
Chapter 781: Something Totally Happened

The game time is 14 minutes and 45 seconds.

Summoner's Canyon, the middle lane, and the new wave of soldiers only stay in the central area near the river mouth. Even if the purple side's mid laner Bingniao gets a kill, his style of play is still not good enough. Wen Buhuo didn't show too much aggressiveness.

But, at this moment, the mid laner clockwork monster on the blue side suddenly chose to retreat.

Retreat to the tower outside your home road.


back again.

He directly made a choice of actions that seemed unexpected, and even seemed to give up his own mid-lane outer tower directly.

But the KG players standing in the back row on the purple side didn't feel any doubts, because from the perspective of the purple side's camera, they had already seen that the jungler spiders on the purple side had once again invaded the blue side on the mini-map The semi-field area circles around the middle and outflanks.

A clockwork monster that had surrendered its double summons in the previous wave of battles, faced with a jungler spider and a mid-lane ice bird, had almost no chance of escaping.

A certain person smelled the danger and retreated decisively without hesitation.

"It's really good sense."

Some KG players subconsciously praised.

Another team member next to him frowned: "But in this way, the outer tower can't be defended."


I can't keep it, so I can only give up.

"It's so calm—" Number One in front of the computer screen on the purple side smiled, and controlled his ice bird to directly activate the big move and then a Q skill to quickly clear the pawn line and push the blue side out of the middle lane In the tower, start to level the tower at point A.

On the other hand, after confirming that there are no more chances to gank in the middle lane, No. 5 once again controlled the jungler spider to start sweeping wild monster resources in the lower half of the blue side's wild area. She didn't need to show up. The more it moves, the more it can bring fear and oppression to the opponent.

As long as her spiders don't show up.

Then even Lin Feng's Clockwork Demon Spirit would never dare to take a step beyond the thunder pool easily, and could only watch helplessly as the blood volume of his defensive outer tower in the middle was ground and demolished.

The snowball is going to take advantage of the advantage and roll directly all the way.

Grasp your weak period, a wave of blows will make you completely out of breath and unable to turn over.

As a result, the gap between the number of last hits of the single heroes of the blue and purple sides has gradually widened. Ling stood in front of the second tower in the middle road, Lin Feng's expression remained unchanged, as if he accepted all this calmly, but while watching the blood volume of the outer tower in his home road being slowly smoothed out, he uttered in the voice channel of the team:


"On the road and eleven speed push."

In the middle lane, he was pinned down by the spider swimming in the shadow of his own wild area, unable to move and do nothing, but at the same time, it also restrained the energy of the opposite spider, so that his eleventh jungler widow could feel free to move. to handle borderline situations.

Sweeping his eyes on the road, Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly:

The outer tower of the middle road can't be defended anymore, but the opponent's outer tower of the top road can't even try to escape.

At the same time, the soft and pleasant voice of No. 5 sounded in the voice channel of the purple team:

"Let's go, Kenan."

"The tower is released."

Hearing Commander No. 5's order, the KG substitute immediately controlled his own Kenan to retreat without hesitation. Although he didn't know the whereabouts of the widow opposite him at all, since Senior No. 5 said it, then It's definitely right to put the defense tower on it.

It's just that, depending on the situation, it seems that the outer tower on the top road is pushed down faster than the outer tower on the blue side on the opposite side.


Number five smiled slightly:

"One blood tower has a little more economy, just give them."

"You go back to the city first, and then—"

"Ready to send."


There are two lanes in the upper and middle lanes. On one side, the blue team's top single sword girl cooperates with her jungle widow to quickly advance the line of troops and start to demolish the tower after the opponent's top laner Kenan leaves.

On the other side, the ice bird on the purple side in the middle led a wave of soldiers, also unhurriedly pointing at the blood volume of the outer tower in the middle of the blue side.

Both sides are fighting for a blood tower.

But it seems that there is only Bingniao alone in the middle lane of the purple army, and even the jungler spider closest to the middle lane is still fighting against the widow's wild monster resources and did not come to help speed up the tower push, obviously on the road The blue side can take down towers much faster.

