
Chapter 1109 Prince! ?

The blue ornament that had just been lit up in the Dalongfjord of the river channel was immediately knocked out by the heroes of the purple side almost immediately.

Therefore, the field of vision in the fjord is once again plunged into a foggy darkness for the blue army.

Also the same -

So when a cold scythe chain shot through the wall, it was almost too late for people to react.


This time, it was because someone shouted "be careful", so that although the two members of the blue army, the jungler prince and the ADC playman, failed to follow the arrangement and retreat in time, they They also subconsciously became vigilant.

And this vigilance is enough to save lives.

Almost immediately, the jungler princes moved in a dangerous right-angle dance and passed by the Thresh Q skill hook that flew towards him.

But the ADC's playmaker Jhin was less lucky, because the ballistic trajectory of the Q skill shot by the Soul Lock Warden just happened to block his evasion route.

Seeing that the cold chain of death was about to hit the target.

This is the moment.

A cloud of fine golden awns suddenly exploded!

The first team of ADC members of the Hayami team on the blue side almost broke out with their fastest reaction and operation speed, and a summoner skill [Flash] that had just finished cooling down was suddenly handed over at this moment!

The life master's figure retreated instantly!


With a time difference of a few tenths of a second, dodge Thresh's Q skill!

Wow! ——

There was a low vibration from the spectator seats below the stage, as if many spectators from the Hayami Club couldn't help panting, with expressions of joy that were still in shock on their faces:

Good... so dangerous!

Just a little bit, if the Fate Master is hit by the opponent Thresh Q, then the purple side on the opposite side will definitely let go of the dragon and start the team forcibly, and the Fate Master will definitely be the first to be fired instantly end.

The Hayami team 1 ADC player on the blue side was almost not frightened so much that his heart was beating wildly. He immediately tried his best to control his ADC playmaker, turned around and ran, and quickly withdrew to the back row of his formation.

This is no longer daring to step forward easily.

The shadow puppet who is the assistant bull head can't help but let out a long sigh of relief:

"so far so good……"

Just now I was really glad that his ADC teammate reacted fast enough, otherwise, if he was really Q, he, as a support, would not be able to do any rescue at all.

Only the expression on Lin Feng's face still couldn't see the slightest bit of relaxation, his eyes quickly scanned the small map, and then he quickly urged his own top order dog head:

"Dog head, speed!"

He could see it, the wave on the other side...

Obviously not going to stop there.

Thresh's Q skill just now is just a lottery lottery. If you win the Q, it is called good luck. It is the most ideal result for the opponent. You can turn around and open the group directly, but even if you don't get the Q... and Not to mention forcing out a summoner skill [Flash] of the ADC's life master here, and they still have to continue to fight the dragon in this wave.

Because, the field of vision has been completely taken back by the opposite side.

And their blue side's top laner Gotou has not been able to arrive in time.

At this point before the dog's head arrived...

It is the time that the opponent hopes to be able to control.

"15 seconds."

On the spectator seats, No. 3 stared at the giant LCD spectator screen on the stage, and spoke in a casual tone.

Number 1 and Number 5 beside them nodded slightly.


15 seconds.

It takes almost 15 seconds for the dog head to rush back to the Dalongfjord from the high ground in the middle of the opponent.

Fifteen seconds is enough for the purple army to quickly capture the dragon with all their strength.

Also the same -

You can rely on this time to forcibly force your opponents!


In the OB spectator screen from God's perspective, the members of several clubs in the spectator seats can clearly see the scene in Dalongfjord at this moment without any difficulty.

Under the concentrated fire output of several purple heroes, the blood volume of the blood bar on the head of the Dragon Baron...

Sliding down at an amazing speed!

Blink and a quarter is gone!

Seeing that he was about to be beaten to about half blood!

The spectators with strong mental arithmetic ability quickly calculated, and when they came to a conclusion, they suddenly took a breath of cold air:

"Depend on!"

"This is so... It can really be destroyed in more than ten seconds!"

The game time has indeed come to nearly 30 minutes. At this time, the development of the core C heroes of the blue and purple sides has basically been fully formed. The wild widow who also started to output the big dragon, the speed of fighting the dragon is really fast.


With the clockwork demon's E skill set shield, several purple heroes are basically almost harmless.

"This dragon can't give up in vain!"

The second team and the substitutes at the Hayami club were all anxious. They finally watched the blue team want to take back the rhythm initiative. Who would have thought that the opponent, the purple team, was so tough that it exploded. A wave of big dragons forced the palace, almost instantly reversing the situation and regaining the initiative!

If Dalong gives up in vain...it will be really difficult!

They are also aware of this point, but at this moment, several players on the blue team's side, including Lin Feng, can't clearly see the specific situation in the Dalongfjord.

He didn't even dare to go up and insert one in the eye position.

Because going up now...

Who knows if it will happen again?

The flash of the ADC's life master has just been forced out, and there will be no second life.

1 second.

2 seconds.

3 seconds.

Time seems to be a torment for the players of the blue team, but it actually passes quickly. The more they can't control and understand the situation in the Dalongfjord at the moment, the more anxious and restless they are.

Estimate how much blood the dragon has left now?

Is it about to be knocked out?

Should they do it now?

Finally, the main jungler of the Hayami 1 team on the blue side couldn't hold back:

"I'll take a look!"

At the same time as the voice fell, he had already controlled his prince Jiawen to rush towards the direction of Dalongfjord again quickly. At this time, it is true that the jungler should not sit idly by - and at least his prince is more fleshy than his ADC teammates. Much, Thresh's Q skill cooling time should not be so fast...

Such thoughts naturally flashed through the mind of the main jungler of the Hayami first team.

This is common sense as a professional player.


It is precisely this kind of common sense cognition with the characteristics of subconscious inertia that is more fatal at critical times.

A moment ago, Lin Feng was still paying close attention to the distance and position of his top laner Gotou's support, estimating the remaining time, and the next moment he came back to his senses and saw that his jungler prince teammate couldn't hold back and rushed again go up.

for a moment.

Someone's face changed slightly:


At the same moment, No. 3 in the spectator seats couldn't help shaking his head, with dissatisfied comments in his tone:

"The quality is still a bit weak."

No. 1 nodded slightly:

"Inertia of thinking is...not necessary."

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The update is here, the next chapter will be around ten o'clock, get out and continue coding.

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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