
Chapter 1003 Do you need to rely on the top order again?

Almost at the time when the Purple Army's middle road summoned the crystal rebirth, the second baron Nash in the fjord on the Dalong Fjord side of the river was finally refreshed.

The field of vision competition near the Dalongfjord in the river channel will become the main task of the battle between the blue and purple armies in the next period of time.

And because one or two waves of central soldiers had to be dealt with at the end just now, the purple army on the field couldn't rush to the river to set up their vision in the first place, which gave the blue army a chance to take advantage of—

Not only was the opponent's eye position near the river and fjords completely cleared, even the purple army's field vision in the upper half of the field was almost under the control of the blue army.

This time period...

The initiative of vision is more important than almost any other factor.

"The purple side is now passive."

A coach of God's coaching team spoke firmly:

"If the vision is controlled by the opposite blue side, the purple side will not dare to leave this position too far, or move away a little bit... The other side will directly seize the opportunity to quickly grab the big dragon, and the purple side will not even have time to stop it."


The blue army now has Syndra and Vayne... especially the output damage of the latter. It is almost only a matter of ten seconds to get the baron quickly in this time period, not to mention there are still With the auxiliary Fengnv at the side, it is absolutely possible to take down the dragon almost without injury.

Although the current situation on the scene is still a bit stalemate, but as long as the second dragon is determined to belong...

It is estimated that the final outcome of this game will almost be determined.


"The field of vision slowly spreads over."

On the side of the purple team on the field, Lin Feng's voice sounded on the team's voice channel, calm and concise.

Of course he knows how troublesome it is for the opponent to control the view from the wild area to the river and fjords, and also knows how the second big dragon will affect the final outcome of the game, so...

The field of vision cannot easily be placed on the opposite side.

It has to be taken back little by little.

But at the same time, you can't be impatient, because as long as you are impatient, you will easily reveal your flaws. If you are accidentally caught by the opponent who is lying in an ambush in the grass...the opponent can also turn around quickly and open the big dragon.

"Tangtang follows me, don't be left alone."

"Mantis don't move too far, don't be in a hurry to face the big dragon yet."

"Take the ice girl out on the road for a little bit, and come back after crossing the river."

As a result, the instructions and arrangements were arranged in an orderly and rapid manner. Lin Feng in front of the computer screen still seemed calm at the moment. In the past, he might not have been able to do this, but as time went by, he also had his own. growth.

It is not just a gradual recovery of personal operational ability.

What's more important is that now he has been able to gradually cultivate his awareness and consciousness as a team captain and a core commander of the team.

In fact, quite a long time ago, Senior No. 1 said something like this to him:

"Want to improve your abilities beyond personal operations?"


"Let's play more support positions."


When you are in the support position, there are actually not many things you can do. Even if you have a huge level of personal operation ability, it is impossible to rely on the support position to make a show, so... When these seem the most After the intuitive and most amazing ability traits are temporarily put aside, your mind will calm down, and you will be able to discover more things in other aspects.

Control of the battle situation.

The understanding of the soldiers line.

Calculation of the Summoner skills of both the enemy and the enemy.

Mental grasp of the enemy commander's tactical routines.

In such an e-sports game, there can be too many complicated factors and complicated calculations in a game, which may not be able to give attention to the players in the positions of top laner, mid laner, wild ADC, etc.

But support...is the most suitable to think about these things.

Therefore, the support position in a professional team is often the captain, the real core soul.


This game was not easy for Lin Feng, who assumed the role of captain, because he was like a chess player in front of a chessboard. A few chess pieces that can command and dispatch...but their strength is limited.

In this case, the role of the commander cannot be brought into full play.

Lin Feng's eyes lowered slightly:

Then, he can only take another step back from the captain's position.

As an auxiliary...

The key to helping the real core of his side to win - that is, Tangtang's ADC Delevingne, try his best to create the most ideal and perfect output and harvesting environment.


Although it was difficult, the field of vision was slowly and gradually made by the purple army.

The first thing is to eliminate the opponents in the upper half of the field one by one.

Then Tang Bingyao's ADC Draven's insight into a blue accessory temporarily lights up a section of grass on the river in front of the Dalong Fjord to confirm the location of the heroes of the blue army on the opposite side and whether they are in ambush.

At the same time, the jungle mantis on the purple side also used the void spikes of the W skill to explore the path in advance in the misty grass with no vision.

Step by step.

Cautious like walking on eggshells.

Fortunately, the purple army is cautious, and the opponent blue army is also not daring to be careless. Everyone's current situation is not much worse. To put it bluntly, it is a matter of team battles that determine the outcome. The ownership of the initiative of the field of vision is important, but if you fight too fiercely for the field of vision, you will expose your own flaws...

That is the stupid behavior of picking sesame seeds and losing watermelon.

"It doesn't matter, the opponent's field of vision in the upper half of the field can be turned back. Anyway, in the Dalongfjord area of ​​the river, the blue side has two real eyes inserted, and the formation stands in several key terrain positions to get stuck on the opposite side and cannot get through."

"This is the core field of vision, and the purple side can't easily grab it if they want to grab it."

In the back row of the crowd watching the game, several coaches of the coaching staff are still communicating and analyzing:

"Unless you can seize the opportunity to fight a wave of contact battles, consume some blood volume of the blue side, and then press forward forcibly to regain your vision."

This is the truth.

In many cases, the competition for a little field of vision really needs to rely on a wave of team battles to achieve the goal, but since the current blue and purple sides will not easily start a team casually, then the core key dragon vision of the river and fjords should be It will always fall into the hands of the blue team.

In other words, as long as the blue side is not being stupid, it will be able to firmly grasp the opportunity of the situation.

"The top orders on both sides... the teleportation is also fine."

Li Xiaochen stared at the small map, noticing that at this time, the blue and purple top laners, a big tree and a Lissandra, went to the side lanes to deal with the pawn line.


There have already been two waves of team battles in succession, each of which was played by the top laner heroes of the blue and purple sides by teleportation, and achieved rich results for their respective teams.

Then the next third time...


It is also the most important one.

Will the key to going first in team battles fall on the top laners on both sides?

On the back row of the spectators off the court, No. 1 and No. 5 still looked relaxed and calm, as if they were not a bit nervous about the match that was about to usher in the final battle.

at the same time--

On the field, the person in front of the computer screen and Huangxue Yege moved the mouse to switch the camera angle almost at the same time, and glanced at a certain position in the direction of the opponent's upper half wild area in an extremely subtle and quick manner.

At the same time, he quickly retracted his gaze.

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The update is here, the next chapter should be around ten o'clock, get out and continue coding.

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