
Chapter 1086 How to Win

The solo kill on the road, for every member of the blue team on the field, is tantamount to a wake-up call when they are excited and happy.

The mood of joy and cheers suddenly dissipated.


It is the great uneasiness that comes from looking back.

"It can be seen..." Shi Hang's gaze stayed on the single Jianji on the purple side of the field and never moved away, and he continued to finish his words: "The current Jianji, really No one can stop it."


Even the best-developed mid laner of the blue team, Bright Moon, even under the control of someone, was killed by the sword girl Fiona in front of her defense tower on the road in the Summoner Canyon , then who among the other heroes on the blue side can sustain under the sword of Wushuang Jianji for more than three to five seconds?

Oh, for three to five seconds, the dog's head is fine.

But it's just a slightly more fleshy target that's more resistant to beating.

"If the dog head wants to be able to hold Sword Fairy head-on, it needs at least ten minutes to develop."

Dawn Morning Star next to Shi Hang directly made an assertion.

That's right, to be reasonable, among the five members of the Blue Army, including Jiaoyue, the only one who is really capable of fighting Sword Fairy is the Desert Reaper who has developed the Six Gods costume in the late stage.

But the problem is...

Is it possible for the blue side to buy so much time for their top laner Kotou teammates?


Li Shishi, who was sitting next to Tang Bingyao in the spectator seats, had an incomparably dignified expression on his face, and slowly opened his mouth to give his own analysis and judgment:

"Old Tian's sword girl is now completely playing the rhythm, and the more he fights, the more fierce it is. Next, the speed of single-lane and single-belt is too fast. If Goutou can't fight for the time being, Fengzi's Jiaoyue can only continue to come and mark."

"But even if it's Fengzi's bright moon, even if it's just guarding the tower, it's very reluctant."

"Next, Jian Ji doesn't need to rush to push up the ground, change lanes to the bottom lane and lead a wave of pawns, and soon the second tower of the bottom lane on the blue side will also be lost."

"The second tower in the middle road probably won't last long."

"And then—"

"That's right, only the high ground is left." Tang Bingyao took the words, looking at the giant LCD monitor on the stage, her small face also couldn't help but filled with deep worry: "The field of vision...is completely compressed."


Not just the field of view.

At this stage, when the game time is less than twenty minutes, for the blue team, if all six defensive outer towers are broken in a row, and they still can't find a way to counterattack, then this situation is almost like Nightmarishly bad.

The development space will also be completely compressed.

There are two wild areas, the upper and lower, and it is impossible to get out easily. All the wild resources will fall into the pockets of the opponent's purple army, and even Xiaolong is completely powerless to fight for it.

After the dragon...

And the big dragon.

This is the truth that most ordinary players can understand. If one side's field of vision is compressed to only the high ground, then the other side as the opponent will completely occupy all the initiative to control the rhythm of the game. If I want to fight the dragon, I will fight Dalong, if you want to ambush, just ambush.

If you dare not come, I will take all the resources without hesitation.

And if you figure it out...

I'm sorry, relying on the absolute vision to suppress the advantage, I can just find a bush to ambush you and completely blow you up.

in addition--

When the field of vision is infinitely compressed, even the blue team's plan to delay the development of several heroes until the late stage will be greatly delayed. Knife, don't say that it will develop in 10 minutes... 20 minutes may not be enough for you.

On the contrary, the purple army, which has the initiative and advantage, can continue to snowball the advantage, take the line in three ways, and search for wild resources without any psychological pressure. Soon, the development of hero level equipment in each position will be ahead of the opponent in an all-round way .

Another three to five minutes into this rhythm, the dog's head that just threatened the purple side just now... probably will be cold again.

Say a thousand words and ten thousand...

Anyway, the "culprit" who caused all this to the five members of the blue army was Tian Tian's top sword girl.


That's why it is said that after the mid-term stage of this training match, it is really completely opposite to the previous KG vs. Hayami match.

At the end of the previous match, many players from several clubs under the stage came to a conclusion:

At that time, Shi Hang should choose a more carry mid laner, and further exert his personal strength to the extreme.

Even Lin Feng gave Shi Hang advice like this at the time, and this time he chose an assassin-type AP hero like Goddess Bright Moon for his own blue mid laner.


Not to mention whether Diana, the mid laner under his control in the early to mid-term, played a bit of this effect.

at least—

Relying on one's own strength to forcibly set off a strong carry rhythm, even one person forced the five opponents to be almost helpless, but this matter was perfectly completed one step ahead of schedule by Tian Tian's top laner sword girl.

I really can't blame Lin Feng for any problems with his operation.

After all, in this version, the top laner has more carry ability than the mid laner.

Even Shi Hang himself admitted frankly and unabashedly that if Tian Tian took out Jian Ji in front, their Hayami team would definitely collapse faster, and now this round can be played like this... ...It's already someone's mid laner, Jiaoyue, who has played an incomparably huge role.

However, now is not the time to analyze and evaluate credit contributions.

Because this rivalry is not over yet.

Although it seems that the rhythm of the situation has inevitably fallen into the control of the purple army, at least the blue side has not lost the high ground, so it still has the power to fight.

in addition.

The more important point is.

On the stage, in front of the computer screen on the side of the blue army, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and the light in his eyes flickered faintly:

"The dog's head continues to be alone."

"Bright moon...I'll keep an eye on it."


The most important point is that he is far from the time to give up.


Lin Feng knew very well that his Jiaoyue still had no chance of winning against Jian Ji who had won another head, but apart from him, the other teammates were even less suitable candidates.

Originally, the dog-headed Nasus who took two human heads could come over and carry it, but the dog-head summoner skill [Teleport] has not yet cooled down, and the fat sword girl opposite is already holding [Teleport] in her hand.

There is a summoner skill teleportation difference between the top laners, but the difference is actually huge.

Moreover, the dog's head did not have the control skills to interrupt the teleportation, which made their blue army have to be on guard at all times, beware of whether the opposite sword girl would suddenly teleport around.


Only Lin Feng's Bright Moon Goddess can at least keep an eye on Jian Ji. Even if he doesn't teleport, he can ensure that the opposite Jian Ji can't teleport to support the side battlefield under his own marking.

As for whether there will be a repeat of the previous situation of being forced to jump over the tower... Now there is no need to worry too much.

Because the previous wave of Jian Ji's tower jumping and strong killing only relied on that hand [Flash] to complete the return of the carbine, otherwise even Jian Ji herself would be counter-killed, so at this moment without the flash, she wants to complete the single again. Killing Ke Ke is by no means an easy task.

"Take it slow first, take your time."

Lin Feng's calm voice sounded on the team's voice channel, which also subconsciously calmed down the other Hayami players on the blue side.


Although he said words to comfort his teammates, Lin Feng frowned slightly without being noticed:

Drag, yes can drag.

But this one, how can I win?

Under the stage, No. 1 in the spectator seats glanced at the heroes of the blue army, as if suddenly thinking of something, he turned to look at his beautiful fiancée:

"Hayami, the auxiliary bull head... what is it called?"

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The update is here, the next chapter will be around ten o'clock, get out and continue coding. nt

:. :

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