
Chapter 782

"An-ally-has-been- (A friendly hero was killed)."

"Double Kill!—"

Two consecutive system female voice kill announcements came from the bottom lane of Summoner's Canyon.

The blue side's auxiliary Fengnv died in battle.

The ADC policewoman was killed.

The two heads all fell into the purse of the purple square wild spider.

The atmosphere in the training room of the KG club was audible silence. All the KG players who watched the game opened their mouths subconsciously, and their faces were still full of shock, and they couldn't get over it for a long time.

The tempo came too fast.

Originally, the top lane and the middle lane on both sides were fighting for time to take down the blood tower, but suddenly the battle broke out in the bottom lane. The purple top laner Kenan took the initiative to retreat to the city after a wave of top lane. Time chooses to teleport to the bottom road and go around, and the spider queen who is playing in the wild outflanks and drives out from the triangular grass at the mouth of the bottom road at the same time, forming a situation of four people encircling and killing.

The blue ADC policewoman and auxiliary wind girl who had no time to react had no chance of escaping at all.

Just like that, he was directly taken away by the double kill.

The Spider's record data came to an astonishing 6/0/2.

It almost made the audience fall into dead silence.

Lin Feng took a deep breath, clenched his right hand which was holding the mouse for the first time, as if he was feeling uncontrollably slightly depressed at the moment.

Although this is not the first time he has fought against Miss Xiaowu, no matter how many times he has experienced it, he will feel the same sense of powerlessness. It is almost rare for anyone to make him feel this way. Senior No. 1 in the middle lane of the laning lane is naturally one, but Miss Xiao Wu belongs to a completely different type.

Delicate to the extreme operation.

Mellow to almost invincible rhythm control.

And maybe even if you look at the current professional e-sports circle, you can't find one or two terrorist command and dispatch capabilities that coordinate the overall situation.

This wave...

It was their blue side that missed it.

He just focused all his attention on the one-blood tower fight in the upper and middle lanes. Seeing that the opponent's top laner Kenan chose to back down, it was only a pity that the opponent had a keen sense of smell and realized that the widow was coming, but he didn't expect the opponent to be so anxious The return to the city is actually for the first time to teleport down the road faster.

Your widow goes to the top road to cooperate with Daomei to demolish the tower, then I, Kenan, really can't stop it.

But just right...

You are all in the middle and top lane, I will directly teleport to the bottom lane, and cooperate with the spiders who are also in the lower half of your blue side to encircle and outflank the bottom lane. The instant 4V2 situation is naturally stable and can guarantee the success of the gank .

At the same time, the economic concession of the first blood tower will also give you the blue side.

In the middle of the road, the ice bird took a two-blood tower.

At the same time, kill two heads on the side of the bot lane, and take advantage of the trend to push you another bot lane outer tower, and still make more than enough room for the economy of the one-blood tower that was originally given up, and even make it far more profitable.

Not only that -

"And the first little dragon."

Old C swallowed his saliva, and spoke with difficulty.

Yes, at this time, the four people from the purple side's bottom lane directly pushed the opponent's bottom lane outer tower, and they can turn to the river to secure the first dragon in their pockets, and the opponent's blue side army wants to stop it. Powerless.

From beginning to end, it is almost a delicate and perfect arrangement.

All factor variables are taken into consideration in the calculation.

A straightforward decision between trade-offs.

In the end, purely relying on tactical thinking, the wave of advantages and big rhythms were finalized and landed in an understatement without any effort.

Finally, the leader of the KG team, who was relieved from the emotional shock, immediately turned his head to look at the members of his club who were watching the game, and ordered sternly:

"Look carefully!"

"Study hard!"

"This ability to transition, the mastery of rhythm and timing,

As long as you can learn 30% to 50%, we don’t need to be scared at all when we meet North American, Korean and European teams in the S6 finals! "


In fact, there is no need for orders from the team leader at all, because at this time, the attention of all the KG spectators is already firmly focused on the match on the court.

Really wonderful.

Ups and downs rhythm.

Whether it's the perfect coordination between the middle and the wild on the purple side, or the waves of rhythmic attacks that the jungler spiders seem to easily bring up with their hands and feet, they are enough to make them, the players watching the battle, unable to help but be overwhelmed with admiration, almost All of them tried their best to keep their eyes wide open for fear of missing even half of the picture.


It has already turned this game into an art.

Soon, the wave of rhythm on the field ended. In the end, the blue team was still the first to grab the first blood tower on the top lane, but the ice bird who followed the middle lane easily took the blue team's middle lane The outer tower was bulldozed and demolished.

As for the next road——

Even if the blue army really suffered heavy losses, not only did they send two more heads to the spider, but also the outer tower in the bottom lane was quickly pulled out and flattened, and then even the first dragon fell into the pocket of the opponent's purple army .

The only good news is that this first baby dragon is not a fire dragon.

"It's just a wind dragon."

"It's not too big a problem."

The KG players who cared about the blue team couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But this is not entirely true.

Because in fact, at this moment, the blue team on the field is already facing a very bad and serious situation. The number of heads, the number of defense towers, the team economy and even the map vision have been opened up by the opponent purple team. At the same time, the economic level and equipment development of heroes in almost all positions on the blue side lag behind their opponents on average.

Tian Tian's top single-knife girl is barely okay.

Lin Feng's Clockwork Demon and the bottom lane Konjac's ADC female policewoman have already been opened up by the purple side's mid laner Bingniao and ADC's life master respectively.

As for the jungler...

The difference is really too big.

The widow Evelyn on one side has a record of 1/1/1. Although it doesn't look bad, at least it is a tie record, but if you compare it with the opponent's jungle spider of the purple army, it is completely The difference between the land and the land is extremely wide.

"6/0/2 ah..."

Reading out the record data of the purple side's wild spider, even Lin Feng couldn't help showing a bit of a wry smile at this moment.

He knew how strong Xiao Wu was.

But this round...

The rhythm brought by the spider even exceeded his original psychological preparation and expectations.

It can be said that even if the jungler on the opposite side of this round is Nian Shisan or Mafa, any of the world's seven king-level junglers, the situation on the field at this moment may not be so difficult, and there may still be a solution. .

But the jungler on the opposite side is Miss Xiaowu.

It is an existence that is not inferior to the two world's top wild kings in terms of personal operation strength alone.

More importantly, compared with Mafa or Nian Thirteen, No. 5's style of play is so perfect that it is almost unsolvable, that is, even if the advantaged game would rather give up some opportunities and seek stability, it will not give the opponent the slightest bit. The hope of breaking the game is also the type that makes any opponent encounter the most troublesome headache.

The fist used all its strength, but in the end it just hit the soft cotton.

It's really going to be extremely uncomfortable.


In the voice channel of the blue team, Tian Tian's voice seemed a little frustrated.

In fact, in this round, he has already played the top laner girl with his own destiny, and he has gone all out in the early stage. The first wave of solo kills is enough to show that his strength as the number one top laner in the national server is still extremely strong overbearing.


Even though the three people in the upper and lower lanes of the purple team on the opposite side are just substitutes for the KG team.

But when facing No. 1 and No. 5, it seems that their blue army is still powerless and completely unable to confront them head-on.

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