
Chapter 989 If you want to win, you have to lose first

"Very gamble."

In the front row on the other side of the spectators, surrounded by a group of teammates from his own club team, Li Xiaochen Xing also came to the same conclusion, and couldn't help but look at Huangxue Yege on the ADC seat of the blue team not far away. , with a worried look on his face for his partner and old friend:

"This is... a desperate attempt."

He has been fighting side by side in the God team club for many years, and he is well aware of his old friend's temperament, and like this wave of Wei En returning to the city to update equipment, he did not choose to make [Mercury Ribbon], but took a purely The out-of-the-box production route is very much in line with the choices he would make in his impression of Huangxue Yege's temper.


It does make sense.

Because in the blue team's lineup, the top laner Dashu and the jungle prince are close to pure meat builds. In order to stand firm in the front row and withstand the damage, the output points are far less than the opposite side.

While a mid laner, Syndra, has the ability to burst into seconds, but it is not the type of continuous output combat. At most, it is a wave of team battles to get a target.

That output is still not enough.

In this case, as an ADC, the night hunter Vayne must stand up.

Originally, Wei En's growth rhythm was not good in the early stage. If he made the Mercury Ribbon now, his life-saving ability would be improved to a certain extent, but correspondingly, his damage output would not be enough.

If you take a decisive pure output flow route like this now...

At least, it is guaranteed that the output will not be less.

Of course, just like the worries and concerns of many God players watching the game and even the coaches of the coaching staff, if you, Wei En, can't save your life from the sudden attack of the violent lineup on the opposite side, your output ability No matter how strong it is, there is no room for it to play, and it is tantamount to wasting.


Huangxue Yege also had his own considerations.

"The opposite ice girl, Japanese girl, male sword and praying mantis are all rushing forward."

"It's all about explosions."

"Even if mercury is out, how much will it increase my chances of survival?"

At this moment, Huangxue Yege's expression was calm and calm,

Methodically explaining and answering to several other teammates in the team's voice channel, he paused and continued to speak slowly:


"Instead of looking forward and backward, it's better to—"

"Just one bet!"

As soon as the words fell, the aura of the main ace ADC player of God's first team suddenly changed. He changed from his previous calmness, and shot out inch by inch like a bright sword hidden in its sheath, and the sharp edge reappeared .

Stay safe, there is nothing wrong.

He did not forget the personal instruction and teaching from Senior No. 5 yesterday.

But at the same time... He has not forgotten the style and temperament he has always possessed.

In order to learn new things, if you forget your old roots... Not to mention the No. 1 and No. 5 seniors off the field, even he himself will not forgive him!


Huangxue Yege's eyelids lowered slightly.

It's not that he can't say the mercury ribbon, his Wei En really has no chance of surviving in team battles.

There are still means.

It's just...it needs a little tactical operation and operation.

Off the field, No. 5 in the back row of the spectators turned his head to look at his fiancé, and asked, "What do you think?"

Finally, when the beautiful fiancée from home seemed to no longer be in a stalemate with him, joy flashed across No. 1's face, and when he noticed that the fiancée seemed to be frowning a little while waiting, he quickly restrained his expression and coughed:


"Good choice."

"However, according to this number, if you want to win the next wave..."

With that said, No. 1's tone became calm again, and his eyes swept across the field inadvertently:


"You have to lose a wave first."


The game time came to the early twenty-five minutes.

The good news for the blue team is that just now, Syndra caught a flaw in the opposite male knife's position on the middle route, and a wave of QE two-connection ults directly reduced Tailong to empty blood in seconds, although It was said that it was still a thrilling escape for the male sword, but the blue army took advantage of the situation to press in with a wave of troops in the middle, and finally flattened and demolished the opponent's outer tower in the middle.

In this way, it can be regarded as some calls back.

Although the number of defensive towers is still at an obvious disadvantage, at least after removing the outer towers in the middle of the opponent's purple army, the field of vision can barely be pushed out.

Correspondingly, that is to say, in the upper half of the wild area... especially related to the terrain field of view in front of the river Dalongfjord, finally the blue army has a little bit of ability to compete for the right to speak.


At this stage of the game, the focus has inevitably shifted to Dalong.

If the blue side wins the big dragon, it will be able to get a chance to turn around and reverse the situation, at least to restore the rhythm of the current lagging situation by 20% or more, and if the purple side gets the Baron buff, it will have a strong breakthrough means of the opponent's high ground.

Of course, before there is absolute certainty, it is impossible for both Blue and Purple to be easily tempted by Dalong at this time.

However, the current rhythm is still under the control of the purple side.

In the bottom lane, the top laners of both sides will continue to be involved in a 1V1 stalemate, and the purple side is not in a hurry. Let the ice girl Lissandra slowly lead the line to grind the tower alone, and it can guarantee a stable battle. The opponent's last bot lane outer tower was flattened and demolished.

At the same time, the other four heroes of the purple army gathered in a group in the middle, preparing to lead the line to move forward again.

It doesn't have to be forced.

But if you seize the opportunity and can kill one or two key heroes on the opposite side in seconds, it is only a blink of an eye to quickly turn to the river fjord to open the dragon.

"Now... both sides can't easily make mistakes."

Among the spectators, some members of God murmured like this. More than one person was sweating for the blue team, especially the blue team's ADC Vayne. What's more, it's a pure output damage equipment route that can't stand the boat. Once it is second, it will really take the blame.

at the same time--

On the blue side of the field, in front of the computer screen on the ADC's seat, Huangxue Yege's expression remained calm.

It's just that the mouse in his hand is slightly tightened.


"A-turret-has-been-destroyed (a defensive tower was demolished)."

Finally, the notification from the female voice of the system came from the lower lane,

After working hard for a while, finally after a new wave of troops entered the tower, Lissandra, the top laner of the purple team, flattened and demolished the second tower of the opponent's blue team, without any more twists and turns. After dismantling the tower, the top laner Dashu on the blue side had no choice but to continue to retreat.

So far, the outer towers of the blue side three roads are completely broken.

The situation became more favorable for the purple side, and the five players of the blue side who all retreated to the high ground could only become more and more passive.

"But it's okay."

An optimistic God player analyzed aloud:

"The outer towers are all broken, but at least no heads were lost, and the blue side pushed to the high ground, and the other side continues to press the line of soldiers like this, and it is impossible to demolish all the high ground towers easily."

Of course, this is the truth.

For the blue team, the vision space is compressed to the high ground range. The only advantage is that it is much easier for them to do all kinds of deployment and defensive support at this time, so as not to let the opponent's four-point push further put more pressure on them and loss.

But the expression on Huangxue Yege's face was not the slightest bit relaxed.

Because he knew that the opponent would not be so stubborn. After the three-way outer tower is broken, there is only one thing that is most likely to happen...


Lin Feng's voice sounded in the voice channel of the purple team:

"The ice girl goes down the road and continues to press the line."

"other people."

"Prepare the big dragon, force a wave."

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The update is here, the next chapter will look like around 9:30 in the evening, get out and continue coding!

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