
Chapter 1228 Can't Kill Me

When watching the OB screen on the big screen on the stage, the jungler prince from the blue team directly and decisively made an EQ two connection [flash] and instantly moved forward in two stages and controlled the opponent's jungler Mantis from the purple team. In the front row of the spectator seats, Qiu Yijie and the old team leader of the Tongji jungler also cheered almost simultaneously.

Especially the veteran jungler of Tongji, looking towards the direction of the blue Fang Shangcai team's arena on the stage at this time, saw Dou Zi's figure, with undisguised admiration in his eyes.

In the e-sports circle of Shanghai High School, there are not many truly top junglers.

As the captain of Tongji, he is of course one of them, and the remaining junglers of other high school teams can basically only be ranked in the second echelon, which has a certain gap with his strength.


This wave of light was watching the rescue of the prince Jiawen, whether it was the decisiveness of the decision or the speed of the operation reaction, it almost made him look at the captain of the Shangcai team with admiration.

When we met in the group stage before, I didn't have such a deep feeling.

But now sitting in the audience watching the battle, he found that the opponent's strength seemed to have made a breakthrough in the recent short period of time.


It is already worthy of his all-out efforts, not daring to have any slight rivals.

But then again --

Indeed, just like the judgment made by Mo Sheng in the commentary seat at this moment, this wave of prince rescue is timely, but even if the head of the top laner teammate Lan Bo is successfully saved, it is not good for the Shangcai team on the blue side. In other words, the rhythm of the road on the road is still very hurt.

"The prince has passed away."

"Rambo flashes too."

"On the other side...a summoner skill is useless. Just now, the mantis didn't hold the tower, so the prince's EQ flashed up to pick up the flying control, but he couldn't keep people. He could only watch the mantis go away."

On the side of the Shangcai e-sports club in the front row of the spectator seats, Deng Zhe, the vice president, helped the frame on the bridge of his nose, with an indescribably dignified and worried expression:

"It's like saying that the opponent didn't pay anything... just hit the two summoner skills on our side, and Rambo still has blood left... Even if the prince comes to support, it's still easy to not defend the tower."

That's also clear.

So at the first moment of saving the top laner teammate,

Dou Zi quickly shouted orders in his team's voice channel:

"Old road, go home for a while."

"Then send it back online directly!"


This is also the only most appropriate option right now.

Only in this way, the two of them on the road can continue to forcibly defend their own outer tower on the road so that they will not be demolished so quickly and easily by the opponent——

Lu Ze, who understood his captain's orders, didn't dare to hesitate at all, and returned to the city immediately after retreating to a safe zone.

But while waiting for Rambo to return to the city to read the article, the jungler prince under the control of Dou Zi can only watch helplessly as the three heroes on the purple side with a large wave of soldiers on the opposite side continue to focus on Tower A , I dare not go forward easily alone.

The soldiers fell one by one.

The blood volume of the defense tower is also being quickly drained and lowered.

In the front row of the spectator seats, Qiu Le from Shangcai E-sports Club was so distressed that he was bleeding: "Damn... When Rambo teleports back, the tower will be worn out by half of its blood."

Feng Tao next to him looked equally heavy:

"Forget about the tower... The point is, look at the pawn line. There are two whole waves of pawns. If Rambo goes back and comes back, he will lose at least one whole wave. The economy and experience will be lost—"

Shen Zhuang looked worriedly at the prince Jiawen on the big screen watching the battle:

"The president's prince can't wait for Rambo to come back to help protect the line at this time. Now he can only stand at a distance to gain some experience by himself... so his jungle rhythm will be seriously injured. .”


Looking at the beam of teleportation light rising into the sky in front of the opponent's defense tower, Zou Siyuan, the captain of the purple army's Shangwai team on the stage, signaled to retreat:



While ordering his support Feng Nu and jungler Tanglang to choose to retreat, Zou Siyuan finally smiled again.

It is indeed possible.

This wave...

The opponent's response is of course good. The prince's timely support made them regret that the purple side missed an opportunity to jump over the tower and forcefully kill Rambo to get the first blood and demolish the tower. The opponent's Rambo returned to the line and cooperated with the prince. The line of soldiers under this point will also protect the defensive tower.

But again.

The price paid by the opponent blue team in this wave is also huge enough.

The prince turned in the dodge, Rambo lost his double summoning, and turned in three summoner skills, but they still couldn't stop them. Bo's development at this time has also been successfully suppressed by them to a miserable state.

This time, the opponent's rhythm was completely disrupted by them.

It was really because they caught the opponent by surprise by changing lanes at the beginning of the game, allowing them to take advantage of it.

more importantly--

The ADC Vayne, who doesn't need to deal with the blue side head-on, made his Mouse Tuqi develop almost smoothly in the top lane.

And as long as he passes through the early stage of development stably, speeding up the speed of pushing towers will naturally push the pace of the game to the mid-stage... At that time, even if his mouse and the opponent Wei En are at the same level of development, the mid-stage In team battles, it is still his mouse that can definitely play a greater role and advantage.

So this time Zou Siyuan finally got rid of the shadow of his defeat in the previous battle.

The mind is active again.

Even uplifting.

So what if your ADC with the surname Lin is strong?

Okay, I admit that you are strong. I dare not fight you in the lane. If it’s okay, I will take the initiative to show weakness and give in. But now after changing the lane at the beginning of this game, everyone plays their own early development. Wait until the mid-term team battle. Slowly look for opportunities... You can still regain the face you lost earlier!

Thinking of the effect that his mouse Tuqi can play in the mid-term, and maybe even relying on his Q skill to stealthily find an opportunity to take a wave of solo kills against ADC Vayne——Zou Siyuan's mood at this moment can't help but become even more serious. fiery.

But at this time, he didn't completely relax his vigilance, and he didn't forget to tell his top lane teammates who were fighting against the pressure in the bottom lane:

"Be careful on the road."

"Stay stable and resist the pressure, wait until the tower is pushed and then change the line of troops."

This is also a very reasonable arrangement.

As long as there are no accidents in the bottom lane, given the level of suppression they have given to Rambo in the top lane, even if they wait for a while and switch back to lanes, Rambo's development in level economy is definitely more cautious than theirs By a long shot.

At that time, the top laners on both sides will re-match in 1V1, and they will still have the upper hand.

That's how the snowball rolls.

And after Zou Siyuan's warning was sent out, the voice channel of the purple team's voice channel also quickly came from the reply voice of the top laner of the foreign team:

"Team Zou, don't worry~"

"Go down the road, I'm fine!"

The tone was full of confidence: "Wei En and Japanese girl are on the opposite side, so they can't touch me!"

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The update is delivered, and it will be done at midnight. If you are sleepy, go away and go to sleep. Good night, friends.

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