only got it in the early stage Under the condition of the same economic development, the effect that the mouse can exert is more than a bit stronger than that of Wei En.


"This time, the card is indeed not careful."

Xifeng on the commentary seat shook his head and gave his own judgment.

And Mo Sheng has a slightly different opinion:

"I can't say that completely. The cards are certainly not careful enough, but in the situation just now, the mouse and the wind girl should hurry up and rush to the next road to guard the tower—"

Use the purple side to defend the blood volume of the outer tower. Under normal circumstances, if the mouse and Fengnv can't hurry back to the lower route immediately, this outer tower will indeed be pulled down and demolished by the opposite Wei En and the Japanese girl.

In this way, even if the mouse takes a card in the middle lane, but pays the price of the outer tower being destroyed in the middle lane, it cannot be said to be more profitable.


"The mantis has gone down one step ahead of time."

Xifeng looked at the mini-map, and couldn't help sighing with emotion: "This is the opening game... The Purple Fang Shangwai team really put all their manpower and resources on the mouse alone."

indeed so.

On the side of the blue team on the stage, Lin Feng in front of the computer screen squinted slightly at the purple team jungler Mantis who had rushed to the tower not far away to help his top laner teammate Shen guard the tower together.

Although wearing headphones can't hear the analysis and evaluation of the two commentators in the commentary booth, it doesn't affect him from easily coming to the same judgment conclusion as the two commentators.

This one, on the other hand, is fully supporting the development of mice.

A blood tower to the economy.

The middle lane is heady.

Even a jungle mantis rushed to the bottom lane to help keep the bottom lane defense tower, sacrificing his jungle and roaming time, just to prevent their blue duo from forcibly destroying the tower.

And I have to say...

The tactic on the opposite side is indeed effective.

"Let's go back."

Giving instructions to Jingu Sakura beside him, Lin Feng had already controlled his ADC, Wei En, to turn around and retreat without hesitation after pushing a wave of pawn lines.

This tower cannot be pushed away.


It can only be considered slowly and in the long run.

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The update was sent, but I still tried my best to code out the second chapter, and rolled away drowsily to sleep. .

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