
Chapter 1005 Pass!

Not just number one and number five.

At this moment, in fact, off the field, including the head coach of God's coaching staff and Li Xiaochenxing, all of them came to the same view on the situation on the field.

There's no point in dragging it down...

Because in fact, both sides on the field are too cautious, it is basically impossible to give the opponent any chance, and there is no room for any side to use the current three-way pawn line, it is nothing more than the wing line Push a wave to clear a wave, and then you advance a little and I retreat a little on the Dalongfjord side of the river.


According to the insiders, this kind of situation in the game is a deadlock in the true sense.

Because the strength levels of the players on both sides are also there, don't expect that ordinary passer-by players may make mistakes if they are not careful, allowing the opponent to easily catch the loopholes. If you are determined to play a cautious route, you can really force yourself Time goes on infinitely.

Of course, there is always the possibility that the opponent makes a mistake and one's own side finds a loophole.

But that was too unpredictable.

And who knows whether it is the opponent who has the problem first or the problem first?

Therefore, at this time, the only way to break the situation is only one——

"Forcibly open."

Li Xiaochenxing, who was surrounded by a group of club teammates off the field, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "If you don't want to procrastinate like this... you can only force it."


It sounds like it is also a kind of risk, because you obviously have no chance to go hard, and it is not a safe and secure choice.

But... if you don't force it, your opponent may force it.

In case the opponent takes the lead, no matter what, your side will be on the passive defense at that time, and it is better to take the initiative to attack than to defend passively.

not to mention--

When you are playing at a professional level, the opponent is unlikely to give you too many opportunities. On the surface, even if the opponent seems to be invulnerable, but often after they really force the team fight and disrupt the situation forcibly, many loopholes will appear. will appear at that moment.

Opportunity...often comes with risk.


No. 1 in the back row of the spectators looked at the field from a distance, and said in a leisurely tone:

"It won't be long."

"That kid or Ah Ye, I can't bear it any longer—"



In fact, when the spectators were discussing the battle, the two commanders of the blue and purple sides on the field, no matter Lin Feng or Huang Xueyege, actually had a thought in their minds——

It's no use dragging it down.

It's almost... time to do it.

But even with such thoughts in their minds, the two of them still remained calm, and even the heroes under their control became more cautious and cautious. They didn't intend to let the opponent notice at all, but they just spoke in the team at the same time. Orders and arrangements were quickly made in the channel:

"get ready."

"It's boring to drag, wait for my signal, anytime..."

"Ready to open the opposite side!"

Once such an order arrangement was issued, the other team members of the blue and purple sides cheered up suddenly, and at the same time, they also quickly worked hard to calm down. The expressions on their faces and the operations in their hands were controlled. The wildfire started to burn.


It took more than 30 minutes to reach this stage in a game, and there were back and forth, but in the end... there is still a final wave of decisive victory.

Instead of being cautious and stalemate.

It's not as good as a wave of head-on just now!

"Fengnv pay attention to protection."

The voice of Huangxue Yege rang quickly in the team's voice channel, and the tone already carried a bit of sharp edge.

At the same moment, Tang Bingyao, who was in front of the computer screen on the side of the purple army on the field, took a breath while Lin Feng arranged the order, pursed his lips slightly, but the light in his eyes began to flicker a little bit,

The exuberant fighting spirit began to beat and burn——

She's also...ready!


In front of the river Dalongfjord.

The four heroes of the blue army continued to occupy the position of the river directly in front of the Dalongfjord.

The heroes of the purple army kept a distance of more than a thousand yards, wandering around near the grass at the river crossing on the left side of the middle road and at the front intersection of their f6 wild area.

The atmosphere became more and more solidified and oppressive.

The strong smell of gunpowder smoke slowly diffused.

On the blue side, the jungler prince and the mid laner Syndra have already started to move forward, especially the prince Jiawen, who is wearing a golden armor and helmet and carrying a steel spear, staring at several heroes of the purple opponent not far away. .

On the purple side... the support Japanese girl Leona and the mid laner male sword also stood in the front row of their formation.

The jungle mantis slightly entered the upper half of the opponent's blue field, stuck in the blind corner of the wall terrain between the river and the field, and seemed to be looking for an opportunity to launch a surprise attack from the flank or directly behind.

It is clear.

Both sides couldn't hold back anymore.

It only takes a little misfire, and the team battle may explode at any time.

Off the court, Dawn Chenxing, who was in the front row of the spectators, had already noticed the passage of the only remaining time bar above the head of the scouting guard who had been released by the blue side in a certain section of grass in the upper half of the field on the purple side, and his eyelids twitched slightly:

The time... is almost here.

At the same time, No. 1, standing in the back row of the watching crowd on the other side and looking at the purple army from the first perspective, raised his eyebrows slightly. The investigation guard on the purple side stopped for a while, as if talking to himself:

"I can't wait any longer..."


If you stand on the OB screen from God's perspective to watch the battle, you can clearly see that at this moment, the deep eye positions of the blue and purple sides behind the opponent's wild area have only the last ten seconds left to disappear.

And once the duration of the eye position ends, then for both sides on the field, they will lose one of the most powerful means of starting a group.

at this point……

Someone who happened to be the team commander of both sides and Huang Xue Yege both noticed it by coincidence.

The light in the eyes of the two flickered slightly, flickering on and off.


He paused for a while, as if he was making final calculations and evaluations.

at last.

Almost at the same time again, the same voice sounded in the voice channels of the blue and purple teams and in the ears of all the players on the field:

"Prepare for the order."




The situation in front of the Dalongfjord in the river course seems to have become more tense all of a sudden. It is obvious that the heroes in the front row of the blue and purple sides seem to be no longer as cautious as before, and they all start to move forward more aggressively Move in and press in.

As a result, the safe distance between the formations of the two sides was quickly narrowed and reduced.

Syndra's q skill detonated on the ground in front of her and began to stack the balls.

Delevingne's q skill "Spinning Axe" was activated, and it seemed that he was finally about to enter a bloodthirsty and violent fighting state.

The supporting heroes on both sides...

Calmly, they all moved a little closer to their adc teammates.

Just at this very moment——

Almost at the same time.

In front of the computer screen, the eyes of Lin Feng and Huangxue Yege suddenly became sharp:


next moment.

On one side is the big tree on the blue side who returned to the city in advance to the spring with the b key, and on the other side is the single ice girl on the purple side who retreated into the grass after pushing the pawn line.

The two top laners tapped and pressed the Summoner Skill button on the keyboard almost simultaneously!

The transmitted beam of light...

Suddenly, they soared into the sky from the two top lane heroes.

At the same second, in the two back-end concealed terrain grasses in the upper half of the wild area of ​​the blue and purple sides, the same two teleportation beams went straight into the sky along with the totem circle!


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The update is here, the next chapter will look like twelve o'clock sharp, go away and continue to code.

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