
Chapter 1087 One more person needs to stand up

The game is still going on.

On the road, after destroying the second defensive tower of the opponent's blue army, Tian Tian's top laner sword girl on the purple side received another wave of troops and quickly chose to return to the city.

Not in love with the stack, the same...that is, not leaving the slightest chance for the opponent.

So far, the two best-developed heroes on the field, one is Bright Moon and the other is Sword Fairy. Although the former has won many heads, he has been killed and ended twice, but as for the latter, although he seems to be strong Aggressive, but in fact, he has played steadily all the way and has never left any flaws for his opponents.

Such an opponent...

In fact, it is the most terrifying opponent.

"Sometimes I would rather face that guy Maple... than face a top laner like Lao Tian." Shi Hang, who was sitting in the front row of the spectator seats, sighed.

It's not because the former is weaker than the latter, it's really just because when you face the former, you may still have a chance to fight head-to-head, but when you meet the latter... when the latter is willing to fight you When you fight, you are basically dead.


This also has a premise.

"The one now..." Li Xiao Chen Xing's eyes fell on the stage, looking at the figure of someone behind the computer screen: "Have you not recovered to the peak state yet?"

Shi Hang didn't even think about answering and readily admitted: "Of course!"

And then I don't forget to add it outrightly:

"If that guy returns to his peak condition... who would want to have sex with him?"

This is the truth.

So the premise of the discussion just now is that someone's current strength status has just returned to the threshold of the Four Emperors Realm. In this case, it can still give others a chance.

If it's at someone's true peak --

Everything will be different.

Perhaps, apart from the Four Emperors, any other challengers who dare to make a move... can only be doomed to one end.


Dawn Chenxing nodded and shook his head.

It's a pity that I haven't had the opportunity to witness someone's peak performance for the time being, and it's also a pity that if this one is only restored to such a level of strength, then the blue army led by someone wants to come back and win. I hope It's getting smaller and smaller.


After a wave of returning to the city, Jian Ji switched lanes and went to the bottom lane.

Also expected.

The other four on the purple side continue to form a group in the middle, and almost one or two more waves of pawns can push down the second defense tower of the blue side in the middle, so Jian Ji now only needs to go to the bottom lane and take the bottom lane Once the Lu Er Tower is taken, the whole situation is basically settled.

Lin Feng's mid laner Jiaoyue also switched to the bottom lane. Even though she was terminated once or twice, she was slightly behind her opponent's top laner Jian Ji in terms of level, but at this time, the goddess Haoyue was still at the same level regardless of her level and equipment development. A well-deserved second overall.

If you talk about seconds, you can still break out and take away the head.

It's just that after the wave of being killed by jumping over the tower, the players of several clubs in the spectator seats are subconsciously not optimistic about the result of Jiaoyue's confrontation with Jianji——

Even if Sword Fairy is gone, she can still hold the bright moon steadily...

"Yuanshen doesn't need to worry about jumping the tower, just use it up a few times."

A member of the second team from the KG club in the audience made an analysis: "Every time Q goes up to make an opening, he will leave, consume one or two waves of blood to beat the remnant moon, and almost be able to push the moon back——and then continue the same. It can surely destroy the tower."

That's the reason.

In fact, when the initiative of the rhythm is completely in the hands of Jian Ji, even if Jiaoyue knows the opponent's intentions, she has no choice but to see the tricks.

Not long.

Accompanied by the system female voice prompt announcement, the second tower in the middle of the blue side was broken first, and turned into ruins with a bang.

On the side of the blue square army on the stage,

Lin Feng's eyes flickered slightly, and then he sent a warning signal to several teammates in his home lane to retreat, while controlling his own Goddess of the Moon, and slowly retreated to the Highland Tower in his lower lane.

The second tower on the bottom road is also not easy to defend.

If the second tower in the middle lane is not lost first, at least his Bright Moon on the bottom lane can drag the fat man's sword girl on the opposite side for a while, but now...

The tower in the middle lane is broken, and the other four members of the purple army on the opposite side can quickly travel from the wild area to the bottom lane. Not to mention that the support from his teammates can't keep up with the defense, and if his own mid laner Jiaoyue doesn't leave, it will be extremely difficult. It is possible to be double-teamed and killed by the opponent.

So I can only return.

And in this way...

"The three-way outer tower is really broken."

In the audience seats, Li Shiyi couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

The six defensive outer towers on the three roads were all flattened and demolished by the opponent's purple army, which meant that from this time on, the blue army on the field would also officially enter a rhythm of a situation that was completely suppressed.


How to make a comeback?

This is an idea that almost subconsciously pops up in everyone's mind.


Unsurprisingly, after all five members of the blue team retreated to the high ground, the top laner sword girl of the purple team cooperated with a few teammates who came from the middle lane to support the opponent's second tower. Push it flat and demolish it quickly.

Amidst the notification announcement by the female voice of the system, the defense tower was reduced to ruins.

Tian Tianfei from the purple army quickly put a mark on the small map to indicate:

"Take the dragon."

This time it's Earth Dragon.

It is also a giant dragon whose attributes are second only to the effect of the fire dragon.

But at this time, even if the blue side has insight into the intention of the opponent's purple side, it is doomed to be powerless to stop it. Almost half of the field of vision in the lower half of the field is under the opponent's control. If they rush out...the possibility of being ambushed The sex and the stakes are too high.

can only let.

So when the game time came to the 19th minute, with a low roar from Xiaolong Fjord in the river, the second earth dragon was captured by the purple team.

"The economic gap between the two sides has widened by 6,000."

The expression on Shi Hang's face was a bit serious:

"It's really difficult to open such a big gap in this time period..."


But the difference in the number of people between the blue and purple is actually not that big. Almost all of the 6,000 yuan fell on the economy of defense towers and field resources, but this actually just proves the tactical strength of the purple army. success--

I don't just rely on my personal operational strength to win as many kills as I can.

It is relying on tactics and operations to snowball advantages little by little.

And compared to the former, the latter's way of accumulating advantages... is also the most difficult for people to deal with.

Dawn Morning Star nodded slowly:

"The situation is basically over for the purple side."

"In the future, as long as we continue to maintain this rhythm, keep using the line of troops to contain and put pressure, we will almost be able to... win without fighting."


The current purple side army just needs to win without fighting.

So instead—

For the blue army that wants to make a comeback, if they want to find a chance to break the situation and counterattack...they can only take the initiative to ask for a fight.

"It's definitely not enough to rely on a Fengzi's bright moon."

Li Shishi, who was sitting next to Tang Bingyao in the spectator seats, spoke with a firm tone, and his eyes fell on the blue heroes on the spectator screen:

"still need……"

"Another person stands up!"

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The update is here, there are three updates today, the third chapter looks like around twelve o'clock in the evening, go away and continue to code.

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