
Chapter 986

Summoner's Canyon is on the road, and the line of soldiers has approached the second defensive tower of the blue side.

The four heroes on the purple side marched steadily forward with the line of troops, while under the tower, the four heroes on the blue side were standing by.

This tower is extremely important to both sides.

If it is pushed, the purple army will directly declare to occupy the field of vision and resources of the entire upper half of the field. If it is held, the blue army will be able to continue to maintain the rhythm of the situation on the scene and will not completely fall into an uncontrollable situation.

at the same time……

On the bottom lane, the purple side's top laner Ice Maiden has also slowly pushed the pawn line towards the second tower of the opponent's bottom lane.

"It can't be delayed."

"I can't afford it either."

Several coaches from God's coaching team came to the same conclusion, which means that the situation on the court at this moment has become increasingly severe for the blue team.

Every second...is suffering.

Every second that passed would make the situation for the blue side worse.

But what is even more worrying is that the four heroes of the blue team on the top road are still in a passive rhythm. First of all, they need to defend well and cannot be easily driven by the opponent, and even if they defend well... …More importantly, they also need to find opportunities to counterattack in such a situation.

"Syndra's second QE first move?"

A God player who was watching the game put forward an opinion, which was immediately rejected by other teammates next to him:

"The odds are too low."

"Unless Erlian can control the male sword or Delevingne, it's useless."

To be honest, the one with the most opportunity and ability to start a team on the blue side is a jungle prince, but in the same way, even if the prince's EQ double-cuts a big move to block the male knife or Draven, but Several other heroes on the blue side were under the tower, but they couldn't guarantee that they could keep up in the first place.

And once the formation is out of line... let the prince Jiawen stay behind the enemy alone for more than two seconds, with the burst damage from the purple side, it is estimated that the prince can be taken away in an instant.

in addition--

Even if the blue and purple sides face each other and force each other to cut the opponent's back row, there is no doubt that the purple team's ability in this regard is much stronger.

To put it bluntly, if the male knife and mantis on the opposite side cut up, who can stop it?

Syndra could barely replace a head.

But what about Wayne?

"The front row is too short. If Dashu doesn't come back, Wei En won't be able to find an output environment at all..." A God team member said worriedly, but even though they all knew this was the case, if Dashu was really brought back , On the other side, who will stop the ice girl from going down the road?

The situation has become increasingly serious and critical.

But it seems that for the blue army at this moment, even if they are being roasted on the stove like this, they can't find any suitable opportunities for a while.

On the back row of the spectators off the field, watching the situation on the field, No. 1 raised his eyebrows slightly, and turned his head to look at his beautiful fiancee:

"Xiao Wu?"

This is asking for views and opinions.

At this moment, No. 5 was also focusing on the battle situation on the field, and seemed to temporarily let go of some secret dissatisfaction with his fiancé last night, and gave his answer softly:

"Be patient."

"To wait for."



To endure, to wait, but not to retreat.

This was the only thought in Huangxue Yege's mind on the blue team's side at this moment.

Vayne, the ADC who controls him, stands in the back row of his own formation under the tower, his eyes almost non-stop quickly sweeping across the heroes in the purple phalanx formation on the opposite side, confirming the current position of each opponent, thinking in his heart Quickly calculate and move the control mouse to constantly adjust the angle of Wei En's position and control the safe distance between him and every opponent.

He can't die.

And this is just the most basic requirement.

But if he wants to win this wave of team battles or to achieve some of the desired effects in his mind,

His Wayne must also play an extremely crucial and important role in the next wave of battles.



It's really tough.

But at this moment, Huangxue Yege had no time to think about the difficulty of these tasks. Instead, he was constantly thinking about memories, thinking about the operation screen of the ADC Dazui controlled by No. 5 in the training match yesterday afternoon. Substituting it into the current scene bit by bit, trying to integrate...

If it is... Senior No. 5.

what will do.

How to do.

The game time is slowly coming to the early 23rd minute. At this time, the purple side top single ice girl in the bottom lane has brought the second wave of soldiers into the tower, and continues to draw A steadily to consume the blue side's bottom lane second tower. At the same time, on the road side, the blood bar of the blue side's upper second tower has been consumed by nearly half.

The situation is becoming more and more urgent.

Many God players who watched the game off the court almost jumped in a hurry:

If this continues... If the blue side has nothing to do here, the second defensive towers on the upper and lower lanes will fall, that is, all six outer towers on the third lane will be destroyed. It really can't be reversed!

Haven't shot yet! ?

"How to shoot!" Some team members were anxious: "There is no chance at all, are you rushing up to die?"


Not to mention taking the initiative to attack first, it can be clearly seen at this moment that after taking the initiative in the rhythm, the purple army on the road side has even launched a little bit of further aggression and attack paving the way.

The position of the auxiliary Japanese girl has begun to move forward step by step compared with before.

Tai Long, the male swordsman, also began to tentatively throw skills to consume the blood of the heroes in the front row of the blue side while looking for opportunities to make moves.

Draven, under the control of the girl, was even more bold in such a tense and anxious situation, directly accelerated with a W skill, raised his hand and threw a spinning ax with a flat A to hit the jungler in the front row of the opponent's formation— —


A splash of blood splashed, and the blood bar on the prince's head suddenly fell!

During this period of time, the Executioner of Glory's damage has completely increased, and relying on Tang Bingyao's reaction to control the speed and position of the hand, avoiding the risk of being easily controlled by Syndra's QE second company, even if the next team battle starts 80% sure to ensure the damage output of the explosion.

In contrast... the ADC Wei En on the blue side still seems unable to find the slightest sense of his own existence.

The figure of the night hunter always seemed to be tightly suppressed and could only stay in the last row of the formation.

Don't dare to step forward easily.

The turmoil among the surrounding crowd was getting louder and louder. Even the coaches of God's coaching staff couldn't help but subconsciously clenched their fists and their faces were full of worry. It can't be blamed on the blue side... because it really seems I can't find a chance to make a phone call.

The defense tower seems to have to be let go.

Even, the blue side has to be more careful and choose to withdraw and retreat in time, otherwise a mistake will directly be forced by the opponent in a 4V4 wave. Once the team battle explodes, maybe even the dragon will be in danger!

Suddenly, a low exclamation came from the crowd:

"Look at the jungle!"


Standing in the back row of the purple army watching the battle, many God players looked at each other in unison, and there was an uproar at the first sight. Come around.

The intention is extremely obvious.

This is to wait for the blood volume of the defensive tower to go down a bit, directly outflank the rear, and forcefully cut the back row!

Just at this time, the third wave of soldiers on the road entered the tower.

Several heroes in the front row of the purple side resolutely pushed forward further, and the auxiliary Japanese girl under someone's control had already released the W skill. Several heroes on the opponent's blue side were forced to retreat, and the jungler Mantis who moved sideways no longer concealed it, and had already emerged from behind the wall terrain of the wild area, as if it was about to start culling the enemy's back row in the next second!

The blood volume of the defense tower further dropped rapidly!

Seeing that this is the wave of soldiers, the purple army is about to demolish the tower!

It is Shou.

or back?

It seems that it is impossible to take the risk of defending, so the only option left for the blue army seems to be to go backward...

And at this moment.

From the voice channel of the blue phalanx, a low voice suddenly came from Huangxue Yege:


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The update is sent, and the two shifts are done. I don't know if I will have to work overtime tomorrow. . Headache.

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