
Chapter 987: Vayne the First

In fact, judging from the situation on the scene, there is no problem with the rhythm of the purple team's attack and tower push on the road.

Whether it is a four-man line of troops pressing in and pushing the tower.

It is still a further strong push when the opponent's blue side defends the second tower's blood loss and is close to breaking the tower.

And the action of the wild mantis swimming to the flanks and preparing to go around and outflank.

No problem.

It can even be said that this is a very common offensive routine in professional competitions. On the one hand, it puts pressure on the opponent to ensure that the defensive tower is taken down strongly; It is able to cooperate with frontal teammates to keep people to complete head kills.

However, tactics and routines are the same thing.

It can actually be implemented...

It's another matter.

The same tactical routine also has different levels of execution effects. For example, the action may be a little impatient, for example, the hero responsible for outflanking may be slightly out of touch with his teammates and staggered.

In fact, these are just minor issues.

But it is such a small problem, if it falls into the eyes of top players, it will become an opportunity to counterattack in an instant.

Just like this moment.

When most of the watching God players on the field were suddenly starting to feel worried for the heroes of the blue team on the road, the eyes of No. 1 and No. 5 in the back row of the watching crowd flashed in unison. There was a gleam of light.

On the other side, the eyes of Dawn Chenxing in the front row of the crowd also shone brightly.

They all captured a detail.

This wave of the purple side's wild mantis circled behind...

Something is out of touch.


In the voice channel of the blue team, the shouts of Huangxue Yege came almost suddenly.

And even faster than the command he issued, the ADC Vayne under his own control had already taken the initiative to operate for the first time before the voice fell!

Big move...

Suddenly opened in an instant!

"Ultimate moment"!

Suddenly, the figure of the night hunter suddenly entered the state of the big move accompanied by a flying black crow. He stepped forward and directly raised the crossbow to shoot a flat A crossbow arrow soaked in holy silver to the target not far ahead. praying mantis.

Another second.

The Q skill "Dodge and Assault" rolls forward.

Wei En's figure was submerged in the shadows and darkness, and before the opponent Mantis Kazik could react, he quickly moved forward and narrowed the distance to adjust the angle, and scored another level A!

Accompanying -

It was the E key on the keyboard that was struck like lightning, and the heavy crossbow bolt of "Devil's Judgment" was shot off the string with a bang!

The second level A and the third E skills were shot almost at the same time!

boom! ! ! ——

The thick holy silver crossbow slammed into the target Ka'zik's chest, and a sudden force knocked back the body of the Void Predator and slammed it into the wild wall behind him!

Get dizzy under control!

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and Wei En's operation speed was so fast that the opponent had no time to react, not to mention the God players who watched the game off the field did not finally burst into a loud bang until they saw the scene where Kazik was repelled and nailed to the wall. Boiling!

The whole training room was fried in an instant!


shot! !

I don't know how many God members watched it for a while and couldn't help being surprised and excited to jump up:


"Fucking Night God has started!!"

"Is this going to be fought!?"

Yes, to fight.

Compared with Huangxue Yege's reaction speed, it was only one beat slower. Under the control of the former, the ADC Vayne was stunned first and controlled the purple side's wild mantis. The hero also responded with lightning speed and quickly followed.

The second company of Prince EQ rushed directly!

Kazik, the mantis who was repelled and nailed to the wall, continued to fly into mid-air to connect with the control!

Syndra stepped forward quickly.

The "Dark Ball" of the Q skill is shot.

hardly waiting for any other action,

The ultimate move "Energy Pour" was cast decisively, and several energy balls suddenly formed a line in midair and roared towards the bloody mantis Kazik!

In an instant, the blood bar on the purple side's wild mantis' head plummeted crazily!

The prince's big move "Heaven and Earth Cracked" was overwhelmed in a second!

In the end, Wei En raised his crossbow to make up for it with a flat A, Kankan happened to clear the blood line of the target's residual blood Kazik's blood bar to zero.

"You-have--an-enemy (you killed an enemy hero)!"

The kill announcement of the system's female voice came suddenly.

The entire training room of the God Club erupted with excitement!


No one expected that in this wave, the decisiveness and decisiveness that exceeded everyone's expectations, actually just caught an extremely small gap in the opponent's jungle mantis, and directly took the initiative to complete the instant kill!


Before the thunderous cheers among the spectators lasted for more than half a second, they suddenly turned into shocking exclamations——

A dazzling golden spot exploded in the center of the blue square formation under the tower.

The Japanese girl made a big move.

Directly stun and control the blue mid laner Syndra who has just cast the ultimate move under the tower, and then the figure of the goddess of dawn rushes forward with the "Zenith Blade" of the E skill, and receives the Q skill shield Click to connect dizzy.

Delevingne turned on W and instantly accelerated to chase and follow up.

The male sword's E skill cuts suddenly.

At the bottom of the tower, the blue side's support, Fengnv, almost immediately used the big move "Resuscitating Monsoon", flying the three blue side heroes who rushed up, but at this moment, De Lai Wen has already thrown the second flat A spinning throwing axe.

next moment.

The figure of the Executioner of Glory was blown back along with the other two teammates.

But the icy throwing ax had already hit Syndra's body.


Blood spatter.

I don't know when the blood bar suddenly bottomed out from the state of full blood, and the only blood bar left on the top of the head was directly beheaded and emptied.

"An-ally-has-been- (a friendly hero was killed)!"

The cheers from the surrounding crowd stopped abruptly.

Syndra died.

The same... It's an instant kill.

It was even more straightforward and domineering than the scene where the praying mantis was killed just now.

The terrifying damage that the male sword Tyrone on the blue side teamed up with Draven instantly made people shudder. It was really an instant kill done purely by explosion, without any tricks, unlike the purple side who is The prince, Syndra, and Vayne had almost all their skills and even their ults, only to achieve the instant effect once.

In the voice channel in the purple square team, someone's voice sounded:


Yes, keep pushing.

Even if the two sides exchanged a head, their purple side still took advantage of this wave of skill exchanges. Even in the next 3V3, the opponent has lost most of their combat capabilities.

The second defensive tower on the road can still be used as it is.

It is also clear about this, so the voice of Huangxue Yege has already given an order in the voice channel of his blue side:


After speaking, the night hunter who controlled himself immediately chose to retreat without hesitation. Looking at the opponent from the purple side who had quickly started demolishing the tower not far away, Huangxue Yege took another deep breath, and then looked at himself The record data—just now, he finally got a kill.


This wave, no loss.

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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around ten o'clock, roll away the code words. nt

:. :

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