
Chapter 1085

In less than half a minute, accidents occurred frequently throughout the game.

For the spectators, team leaders, and coaches of several clubs in the spectator stands, the mood was ups and downs like riding a roller coaster.


Changing too fast.

First, the two heroes of the blue Fang Yesuke made a stunning and moving perfect move, and then the four heroes of the purple Fang in the middle lane cooperated perfectly to resolve the opponent's first wave of fierce and fierce offensive.

Then when the purple team was about to win this wave of team battles in the middle at 0 for 2, the blue team sent a single dog head to the ground, and blatantly opened up Dalian to behead the opponent's two C-position heroes.

The rhythm ends here, which is equivalent to finally letting the blue army fight back again.

After all, the top laner Desert Reaper got two heads, which represents too much meaning and weight.

If it really ends here——

Then the members of the blue team, including many spectators who supported the blue team in the audience seats, should take a long breath and couldn't help but feel excited.

But a sudden kill announcement from a female voice in the system reverberated from the top lane, but shocked everyone's eardrums in an instant.


Shocked the audience!

"Single kill!!?"

In the front row of the spectator seats, Shi Hang suddenly stood up and exclaimed, even Dawn Chenxing could no longer maintain his original calm state of mind, and his expression was suddenly moved.

Even the Purple Fang Legion on the stage, the Huangxue Yege in front of the computer screen was almost sluggish at this moment:



Single kill.

Solo kill by jumping over the tower.

At this moment, the angle of view of the camera was moved and switched to the top road of the Summoner's Canyon with belated awareness. In front of the second defense tower of the blue army, the body of the goddess of the moon, Diana, had turned into a cold corpse. on the ground.


If any other accident happened, it would not be enough to shock the members of several clubs in the spectator seats, let alone shock Shi Hang and even Dawn Morning Star.

In other words, it would not be surprising to be solo killed by Sword Ji Yueta if the bright moon who had just hit the road was replaced by any other blue hero.

After all, she is a sword girl who is so developed.

After all, she is Tian Tian's sword girl.

Maybe even if two or three heroes from the blue side were on the top lane and were killed by Tian Tian's top laner sword girl by jumping the tower just now, it wouldn't cause such an uproar in the e-sports venue.



It was Bright Moon who died.

It is Lin Feng's mid laner, Bright Moon.

Also sitting in the spectator seats, Tang Bingyao's face turned slightly pale at this moment: "Fengzi was single-killed?"

For a girl, the person she trusts and admires the most in the whole world is Lin Feng, and even a few legendary seniors are unreasonably pushed back by her. She clearly knows someone's strength, It is also to be by someone's side from the very beginning and witness how someone's state level has gradually recovered and improved to an almost invincible height.

Even in the previous match against Lixiao Chenxing in the training match, the guy who was said to be the number one mid laner in the national server had never taken advantage of Fengzi's hands.

But now...

Fengzi's Haoyue, who was so strong and developed so smoothly, was actually killed alone.

Moreover, the position where Diana's body was lying down clearly showed that the confrontation process that happened just now on the road was Jian Ji's tower jumping and forceful killing.

That's why people like Shi Hang, Dawn Morning Star, and Huangxue Yege who clearly know the origin of someone's identity will have an unstoppable sense of weirdness and absurdity in their hearts——

That's... Maple.

1V1 situation.

Someone could actually jump over the tower and kill his mid laner! ?

On the other side of the spectator seats, No. 1 shook his head irrefutably, including No. 5 beside him, who also didn't show too much surprise on his face.

It seems that the solo kills of the sword girls on the road have long been expected.

No. 3's eyes fell on the road, and he raised his eyebrows:

"Now, the second tower is gone."

"The purple side still has to make a small profit."


On the side of the blue team on stage, the morale-boosting atmosphere suddenly became a little quiet again because of the double kills of their own top laners to regain their growth rhythm.

Several Hayami players were speechless for a long time, unable to utter a word.

The voice channel in the team was also completely silent.

Although they didn't have much time to fight side by side with someone, but in the previous two days when they played the training match, they had already trusted and admired someone's strength. Bright moon is full of absolute dependence.

From their point of view, even if there are accidents at other points on their side of the road, at least the middle line... the mid laner point, there shouldn't be any problems.

Let someone's mid laner Jiaoyue mark the opposite Yuanshen's top laner Jian Ji, and it will definitely be able to guard against it steadily.

can now.

Jiaoyue was also killed by Yuetaqiang.

This makes people can't help but shake their original firm confidence, and even feel a little at a loss——

Even the bright moon of Lin Feng's little brother on their side was forcibly killed, and the sword girl of the Yuanshen on the other side... Is it really impossible to guard against it?

In front of the computer screen in the single seat.

Lin Feng's eyes lowered slightly.

Under the fluffy black hair and bangs, it is impossible to see the real expression clearly, and it is impossible to guess what he is thinking at the moment.

Just now the angle of view of the camera was not given to the road for the first time, so almost no one really saw the whole process of the two sides fighting against each other just now. The video is recorded, and when the training is over tonight for replay and replay...

The wave of kills on the road just now.

It will definitely become the most classic case tonight and the most worthy of everyone's observation and study.

If I were to give this killing video a title, it would be——

"Fairies fight".

It's really a fight of gods.

It was a duel between a top dan Jianji who was only half a step away from the realm of the Four Emperors, and a mid dan Jiaoyue whose strength had already crossed the threshold of the Four Emperors.

When Tiantian's sword girl Fiona used her big move and directly rushed to the tower to force open, the goddess of the moon under someone's control was already able to do it. Ninety-nine percent of the mid laners could not do it. The extreme level of operation, the abrupt sticking to the wall and the position until the last moment never let Jian Ji hit the last fourth flaw in her body.

Even Jian Ji had to choose to retreat at the last moment, and an energy light bullet from the defense tower flew towards the target's bloody Fiona, and when it landed on the target, it could help Jiaoyue complete her reaction. kill.

But everything was reversed at the last moment.

Jian Ji's Q skill moves to distance herself, trying to get out of the tower.

And at the moment when "Kong Po Zhan" moved a distance and landed.

Fiona turned around like lightning.


The second cuts to the front of Jiaoyue who just took a step away from the wall-mounted position.

Open E and level A.

a sword.

Complete the beheading.

Trigger the big move to return to the blood formation, forcefully return a mouthful of life-saving blood to withstand the last fatal energy light bomb damage of the defense tower, and retreat with a trace of blood.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Feng's eyes fell on the former teammate Jian Ji not far away through the black and white screen:

nice note...

Back to the carbine.

***************************************************** *************************

The update will be delivered, and the two shifts will be done. Good night, friends, and try for the third shift tomorrow. nt

:. :

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