
Chapter 1110 The Evil Effect of Common Sense

The so-called inertia of thinking.

In fact, it can also be called "forgetfulness" in some cases.

To put it more generally, in fact, it means not learning a lesson, and forgetting the pain when the scar is healed.

And this kind of problem basically often occurs in the ordinary passerby ranking game of the national server. Last time, you, an ADC, stood too far in the team battle and was killed by the opponent Annie's big move, but the next time you made the same mistake. The error was turned into a black and white screen again.

Even professional players, there will be such mistakes in professional events, but the frequency of such problems is much lower than that of passer-by players.


If you are an excellent professional player, the first thing you should do in a game is to avoid this kind of problem as much as possible.

A player who plays purely based on his own common sense and subconscious habits is doomed to have an upper limit of his personal level.


He was actually talking about the prince player of the blue Fang Sushui team, the main jungler.

In fact, the operation and positioning of the prince at this time can be understood and analyzed, because the opponent is fighting the dragon and there is no vision in the fjord to see the situation, so the jungler who is the prince will naturally be anxious.

At the same time, because of his common sense and inertial cognition of the hero Thresh, he estimated the cooldown time CD of Soul Lock Warden's Q skill, and felt that it was not yet time for Thresh's Q skill to cool down.


The problem is that this auxiliary Thresh of the purple side is not following a conventional line of play.

This is a CD stream Thresh.

In this time period of twenty minutes... the Thresh whose CD had already been fully cooled.

During the last wave of dragon team battles, everyone has already discovered this point. In the case of one target in Q, the interval between the second Q skill "Death Judgment" of the soul lock warden hardly exceeds three seconds.

But at this moment, the blue team's jungler princes have forgotten this.

His thinking cognition still stays in habitual common sense.


Without realizing it, he took the initiative to walk into a dangerous situation.

In the front row of the spectator seats, Shi Hang and Lixiao Chenxing also realized the problem immediately. Lixiao Chenxing glanced at Shi Hang beside him:

"You junglers—"

He didn't finish his sentence, it was a tactful way to save face for the other party.

And Shi Hang himself almost jumped in a hurry:

"What the hell is this guy doing!?"

"Haven't you reacted yet!?"

If he could, he really wanted to find a hole in the ground to avoid being ashamed. Damn, this is his own teammate of Hayami... He made such a stupid mistake and showed it to the other two club members and even a few legendary seniors In front of you, I am ashamed and ashamed!


At this moment, the one who is most anxious to get angry can only be Lin Feng.

The anxious cry of "Prince" almost couldn't help making someone put on a maddened and annoyed tone. It is impossible to make this kind of mistake so carelessly. As a result, a professional main jungler of your Hayami team did not realize the danger and walked into the pit on his own initiative——

Isn't this a scam! ?

But at this moment, he didn't have time to worry about more. He could only quickly control his mid laner, Jiaoyue, to move forward and prepare for rescue at any time, while desperately pressing the V keyboard "Ding Ding Ding" and issued a frantic sound. Warning the retreat signal, almost jumped to the ground and shouted loudly:

"Thresh Q Thresh Q Thresh Q!"

"His CD is ready!!"

Finally, when Lin Feng was desperately trying to get a warning signal, the jungler of the Hayami team on the blue side couldn't help but pause for a moment when they moved forward——


Still did not retreat in time.

Then, just stopping the action for a moment...instead, it became a better opportunity for the opponent.

In the river Dalongfjord, a cold metal sickle chain exuded a death-like cold color luster, and shot out through the wall again!

Like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.

Dash to the target as fast as lightning!


Accompanied by the sound of "creaking" metal friction, the body of the prince Jiawen was suddenly bound to death by metal chains.

In an instant, the pupils in Lin Feng's eyes suddenly shrank into the most dangerous needle-like shape——

It's no use worrying anymore.

It's still a reality.

next moment.

On the side of the Purple Fang Legion on the stage, Huangxue Yege suddenly rang out in the voice channel of the team:



Almost like a flash, in the Dalongfjord of the river, the figure of the purple side auxiliary Thresh, under the effect of the second stage of the Q skill "Death Judgment", rushed towards the target prince on the other side of the scythe chain like a ghost!


A "Pendulum of Misfortune" with the E skill was shot, and the warden of Soul Lock swung the sickle and chain in his hand, moving fiercely from front to back!

He suddenly pulled the prince Jiawen in front of him, and the ADC not far away, the life master, at the limit distance E!

Slow down and hold on!

But none of that counts.

In the spectator seats, Li Shiyi, who suddenly discovered a certain detail, almost stood up from his seat at once, with a shocked expression on his face:

"It's over!"

A magic ball was suspended above Thresh's head.

It was a clockwork magic ball.

Therefore, while the figure of the soul lock warden cut into the opponent's blue square formation with the second stage of the Q skill, he also brought the clockwork demon's death ball over.

next second.

The single spring of the purple square in the Dalongfjord of the river suddenly pulled up his big move!

"Command Shockwave"!

Suddenly, centered on Thresh's body, a terrifying boiling energy storm swept across!

Covering the bodies of the target blue team jungler and ADC!

Drag it fiercely towards the center of the storm!

Take W!

"Command Noise"!

With a set of QR 2nd Company, the instant explosive damage erupted by the clockwork demon emptied the blood bars of the prince and the playmaker to the bottom!

same moment.

Thresh threw a W skill "Lamp of Soul" behind him like lightning!

In the fjord, Fiona, the top laner on the purple side, instantly lit a lantern, and quickly flew in front of her teammate Thresh along the traction light beam in the pale blue lantern shade!

In such a most direct and rapid way...

Enter the arena brazenly!

There was a sudden commotion in the audience and audience seats!

The members of the Hayami Club who were still cheering and cheering for the teammates of the blue team's own team in front suddenly turned ashen!

It's over!

This wave... was just because of a small mistake.

It will directly lead to blood collapse!

It's not that they are too pessimistic, but that at this moment, almost everyone in the audience can see that as long as they have enough common sense, this wave of purple army's first move in just one or two seconds... …

Basically, the ending of this wave of team battles has been locked.


This is the thought that popped up in almost everyone's mind at this moment.



The so-called common sense cognition, the so-called inertia of thinking, has never been undesirable.

Even in the seemingly irreversible collapse, there is always a glimmer of hope for a comeback.

Right at this moment—

The eyes of someone who couldn't help jumping madly just a second ago narrowed their eyes sharply again, and amidst the flickering cold light, Lin Feng shouted loudly:

"Bull head!"


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The update is sent, ah, I'm so tired. . . Go to sleep, go to sleep, good night everyone.

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