
Chapter 985 Just Watch This Wave

What Huangxue Yege didn't know was that the sentence he said was actually someone's catchphrase many times.

But actually, yes.

In terms of playing style and habits, he is very similar to someone who is the support Japanese girl opposite at the moment.

It's just that after No. 5's personal guidance and teaching yesterday, he has already begun to try to integrate another brand-new style idea into his original style concept little by little.

As long as the fusion is successful, there will be no threshold for him in the realm of the Seven Kings.


It's also hard.

Because those are two completely different styles and concepts, one is looking for a lively and proactive attack, and the other is looking for a calm and steady without leaving any loopholes, just like the current game at this stage, what he wants What you have to do is to make full use of both of these points.


Yes, it can't be delayed any longer, because the opponent's purple team obviously has no intention of delaying the time, and the rhythm of the fast break quickly snowballs the advantage, and if their blue team continues to drag on, God knows what to lose How many wild resources and even how many defensive towers.

However, it is still very difficult and troublesome for the blue team to start a wave.

To be precise, the one who needs to feel the most troublesome headache is precisely the wild snow night song as the ADC Vayne.

Because don't forget--

The five-man lineup on the opposite purple side.

"Male knife, ice girl."

Off the field, some God players who were watching the game were also discussing in low voices, with solemn expressions: "The top laners and mid laners on the other side are all well-developed... Any one who finds an opportunity to come up and make a strong cut is enough to pose a fatal threat to Wei En. "

In fact, right now, no matter Talon the male sword or Lissandra the ice girl, holding a combo with a set of skills and a big move in their hands, the instant burst of damage is even enough to kill a crispy Vayne in seconds.

What's more, the purple side is not just the top laner and mid laner.

Coupled with the auxiliary Japanese girl who has hard control in hand.

And the assassin-type jungle mantis.

The heroes on the blue side...or the ADC Vayne of Huangxue Yege, if they want to win a vote, the first problem they must face and solve is how to survive in front of such a terrifying back row lineup. down.

But this is really too difficult.

"5V5, I can't fight now."

The head coach of God's coaching team said in a deep voice: "If you want to fight... you must kill the opponent one second in advance, and continue to start the team based on the difference in numbers."

Then the thorny question arises again-who should be second first?


First of all, who can second?


It stands to reason that if you want to kill someone first, then the most suitable target for the purple army is the crispy ADC Delevingne, but the previous waves of fighting have made everyone see the glorious executioner under the control of Tang Bingyao What an amazing reaction and operation ability it showed.

Although it is unbelievable, but one has to accept the reality, the ADC Delevingne under the control of the girl is really not easy to kill, not to mention that Delevingne is always surrounded by someone's auxiliary Japanese girl protection.

The next target is the male sword Tailong.

But Tailong's big move also has the ability to escape from the battlefield by forcefully stealth in an instant, and it doesn't mean that killing can kill him, and he even has to be careful if the opponent catches the opportunity to counterattack and kill his teammates in seconds.


Neither the mid laner nor the ADC is the best target candidate.

The ice girl is also restless.

It is even more impossible for someone's auxiliary Japanese girl to show her flaws easily.

Then there is only one left.


On the side of the blue team on the field, Huang Xueyege's steady voice sounded on the team's voice channel.


Even the pickiest professionals must admit that the offensive rhythm of the purple army on the field is relaxed at the moment.

After a wave of taking down the second tower in the middle road, several heroes on the purple side did not choose to lead their troops straight to the high ground.

Instead, they retreated in a steady wave, searched and reversed the two wild resources of the opponent's blue army separately, and then chose to return to the city in a wave.

This made the God players who watched the game off the court have to sigh, and couldn't help feeling sorry.

So steady.

If this wave of purple army is a little bit higher, if they continue to push up to the high ground after pushing the second tower, it will be an opportunity for the blue side, because although the blue army has a low chance of winning in a head-on battle, if the opponent Forcibly rushing to the high ground...but still have the strength to fight and even find a chance to turn the tables.

But now the other side retreated.

Cleaning up resources in the wild area is to continue to snowball the advantage gradually. As long as this rhythm is maintained and the development space of the blue side is compressed a little bit, the victory balance of this game will be smooth Shocked, he slowly fell to the side of the purple army.

"The next step... should be to push the second tower on the road."

A God substitute who was watching the game murmured.

There is nothing wrong with that.

The game time came to the early 22nd minute, and the purple team continued to choose a 41-point belt. The ice girl Lissandra took the teleportation and continued to go down the road alone, while the other four people from the purple team came to the top road. Press the pawn line towards the second top tower of the opponent's blue army.

At this time, the overall rhythmic initiative on the scene has completely fallen into the control of the purple army.

The blue side can only defend passively.


Next, whether it is the second tower on the top lane or the second tower on the bottom lane, it is a strategic resource that cannot be easily lost for the blue team, especially if the second tower on the top lane is easily handed over to others, it is equal to the value of the upper half of the wild area. The entire field of vision must be controlled by the opponent, and even then it is related to the defense and competition of the dragon.

However, although this is the case, the most the blue team can do in the 4V4 situation on the top lane is to defend under the tower.

"There is no need to worry about the purple side."

Many God players who watched the game tended to support the blue team, and they were worried at the moment:

"They are very relaxed. If there is a chance, they will take it, and if there is no chance, they will delay."

"Let the lower Lu Bing women's singles belt slowly grind the tower, and the big tree can't help it."


At this time, although it is said that the big tree does not fear Lissandra too much, it is also impossible to pose any threat to the ice girl Lissandra in the 1V1 situation, and Lissandra does not need to pay attention to the big tree , as long as a wave of belt lines consumes the blood volume of the defensive tower, it can always take away the second bottom tower of the blue side.

With the second tower.

Then you can continue to push it deeper and press on to the high ground.

As long as the blue side doesn't split their hands, it's only a matter of time for the ice girl to clear the level in the next lane.

It is even more unfavorable for the blue side to be passive. Since the initiative of the pawn line is pinched in the hands of the ice girl, it is easier for Lissandra who has pushed the pawn line to teleport up the road at any time than the opponent Dashu easy.

This is actually boiling frogs in warm water.

Although the purple army seems to be a strong and violent offensive lineup, there is no need to force the team to start at this time. It only needs to kill the opponent a little bit to slowly turn the advantage into a victory.

"Brother Xing, what... what should I do?"

Some God players who watched the game were full of anxiety and worry, and couldn't help asking questions to Dawn Chenxing, who was most qualified to speak and comment beside him.

Dawn Chenxing was silent for a moment, then slowly said:

"It can't be delayed."

"The blue side... must seize the time to take the initiative to fight a wave."

At the same moment when Lixiao Chenxing made such an analysis and judgment off the field, on the side of the blue army on the field, Huangxue Yege in front of the computer screen took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on the formation of the purple army not far away. On a hero in:

Just look...

This wave is over.

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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around 8:00 p.m., get out and continue coding.

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