
Chapter 988

"I'm back."

After pushing the opponent's second tower on the road, Lin Feng glanced at the heroes of the blue army who had carefully chosen to retreat to the high ground not far away, and made instructions and arrangements.

Take it when you see it, the same reason.

It is not easy to go up to the high ground now, unless they have the big dragon buff in their hands, but in this situation, it is not easy for them to touch the baron for the time being, and they can push another second tower.

The rhythm of the current situation is still under the control of their purple side, but there are only some small problems...

It was just that Wayne on the other side got a head.

"This head... is very important."

No. 1 in the back row of the spectators squinted slightly and gave an evaluation.

Number five next to him nodded:


"It's already pretty good."

Yes, for the ADC Wei En on the blue side of the field, this head is Huangxue Yege finally opened, especially when the three defensive towers were broken one after another and the growth control line was continuously compressed. The bounty of a few hundred yuan for one head is absolutely crucial, and it has made up a lot of development.

And it's really not easy to get this head.

That is Huangxue Yege, otherwise, if you were an ordinary professional first-line ADC player, you would not be able to catch that kind of fleeting opportunity just now, not to mention that the opportunity just now was really forced by Wei En alone. caught.


not enough.

One is that Vayne's development is still not enough to deal explosive damage as easily as the opposite ADC Draven.

The second is that the threat pressure that the purple army on the opposite side can bring to Wei En is still huge. Even if you wait for Wei En to develop a little more, if one is not careful and is forced to face by the opponent, the ending is estimated to be the same as the blue side just now. The scenario where mid laner Syndra gets caught by Shun won't make a difference.

"The main reason is... this lineup of the blue side can't protect Wei En enough."

Li Xiaochenxing, who was in the front row of the spectators on the other side, also frowned, analyzing several teammates from his own club beside him.

It's not like the confrontation match yesterday afternoon.

At that time, the ADC Dazui controlled by No. 5 was also targeted by the opponent, but at least... At that time, Dazui had a whole bunch of teammates from Angel, Lulu and Fengnv to protect him with various skills and big moves, like an iron bucket The tight lineup also allows Dazui to play output more confidently and freely.

This one...

Wei En only has Fengnv as an auxiliary protection.

"Then what should we do?"

The other God players next to him jumped anxiously: "Is this really a dead end? Can't we win?"

Dawn Chenxing was slightly silent.

For this kind of thing, because he is not the ADC position, he can't give a professional and top-level answer, so he can't help but look at the back row of the crowd on the other side, where No. 5 He and No. 1 were still standing calmly and casually, and seemed to be communicating casually.

"The style of play has to change."

The number five here didn't seem to need any thinking and hesitation, so he gave his own answer, and looked at the ADC Wei En of the blue army on the field:

"It's different from Big Mouth."

"Vayne's words... also have their own advantages in playing style."

Number one on the side laughed:

"Oh yes."

"This should be what Ah Ye is the best at, as long as he doesn't learn new things... just forget his old skills."


The game time came to the 24th minute.

The third dragon spawns, this time an earth dragon.

In the voice channel of the blue team, Huangxue Yege made another order and arrangement: "Let."

Fortunately, it's just an earth dragon, at least it's not as deadly as a fire dragon, and although it is said that another small dragon will be let out at this time, at the same time, using the time when the opponent takes the earth dragon can allow the blue army to slightly take the three-lane Deal with the line of soldiers, and at the same time re-distribute the field of vision,

It can be said that such a compromise is not too bad.

Soon, the third earth dragon was firmly captured by the purple army, but at the same time as the female voice of the system announced that it came from Xiaolongfjord in the river...

Down the road, everyone was startled by a kill announcement.

"An-ally-has-been- (A friendly hero was killed)."

Lin Feng quickly switched the camera angle to the bottom lane almost immediately.


What I saw was the body of Lissandra, the top laner ice girl, lying on the ground of the opponent's stone man wild area.

The top laner tree on the blue side turned and retreated, while the night hunter Vayne was walking past Lissandra's body, with less than a quarter of the blood bar on his head left.


Lissandra's extremely guilty and annoyed voice came from the voice channel in the purple team:

"Greedy... I just saw Wei En and thought I could do it in seconds."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Well, it's okay, it won't affect much."

"Steady now."

Although he said so, his eyes still took a deep look at Wei En who was slowly retreating back to the tower. That guy...had another head.

Not a good sign.


In the past two or three minutes, although there were no huge changes in the situation on the scene, the blue team's ADC Wei En won two kills one after another, but many God players who noticed this in the audience couldn't bear it. I couldn't help being a little elated.

This is a good thing!

Although there is still a big gap compared with the opposing ADC Draven, Vayne has really grown up slowly!

And what's even more rare is that these two heads were forcibly taken by Huangxue Yege alone.

Just got off the road...

It is also a big show of the operation limit. With Dashu's anti-killing ice girl Lissandra, Dashu doesn't have much damage output ability, and Wei En has gradually demonstrated the ability of damage output in this wave of killing operations. come out.


"We have a chance."

The voice of Huangxue Yege rang steadily in his team's voice channel. After a wave of bot lane kills, he controlled his ADC Wei En to choose to return to the city. He hesitated for a while in the spring water equipment store at the base. Silver Ribbon] paused for a moment.


move away.

Soon, many God players among the spectators on the ground noticed that Wei En walked down from the spring water to the high ground again, and the equipment in the equipment column was updated, but they couldn't help being slightly surprised:

"Continue to make output equipment?"

"This wave...will it be more stable to buy mercury?"

Indeed, the Mercury Ribbon should be a very important piece of equipment for the blue team's ADC Vayne in this game, especially when facing the purple team's mindless back row violence In the case of the lineup, a quicksilver release can help Wei En improve a lot of survivability.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will be killed in seconds, and you will not even dare to find the output space easily.


There are corresponding benefits to taking the purely direct route of output and outflow.


The head coach of the God coaching team looked solemn, and said in a deep voice:

"It will be a bit of a gamble."

***************************************************** *******************************

The update is delivered, and the two updates are done. There should be two updates tomorrow. Friends, rest early. nt

:. :

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