In other words, the economy of the first blood tower will be taken by the blue side first.

This economy, whether it is for the sword girl to eat alone, or for the widow and the sword girl to share equally, is enough for the development of the two Ueno heroes of the blue team to get a considerable supplementary improvement.

Therefore, the strategic choice of the purple side seems a bit confusing.


Your spider comes to the middle to help demolish the tower, so you have a chance to win the economy of the blood tower before the blue side on the opposite side?

Why did you just let it go?

Even the top laner Kenan is not in a hurry to go home so quickly. If you use a big move and forcefully clear a wave of soldiers before leaving, it will delay the progress of pushing the tower on the opposite side.

Even the main players of KG's first team, Yaogui and Old C, were a little puzzled.

The club's team leader and head coach Tony vaguely sensed something, subconsciously frowned and thought hard.

But also at this very moment—

On the blue side of the field, Lin Feng, who originally controlled his mid laner clockwork and passively stood in front of the second tower, suddenly froze for a moment.

Even when he watched the tower outside his house about to be demolished, his calm expression finally changed at this moment.

Ding! ! !

The signal warning to retreat was suddenly sounded on the bottom road.

At the same time, Lin Feng's urgent warning sound came quickly from the voice channel of the blue team:

"Get off the road!"


At this moment, the laning situation in the bottom lane of Summoner's Canyon was originally that Konjac and Xiao Zou on the blue side had regained the initiative and advantage, and the pawn line was about to press towards the outer defensive tower on the opposite side of the purple side again. , when they heard Lin Feng's hasty warning, both of them subconsciously froze for a moment.

Because he was dazed, he failed to respond to the order immediately.

But the next second...

Not far away, the purple ADC's life master and assistant Bron, who seemed to be suppressed, suddenly moved.

In an instant, he quickly moved forward and pressed forward strongly!

At the same time, a purple-red beam of teleportation light suddenly soared into the sky from the front of the grass near the outer tower of the blue Fangxia Road!

This is……

Kenan! ! !

The pupils of the KG players watching the battle suddenly shrank, and their moods tightened suddenly. Everyone finally realized in an instant that Kenan of the purple army retreated so quickly on the road, so it was not because he didn't intend to fight for a blood Tower's economy, but—

With a bigger purpose!

At the moment when the beam of teleportation light rose from the grass behind them, the expressions of the blue ADC Konjac and the support Xiao Zou suddenly changed, and a bone-piercing cold breath rushed to the forehead from the back:

Kenan's return to the city on the opposite side was originally to teleport to the bottom lane as quickly as possible!

Even the eye position of the bushes behind them may have been perfectly calculated. Kenan's teleportation landed and immediately blocked the retreat of the two of them in the bottom lane. Cooperating with Jhin and Bron who were chasing up, it was completely a wave of dumplings !

Not far away, the purple side's assistant Bron has already rushed in with a [flash] and forced the first move.

The big move "Glacier Fissure" smashed the giant shield to the ground!

The jagged towering glaciers rise suddenly!

Hit the wind girl!

Slow down policewoman!

The scalp was so numb that it seemed to explode, and Konjac almost manipulated the policewoman with his fastest hand speed to hand over [Flash] and immediately fled towards the tower, but in the next second, he caught sight of the policewoman from the corner of his eye. Not far to the right in front of him, the figure of the purple square wild spider has passed through the triangular grass at the mouth of the river and is approaching him quickly.

The entire training room erupted with excitement!

The exclamation exploded:


"Damn it just happened to be here at this time!?"

"This wave... four people surrounded and killed in an instant!!"

Konjac's mood suddenly sank to the bottom of the cold valley uncontrollably at this moment.

It's over.

A hint of despair flashed in his eyes, as well as a completely irrepressible sense of despair:

This wave-

Something went wrong.

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The update is here, it's done in the middle of the night, I'm super sleepy, go to sleep, friends, good night, good night.

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