
Chapter 1226 Lost in vain?

The second game of Shangcai VS Shangwai BO3 match officially kicked off with the unexpected line-changing opening tactics of the purple team Shangwai team.

For many live players and spectators who have only come into contact with the League of Legends game since S4, S5 or even this year's S6 season, the opening situation of the two-player lane change is really a little fresh .

But if it is for the few old people who have personally experienced the S2 and S3 seasons and have seen such tactics become popular in the professional arena, they will see such a scene on the big screen after a long time. , I can't help but be aroused and give birth to some nostalgia and emotion.

"It's really nostalgic—"

West Wind on the commentary seat sighed:

"It should have been in the S3 season, when the opening change strategy was also the most popular. No matter in the LPL or the World Finals later, you can see six or seven games like this in almost ten games."

If one of the two sides feels that the conventional laning is not easy to play, they immediately switch lanes at the beginning of the game, and then the duo lanes on both sides quickly push the pawn line and directly force the tower. Break the tower directly, and then even continue to press forward——

If you don't return, I won't return.

Swap towers on both sides.

Replace the second tower.

Sometimes it almost always happens that the game time is less than ten minutes, and the two sides are broken all the way, and this situation even happened several times in the world finals.

"S2, S3..." Mo Sheng, who was sitting next to Xifeng, seemed to be recalled at this moment, her eyes were a little blurred: "The League of Legends at that time was also very exciting."

Back then, it was the era when the Korean team had just become the king.

At that time, South Korea was still called the OGN competition area, and almost every team from the OGN competition area had the strength to make the top teams in the world's major competition areas terrified.

But even if the entire professional e-sports circle in the world seemed to be shrouded in the shadow of the strong Korean team at that time, the other major regions still did not give up and worked hard to resist.

These include the North American LCS, European LCS divisions, and the Taiwan server LMS division.

It also includes the LPL division of the national server.

At that time, the LPL hadn't experienced the low tide of the S4 or even S5 seasons. The S2 and S3 seasons may be the best peak state that the LPL team's strength and state have continuously improved.

There are KG team, God-God-Hand team, and the dust-Dust team who just introduced Korean foreign aid from S3.

The LPL in those two years was recognized as the most promising challenger to shake the status of South Korea's OGN division.


did not succeed.

For two consecutive years, in the two S-series leagues, the LPL teams of the South Korean team have repeatedly suffered disastrous defeats in each round of the schedule.

It was also from then on that the LPL division of the national server that started in the S4 season completely fell into a downturn, as if unable to recover from a fall.

Finally, it was not until the S5 World Finals that the national server gradually regained its status.

There are old people coming back.

Has been infused with new powerful blood.

There is also a breakthrough in strength that the hard-working defenders finally waited for after pushing through the clouds.

While the people in the national server are rejoicing at the revival of their own LPL division, they look back and realize that so many years have passed inadvertently.

Many things are changing.

There are always teams that are eliminated and leave, and there are always newcomers rising.

But there are also many things that have not changed.

For example, the desire for the brilliant crystal trophy that symbolizes the highest honor of League of Legends e-sports.

"This year--"

"It must be a shock wave in the finals!"

Mo Sheng couldn't help but clenched her fists and murmured something.


The game time came to almost three minutes.

The middle lane is naturally a regular matchup. The mid laners of the blue and purple sides have a card and a fan mother. They can't kill the opponent anyway, so they concentrate on clearing the troops and pushing the line.

At the same time, in the top and bottom lanes, it is no surprise that their respective top laners have been crushed under their own defense towers.

The opponent's two-player lane is for the ADC to comfortably make up the knife and point the tower under the protection of his own support teammate. By the way, he will find an opportunity to consume a few poke shots against the opponent's top laner hero under the tower.

"Damn... it's really uncomfortable!"

From the voice channel of the blue Shangcai team, Lu Ze was full of complaints.

He chose Rambo this time. Of course, on the one hand, he wanted to cooperate with his captain Dou Zi's jungler to play combo in the mid-term team battle, but on the other hand, he also felt that Rambo Shen could at least take advantage of the lane push. Take the initiative, play a little advantage——

But such a calculation, from the moment the opponent's Shangwai team made the choice to switch lanes, it all came to naught.

It's really time to regret that he chose a Rambo.

Make up the knife under the tower...

Rambo's knife-receiving feel is very bad. If he is not careful, he will miss the pawn, not to mention that under the constant harassment of Feng Nu and Mouse on the opposite side, it is the opponent's top laner Twilight Eye who makes up the knife at the same time. It is more stable, and on the other hand, it has rough skin and thick flesh, which can withstand the damage of poke consumption.

"Be careful, the opponent's third-level jungler will probably go straight to the road to catch you later."

Dou Zi quickly warned Lu Ze on the voice channel of his team.

Of the few members of the team, apart from Lin Feng, he may be the only one who has experienced the S3 and S4 seasons when the lane change tactics were popular, so he knows the specific operation process of this routine.

Almost every step can be strangled to death——

The two-player road first blocks a wave of pawns, allowing the opponent to miss a few last hits or even a few small soldiers' experience.

Then start pushing the thread again.

Back again.

Control again.

When the third wave of soldiers with cannons pressed down under the tower, the jungler just finished a round of wild monsters and reached the third level and swam over with double buffs to outflank them——

The three cooperated to cross the tower.

Followed by a strong kill to take away the enemy's top order.

This kind of routine is actually very aboveboard, almost telling you that I am going to jump the tower later-of course, this routine can also be adopted by both parties.

So often the heads of the first blood and the second blood will explode in the upper and lower lanes at the same time.

Both sides completed the strong kill under the tower at the same time.

Then destroy the tower at the same time.

A warning was given to Lu Ze, who was in the top lane. At this time, Dou Zi was also planning to go down the lane. In fact, Dou Zi, who was the blue side's jungler, was at a disadvantage when he encountered the opponent's lane change tactics. , the opposing jungler Mantis swiped from the lower half of the wild to the upper half of the wild, just in time to cooperate with the wave of siege of teammates in the upper duo lane.

But Dou Zi didn't expect that the opponent would switch lanes to play this kind of routine, so the same routine wild start, let him cooperate with Lin Feng and Jingu Ying to surround and kill the opponent's top laner Twilight Eye, Time It will be slower.

This is more than a little bit worse.

Because even if both sides can successfully destroy one of the opponent's outer towers, the economy of the first blood tower is much higher than that of the second blood tower.

It means that the Shangcai team is likely to suffer a wave of losses in vain.

So at this time Lin Feng's voice sounded in the team's voice channel:

"Don't drop the beans."

"After brushing the blue, go directly to the road, and keep Lamberta off the line."

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The update is here, the next chapter is around nine o'clock, and the third one is around eleven o'clock, so let's get rid of the code words.

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