
Chapter 1234 An accident in the middle

The game time slowly came to the stage of more than five minutes, and after the wave of head-to-head kills in the bottom lane ended, the rhythm of the situation between the blue and purple sides on the field seemed to gradually return to calm.

The junglers on both sides went headlong into the wild to grow wild again.

The respective duo lines are top laners who continue to suppress their opponents online.

Although there is a first blood in terms of head count, there is no difference in the overall economy of the blue and purple at this moment, almost completely equal.

The main reason is that although the ADC Vayne of the blue Shangcai team got a kill, the ADC mouse of the purple Shangwai team on the opposite side is also not bad at this time, and the statistics of last damage are the same as Vayne——

"That's the benefit of changing the line."

West Wind in the commentary commented:

"The two-man lanes on both sides are playing comfortably against the top laner on the opposite side, so the ADC player's last attack development in the lane will not be affected by any pressure. If you fight for basic skills...the gap will definitely not be widened in the early stage. .”

Mo Sheng nodded slightly, and looked at the big OB screen on the road to Summoner's Canyon, the figure of the purple ADC mouse was reflected in the pupils of the eyes, slightly worried:

"In this case... it is not a good thing for the Shangcai team."

As I have already said before, although they are also ADC heroes who are not strong in laning ability in the early stage, after entering the mid-term, the mouse can actually play a stronger role in team battles than Vayne. It's hard to change Wei En's first blood in the early stage.

However, for now, it is difficult to judge what kind of trend changes will follow from the current situation in this round.

The outcome is far from being obvious at a glance.

Can only continue to wait patiently.


At the beginning of the 6th minute of the game, the mid laners of both blue and purple on the field have risen to level 6 without any suspense Level 4.

It is true that they were all overwhelmed by the opponent's duo lane in the early stage.

All kinds of throwing knives and losing experience.

Originally, Shen's situation should be slightly better than that of Rambo,

It's a pity that after being forcibly killed by the tower and taking first blood, he lost a large wave of economy and experience in the line of troops, and immediately brought Twilight Eye's situation back to the same level as Rambo.


At this time, finally, something new happened.

On the side of Summoner's Canyon on the road, as the female voice of the system announced, the outer defense tower of the blue Shangcai team collapsed into ruins amidst a bang.

In the end, the Tower of One Blood was taken down first by the purple side's Shangwai team.

And once the team economy of this defense tower is obtained, the purple team's overall economy is slightly ahead of the blue team's Shangcai team.

The members of SISU E-sports Club in the spectator seats naturally burst into cheers.

Everyone in the Shangcai e-sports club in the front row couldn't help curling their lips:

It's just a blood tower... As for it?

In front of them, the blue side also took a blood!

And next, the defensive outer tower of the purple square in the next lane is also in the pocket of their Shangcai team. It is only a matter of time before it is pushed down.

"But after pushing the first blood tower on the purple side, it is likely to choose to change the line back again."

Mo Sheng, who was on the commentary seat, raised a possibility at this time:

"On the bottom lane, you can see that the defensive outer tower of the purple side still has about one-third of its HP—Vayne and Sunnv's tower pushing speed is always a little slower—then at this time, Mouse and Fengnv go back down The road time is a little faster, and this tower should be able to defend."

"In this case..." Xifeng answered, "Team Shangcai will lose a defense tower in vain."

At the same time, on the side of the blue team on the stage, Dou Zi quickly glanced at the small map and gave instructions to his teammate Rambo who was on the road:

"Old road, you will control the line next, and make up for the development."

It is true that Rambo was really crushed too hard in the top lane, and now the first blood tower is pushed away by the opponent early... Although it is not good news for their blue side as a whole, at least Lu Ze's top laner Rambo In the future, I can finally find a little room for development, and I can take a little breather.

Sun Ming, who is the single card in the blue side, has some regrets:

"Hey... If the upper road tower lasts a little longer, I can find a chance to drive over."

In the early stage of his card master, he fought with the purple side's mid laner fan mother to push the line to make up the knife development. ——

But now the two-player lane on the road directly broke the tower, and the mouse and the wind girl have already flashed, and his card lost the best chance to use the first wave of teleportation to roam.

Lu Ze rolled his eyes:

"Come on, you'd better not come here."

"It's coming, I guess we both have something to do..."

This is not wrong, because his top laner Rambo has finally just reached level 4. He has almost no economical equipment on him, and it is fragile and harmless. In a 2V2 situation, they really may not be the opponents of the mouse and the wind girl...

Especially if the mantis on the other side is still nearby, then there will really be a bloodbath.

"Captain Dou, you should go down the road."

After a pause, Lu Ze made a suggestion to Dou Zi: "It's okay for me to lose the upper road tower, but we have to tear down the lower tower as well—"

Dou Zi also nodded. At this moment, the two-player lane on the opposite side is probably already preparing to switch to the bottom lane again. Taking advantage of the current situation where the purple side has only one cautious bottom lane, he played the wild prince and walked over to cooperate with his own bottom lane. The lane ADC assists his teammates, at least he should be able to quickly push down the outer tower on the opposite side.

Then this is the swap of defensive towers.

Otherwise, it would be too hurt to lose a tower in vain.

Sun Ming shrugged: "Okay, then I will continue to push the line in the middle, and if you have a situation, just send a signal and I will go there immediately."

In the early stage, the card push line is not as good as Fan Mom, but after a little bit of level and equipment development, Drizzt's pawn-clearing ability has gradually improved accordingly, and the opponent's mid laner Fan Mom seems to have become more cautious. The initiative to push the line on the route fell into the hands of the card...


Just when Dou Zi controlled his jungler and was about to quickly rush towards the bottom lane for support, a signal warning to retreat suddenly came out in the middle and bottom lanes one after another.

At the same time, Lin Feng's voice rang quickly in the team's voice channel:

"Don't come down the road."

"The beans go straight to the center!"

"Back up the cards, be careful when walking on the opposite side!"

This warning sentence made both Dou Zi and Sun Ming stunned when they heard it.

What's the meaning?

The prince won't go to the bottom lane...then the two-player lane on the opposite side will return to the bottom lane later, won't the purple side's bottom lane defense tower be dismantled?

Moreover, the jungler Mantis was just seen choosing a wave of returning to the city in the river in the upper half of the jungle. At this time, the card should not be dangerous in the middle route——

Suddenly, as if in shock, Dou Zi was almost following someone, and Dou Zi quickly marked the middle of the road to send a signal to retreat:

Ding ding ding!

"Old grandson! Back!"

"The two-person road on the opposite side may have passed!"

And it was almost at the same moment when Dou Zi's voice fell.

Suddenly, on the route in Summoner's Canyon, the single fan mother in the purple square who was originally retreating behind her own line, suddenly an RQ second company raised her hand and shot a mantra-enhanced psionic ball. target card for .

Snapped! ——

A section of damage suddenly exploded above the card master's head.

Slow down and hold on!

And at the same moment.

In the grass at the river mouth on the left side of the middle road, Fengnv, the assistant of the purple side's foreign team, quickly walked across and swept towards the target card master obliquely ahead to outflank it!

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I'm still sick. . . Ready to hang the bottle. . Not sure when it will be finished, please don't wait for the next chapter.

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