
Chapter 1108 Adventure and open the dragon!

"It must be opened!"

In the front row of the spectator seats, Shi Hang's eyes were firmly fixed on the OB screen on the giant LCD spectator screen on the stage, and he spoke in a deep voice.

His tone was extremely firm.

Dawn Morning Star next to him also nodded:


"If this wave doesn't start... the purple side will really be overturned."

Yes, it’s not even said that in this case, the team can’t see the direction of the situation until the purple side is wiped out, but really as long as this wave of purple side continues to let the opponent’s top laner Goutou lead the line to break down Drop their high ground... The situation is almost settled.

It's not just about what will happen if the high ground is broken all the way.

But if the team battle on the Dalongfjord side of the river still can't start after this wave of high ground in the middle road is broken, it is definitely the situation that the opponent blue army is most willing to see.

By the time……

The blue side still doesn't need to rush to fight.

As long as they continue to do the same thing, drag the opponent on the river in front of the Dalong Fjord, and then let them go to the opponent's front tooth tower with their super soldiers - no, even the dog's head doesn't have to go there, relying on the super soldiers all the way to push forward , if the purple side does not draw out manpower to defend, their two incisor towers will also be taken away by super soldiers.

And as I said before-

At this time, if the blue and purple sides want to fight head-on, the purple side must not lack anyone.

missing one...

Team fights are a must.

So now there is very little time left for the purple side. From the perspective of Shi Hang and Dawn Chenxing, it is easy to judge that as long as the purple side hesitates at this time, the blue side's top laner dog head may even Open the tower directly.


It really might only take a dozen seconds to break the high ground in the middle of the purple side.

Time is running out and the arrow is on the line.

But one problem still remains——


Of course, the purple army has several heroes with their own first-hand skills,

But the four heroes of the opponent's blue team were also extremely cautious on the river in front of the Dalongfjord.

Jian Ji can't find a chance to go around the back now.

The same goes for widows.

The safest way to go first is to rely on their auxiliary Thresh to hit the hook of the Q skill to Q first to the key C-position hero on the opposite side, but this is almost like a robot in the nature of lottery, it depends too much on luck.

But then again—

Apart from relying on luck, it seems that the purple army really has no other way at this time.



When the pawn line presses on the high ground in the middle of the purple side, and the first Q skill "Soul Sucking Blow" of the single dog head on the blue side smashes down towards the defensive tower, on the side of the river Dalongfjord, the purple side's army Several heroes finally began to react.

Finally, the stalemate and stalemate rhythm like before did not continue.

The auxiliary Thresh and the top laner Jianji pressed forward at the same time.

And the clockwork monster and ADC Obama in the back row of the formation quickly followed up.

Forcibly pulled out the opponent's real eye in a bush in the middle of the river, Thresh turned on the red jewelry to scan and then cleared a false eye, Clockwork Demon's Q skill "Command·Attack" controlled the magic ball to press forward quickly to draw a deterrent zone.


The four heroes of the blue army were naturally forced to retreat slowly.

The vision of the river dragon's eye, which was originally prepared, was robbed little by little by the opponent who showed a tough posture.

The spectators from several clubs in the spectator stands couldn't help but cheer up, especially those from God and KG couldn't help but jump for joy:

Act now!

This immediately snatched Dalong's vision back!

But some players from the nearby Hayami club expressed disdain:

Just grab a view...

Nothing major has happened, you still have nothing to do with the dog head in the middle, I will give you my view here, just keep dragging, anyway, you will cry when the dog head demolishes the highland later.

But at the same time.

In the back row of the spectator seats, No. 1 glanced across the Dalongfjord on the OB screen of the spectator screen, squinting slightly:

"Clear vision?"

"It's not that simple."

And it was almost at the same moment when the voice fell.

On the stage, in the voice channel of the purple Fangjun team, the voices of Huangxue Yege and Tian Tian sounded almost simultaneously:

"Open the dragon!"


Accompanied by such orders, an extremely eye-catching signal...was directly pointed at the body of Baron Dalong!


On the river in front of the Dalongfjord, the four heroes of the blue team were forced to retreat slowly to the grass near the entrance of the river on the road by the rhythm of the opponent's five people from the purple team. What will happen next moment.

Even the members of the blue team on the field haven't reacted yet. They just think it's okay to give up the dragon's vision a little at this time, and just hold the opponent and let their top laner continue to lead the line and demolish the tower.

But at this moment.

When the vision of the blue side's army was cleared, when the figures of the purple side directly entered and disappeared in the Dalong Fjord.

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly narrowed in front of the computer screen.

At the same time, his voice quickly sounded in his team's voice channel:


"Open your vision!"

At the same time as the voice fell, the ADC members of the blue Fang Sushui team did not dare to neglect in the slightest, and immediately a blue jewelry's insight point lit up in the Dalong fjord of the river.

same moment.

In the lighted field of vision, the five heroes of the opponent's purple army...

Already started aiming at the big dragon to focus fire output!

Without warning!

Open the dragon directly!

The spectators from several clubs in the spectator stands, including the coach and team leader, were shocked instantly!

Many people suddenly showed shocking and unbelievable expressions on their faces, and even exclaimed:


They only saw the purple side forcefully recapture the dragon's vision, but they never expected that this wave of purple side would be so tough. Seeing that the opponent's single dog head was still unable to be restrained... Directly and simply fired the baron!

Almost adventurous to the extreme!

As a result, the voice channel of the blue team on the stage suddenly became chaotic:

"Grass, the other side is so tough!?"

"Open it!"

"They fight dragons so fast—damn they can't let this dragon fight!"

"The dog head is back!"

Finally, you can see that the blue team’s top laner Kotou gave up the advance of the highland tower in the middle road, turned his head and hurried back towards the direction of Dalongfjord, and at the same time, several Hayami players from the blue team on the river side could not help but control Your own hero has to catch up.


Lin Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly:


However, such a warning has just been issued, but it seems to be a beat too late.

Just when the jungler prince and ADC playmaker on the blue side were anxiously heading towards Dalongfjord, they couldn't help rushing first.

A chain of cold metal scythes...

Like a ghost, it suddenly flew out of Dalongfjord!

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The update will be delivered, the next chapter will probably be late again, I suggest you guys get up and read it tomorrow morning.

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