
Chapter 1227 Still very hurt

Just when Dou Zi was ruthless and decided to let go of his own family for the time being and go on the road, controlling his jungler to collect the blue buff and rush to the bottom road, Lin Feng's voice suddenly came from the team's voice channel:

"Don't drop the beans."

"After brushing the blue, go directly to the road, and keep Lamberta off the line."

Dou Zi couldn't help being startled when he heard this, and subconsciously said:

"But... in this case, Fengfeng, you go down the road"

What he wants to say is that anyway, the big deal on both sides is the rhythm of top laner head swaps and rapid tower destruction. His side sacrificed the development of Lu Ze's top laner Rambo, but he played the jungle prince and wandered down lane to cooperate with the duo lane. Killing Eye of Twilight on the opposite side to let Lin Feng's ADC Wei En get the head, it shouldn't be too bad

After all, someone's ADC Vayne also needs a head economy to speed up the pace of development.

And if his prince doesn't go down, he will naturally be able to guarantee that Rambo will take the lane in the top lane, but correspondingly, the speed of pushing towers and the chances of taking kills in the early stage of the two players in the bottom lane will be affected.

But Lin Feng still shook his head:

"It's okay, you go."

"The way down here..." He paused while speaking, his tone calm and calm: "I and Jingu are enough."

While talking, someone looked at the Eye of Twilight who looked extremely cautious and even cautious and wretched under the tower not far away. 2. The lane change tactics of the S3 season...

At that time, he hadn't returned yet, but he would usually play in the pub rank and watch the live broadcast of professional games, so he was also familiar with and understood this routine.


Under normal circumstances, if one party wants to change lanes and the other side accurately judges the opponent's opening lane change intention in advance, then the junglers of both sides will make corresponding adjustments, and then finish the first round of wild monsters at the same time and start at the same time. It's time to rush to cooperate with teammates on the two-person road to kill and take towers.

No loss on either side.

But things are different now.

It is true that they were caught off guard by this old-fashioned tactic of the opponent's Shangcai team.

At this time, if Dou Zi's jungler still has to admit his death and rush to the bottom lane to cooperate with his ADC Wayne and Jingu Sakura's support Japanese girl Nata,

It's just a little bit lacking in rhythm.

To drop a blood tower.

Moreover, the time the jungle prince spent on the road in the early stage was too wasted.



The lane-changing tactics back then were also not limited to the tacit understanding between the two sides to kill each other and destroy the tower. The purpose of that was to speed up the rhythm while ensuring the development of their own ADC. development.

The opponent's line control left the top laner with no soldiers to eat, so the top laner followed the jungler to clear the jungle or gank.

On the opposite side, a wave of troops is gathered to push the tower to prepare for a strong kill, then the jungler will come to the tower to support the top laner and help his teammates secure the lane.

This approach appears to be more robust.

Lin Feng didn't intend to let the opponent get a blood tower so easily. The economy of the blood tower also affected the rhythm of several teammates on his side, and in addition...

In fact, he really didn't need help.

On the bottom side, he and Jingu are enough.

"Continue to control the line."

Said to Jingu Sakura next to her: "Save two waves until the artillery soldiers push."

A certain person squinted his eyes subconsciously, looking at the purple top lane Twilight Eye not far away with his prey-like gaze:

Compression under the tower.

Shen may indeed be a little harder to kill than Rambo, after all, there is enough taunt and thick skin.


This time, his ADC is Vayne.


Summoner's Rift, hit the road.

On the purple side, the AD Mouse and the auxiliary Fengnv of the foreign team controlled a wave of pawns, waited for the third wave of minions with cannons, and then headed towards the opponent's blue with a mighty pawn line that was close to two waves. Shifang's top lane outer tower pressed into the past.

At this time, the blue square below the tower has only half a tube of blood left on the blood bar above Rambo's head.

It was still the result of eating the supply blood bottle.

"This amount of blood..."

Xifeng's eyes on the commentary seat quickly swept across the small map:

"It's easy to be killed by force."

Through the OB screen from the perspective of God, it can be seen that the jungler Mantis of the purple side's upper and outer team has directly crossed the river in the wild area after receiving the red buff, and jumped into the upper half of the blue side's wild area through the wall with the E skill. , and touched the triangle grass behind the outer tower on the opponent's top road.

A low commotion and exclamation sounded from the spectator seats below the stage.

The members of the Shangcai e-sports club in the front row were even more nervous!

The mantis is in place!

If something goes wrong in this wave, it will be a bloodbath on the road!

Fortunately, at this moment, the jungle prince under the control of Dou Zi is rushing from the blue buff wild area towards the top lane


The action still seems to be a little late.

Because just at this moment, the purple side's foreign team lined up into the tower, and the auxiliary Feng Nu, a Q skill charged tornado, got stuck in the corner and swept out of the second section of vision. In the future, Rambo, who was too late to guard against the dodging target, would blow directly Fly into the air and hold it!

The mouse stepped forward.

A poison barrel with W skill was thrown forward and hit Rambo to continue to slow down and control.

And the wild mantis Kazik in the triangular grass at the back has already quickly walked through the grass and rushed towards the target mechanical enemy!

There was another exclamation at the scene.

Xifeng's eyelids twitched in the commentary seat: "It's terrible!"

This wave can be said to be that Fengnv's Q skill card has a good view of the blind spot, but it also has to be said that Rambo of the Shangcai team on the blue side made a serious mistake. If you retreat... it is almost a certain death.

However, at this very moment.

Suddenly, Dou Zi shouted from the voice channel in the blue team:

"Don't worry! I'm coming!!"

The same moment the voice fell.

The golden-armored and golden-helmed prince Jiawen strode forward, and an E-skill "German Army Flag" partition wall fell towards the back of his home tower, and then received the Q-skill "Dragon Impact" in seconds, moving forward and looting!

Although the distance is still not enough.


【Flash】Come on!

A cloud of fine golden awns suddenly exploded!

The prince Jiawen, who was about to land in mid-air, suddenly moved forward and then forcibly moved forward!

EQ flash!

Forcibly blocking the opponent's jungle mantis in the middle of the road, the cold steel spear flew Kazik into the air to control him!

Gained a moment of time.

At the same time, Dou Zi's angry voice sounded again in the team's voice channel:

"Let's go!"

Lu Ze suddenly had a quick wit, and almost subconsciously tapped and pressed the summoner skill button as soon as his top laner Rambo got rid of Fengnv's control and landed!


Accompanied by a burst of dazzling golden light, the figure of Remnant Blood Rambo fled towards the back of the tower in an instant!


Xifeng on the commentary seat couldn't help but his eyes lit up and praised:

"This wave of prince's EQ flashes is decisive enough!"

"Forcibly prevented the opposite mantis from approaching and outflanking the field at the first time!"

Mo Sheng couldn't help showing a gratified smile on her face:


"Rambo is saved."

And then she frowned slightly: "But, it still hurts."

The update is delivered, continue to scroll through the third chapter, ah ah ah I don’t know why I am so sleepy today...

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