
Chapter 1004

It's just because this training match didn't find another LCD screen to turn on the special God OB mode, otherwise everyone who watched the game off the court could actually see clearly at this moment——

In the upper half of the wild area of ​​the blue army and the purple army, by coincidence... a scouting guard was released deep by the opponent.

It just so happened that neither of the two fake eyes was discovered by the other party.

It was not excluded.

Then, for the blue and purple top laners who also have the summoner skill [Teleport] in their hands, the next such ward placed deep behind the opponent's jungle is very likely to become their back again. The delivery point.

That is... it is very likely that the perfect lore team battle that happened before will be staged again.


These two extremely tricky and extremely concealed eye positions happened to be placed under the arrangement of the commanders of the two teams.

After the previous two "line-and-eye" routines, Lin Feng and Huang Xueyege unanimously planted such a nail in the back of the opponent's jungle in advance and quietly at this time.

They don't know each other's calculations.

But they are also vaguely able to grasp some of the opponent's possible abacus.

It's just that at this time, on the one hand is the ADC Wei En who is the core output point of the team, and on the other is the auxiliary Japanese girl who is the commander of the overall situation. Both Lin Feng and Huangxue Yege need to focus more on Dalongfjord In terms of the stalemate in the river and the competition for vision, there is no way to allocate enough mind and energy to remotely command your top lane teammates how to use the vision to do things.

This is also normal.

In many cases, after the tactical routine is formulated, it still has to be implemented by the specific executors themselves.

Everyone... First of all, you still have to take care of the things in front of you.

Not far away, Lin Feng saw the blue ADC Vayne flashing past. He pressed the Tab key and quickly glanced at the latest equipment update status of the Night Hunter, causing his pupils to shrink slightly for a moment.

On the opposite side of Wayne's equipment column is the last one.

There was also an extremely familiar piece of equipment.

[Mercury Ribbon].

Although the ADC Vayne on the blue side in front almost unexpectedly and boldly chose the pure output outflow equipment route, but in this final period of time when the victory is almost dependent on a wave, Vayne still has a solid hand after all.

However, this is also reasonable.

Even from the opponent's standpoint, Lin Feng couldn't help admiring the choice of the production route and order of Huangxue Yege in this match.

The blue team lacked enough output in the early stage, so Vayne boldly gave up life-saving decisively and made a pure output equipment to make up for the lack of team damage in the early stage; now the blue side, especially Vayne himself, has no shortage of damage After that, he was able to control his mentality in time to stabilize the mercury ribbon, which was precisely the most sensible choice at this time.

A pro ADC player...

Being able to achieve this level in the game of Huangxue Yege is almost really impeccable.


Admiration is admiration.

The mercury sash made by Wei En in the last equipment grid also made Lin Feng's already relaxed mood sink a little bit——

Because once the mercury is made, it will be even more difficult and troublesome for the purple side to do something against Wei En.

Having said that, the final wave will decide the outcome, but what will happen next and how to fight... In fact, even he is not sure about it now, Jiang Ran couldn't help but glanced at the girl next to him :


It depends on the confrontation between the ADCs on both sides in the last wave of team battles.


River channel, near Dalongfjord.

The vision in the core area, including the fjord, is still firmly controlled by the two real eyes of the blue army and several false eyes, but at the same time, although the purple army has never found a chance to capture the sights on the river directly in front of the fjord. The opponent forced back,

However, he has successfully cleared his field of vision in the upper half of the wild area, and at the same time occupied the right to advance the pawn line in the middle.

"The two sides are still at a stalemate because there is no chance for team battles to start."

"However... both sides can also have other options."

Dawn Chenxing, who was in the front row of the spectators off the court, continued to give a calm analysis and explanation to the club teammates around him:

"If you have been restrained by the blue Fang Dalong Fjord's vision, the purple side must be uncomfortable."

"But in fact, they occupy the terrain in the middle lane. If the opponent's blue side chooses to rely on the vision of the Dalongfjord to ambush, the purple side doesn't need to go up at all, and can directly lead a wave of troops from the middle lane."


"The blue side holds the baron firmly."

"But the purple side also has enough time to push down the opponent's mid-lane high ground."

The other God players watching the battle subconsciously gasped: "Is this the change?"

It just sounds...too fierce.

Both sides have to make huge sacrifices, but it seems that that situation is completely valid, and as long as that situation occurs, the situation on the scene will become even worse and unpredictable.

"It's actually an adventure."

Li Xiaochen Xing said while looking at the Dalong Fjord, a river on the field, with the light in his eyes flickering:

"If it's possible... No matter which side, they still hope to win the opponent with a wave of opportunities from Dalong."

"That's the most stable way, but..."

"It's also difficult."


To be exact, it should be very difficult.

Currently, there are a total of eight heroes from the blue and purple sides entrenched on the river in front of the Dalongfjord. After setting aside their respective top lane teammates, the rest is actually a half-baked situation as a whole.

Your blue team's lineup is not as good as your opponent's rushing ability, so it's not easy to play, and Wayne and Syndra have to be careful of being cut and killed at all times.

But on the purple side... all the heroes in the back row are too fragile. If one is not paying attention, if the prince on the opposite side uses EQ first and then gets Syndra's big move, he will also be caught in an instant.

Each of them voted against the mouse.

Therefore, the most suitable thing for the blue side is for the big tree to come out and stand in the front row to absorb the first round of fire damage.

On the purple side, if there is an ice girl who is responsible for cutting in first, the team battle will be the most ideal.

The top laners on both sides are now on the wing.

They all held [Teleport] in their hands.

Everyone knows that there is an opponent's eye position inserted in the corner without knowing where they are, but if they don't find it, they can only try their best to stand carefully and keep the formation so that there will not be too much trouble, and then Always keep your eyes on the position and movement of the opposite side, not letting go of any details.

In such a situation...

For the vast majority of people watching the game off the court, the situation on the court seemed a little weird.

Obviously, there was no sign of a fight at all.

However, the gunpowder smoke that diffused in front of the Dalongfjord in the river channel became thicker and thicker to a depressing and scalp-numbing level, as if it was the calm before the storm.

But when the storm will come, no one knows.

"In this way, it won't work."

In the back row of the spectators off the field, No. 5 suddenly shook his head slightly and gave such an evaluation.

And number one next to him narrowed his eyes slightly:



"If this game drags on to the end, nothing will be dragged out."

"It can only be opened by force."

***************************************************** *******************************

The update is delivered, and the two updates are done. Good night, my friends, Abu, I have to rest as soon as possible. I have to go to the company early tomorrow morning. .

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