
Chapter 783 Finally opened

In fact, it may be enough to shock everyone's attention.

One team, two bot lane ADC supports are the main players of the top professional team in the national server, one top laner is a strong player of the seventh king level, one mid laner is even infinitely close to even faintly able to tie the four kings, and then Plus a jungler who was also good enough to be tied with Nian Thirteen and Mafa in his peak period.

Such a lineup.

Facing an obvious motley crew.

But from the beginning to the end, in the past fifteen minutes, he was suppressed by the opponent, as if he had no power to fight back.

No one could believe it.

What's more, the blue team's current lineup is probably more than enough to go directly to the S6 World Finals. If it can easily suppress teams of this level of lineup to the point where they can't fight back, then the opponent's side Isn't it almost qualified to hit the world championship?

But unfortunately.

Unfortunately, that's really the case.

Whether it is for Lin Feng, Tian Tian or Li Shishi, they all know very clearly that although the two seniors No. 1 and No. 5 have already retired and left the professional gaming circle, if these two are still willing to return to the game, The so-called Four Emperors may be hard to be taken seriously.

Such a pair of middle and wild combination...

As long as the other three teammates on the team don't get caught too thoroughly, then there are probably only a few top teams in the world's professional e-sports circle who can compete with the two gods and the three of them, and they have to advance in advance. Numerous complicated and strict marking and guarding tactics were carried out against the middle field combination of No. 1 and No. 5.

So, according to this theoretical logic, let's look at the current situation on the field in this game and the economic headcount gap between the blue and purple armies——

It seems that there is almost no suspense in the ending.

"It's gone..."

Old C, the jungler of KG's first team, murmured:

"What the hell, how can I turn it over?"

At this time, the ghost next to him shook his head in a bachelor's way: "Anyway, I would have waited for 20 years."

It might be too embarrassing to directly call for a mid laner, but with his strength and vision as the main mid laner of KG's first team, in this round, he can't see any chance of victory from the perspective of the blue side.

It's not that your blue side is at a disadvantage now, at least it hasn't completely collapsed.

But the problem is that the opponent won't give you a chance at all.

The two people who are the core of the people...

It's like a computer-like god-like existence that never makes mistakes.

Under normal circumstances, you have to turn against the wind. There is only one case where the opponent underestimates the enemy and is slack, and makes some mistakes that allow you to seize the opportunity. But look at the command and arrangement of senior No. 5 in the past ten minutes. It is perfect and comprehensive to the point of being impeccable, there is not even a gap for a needle to get in, where else do you look for opportunities?

What's more, in the early stage, only Senior No. 5 was actually making a move, right?

Senior No. 1's mid laner, Bingniao, just made an understatement in the middle lane, first scored a heinous stat with no misses in the game, and then cooperated with the spider to show a god-level cooperation to get a clockwork head—

But so far it has only shown a little bit.

tip of the iceberg.

The real iceberg entity, which is hidden under the sea surface and accounts for at least 90% of its volume, belongs to the real strength of Senior No. 1, and it has not even been shown until now.

And once the two seniors No. 1 and No. 5 are fully fired at the same time in the next mid-term stage...

Thinking of this, many KG spectators shuddered.

That kind of picture——

It is estimated that it will be so terrifying that even if it is as strong as the Four Emperors, it will have to choose to avoid the sharp edge.


The game time has entered the mid-term stage.

At this time, the outer defense towers of the blue army's middle and lower lanes have been broken. For the heroes of the middle and lower lanes, both their vision and development space have been gradually compressed by the opponent's purple army. Small.

The situation is naturally getting more and more difficult.

On the bottom lane, Konjac's ADC policewoman and Xiao Zou's assistant Fengnv almost only dared to control the line development on the second tower of their own bottom lane, and they dared not continue when the line of troops was easily brought near the river mouth. Moving forward, at this time, the opposing wild spider will come again... With Elise's current development, even if it is only one person, it is estimated that both of them can win a double kill.

As for the middle lane——

The situation is also not optimistic.

The Clockwork Demon under the control of Lin Feng can only develop in the front control line of his second tower. The resources in the wild areas on the left and right sides, the F6 side is directly reversed by the purple square on the opposite side. At this time, he can't easily brush the three wolves and the big toad wild monsters, so he has to save some money for Li Shiyi's jungle widow.

Originally, in the first 11 or 2 minutes of this round, his CS was still an amazing 130 or so, but after a few minutes passed, there was no more growth economic income, and the gap between him and his opponent Bingniao was gradually widening big.

Sixteen or seventeen minutes.

A clockwork monster with 0/1/0 record data.

It can be said that no matter whether it is the game or the usual passerby ranking, for Lin Feng, he has almost never had such a dismal or even embarrassing record in this period of time after pulling out the clockwork.

But this is not because he underestimated the enemy or made a mistake in his performance. In fact, if you switch to any other top professional mid laner, the situation and situation you can achieve are definitely similar to his.

If one did not experience it personally, it would be difficult for anyone to understand how terrifying and enormous the pressure Lin Feng was facing at this moment.

Even the other teammates of his blue team, including Li Shiyi and Tian Tian, ​​​​had something wrong with their mentality at this time.

Nor is it because they lack fighting spirit.

but on the opposite side...

Really too strong.

In such a situation, there is no chance and hope for a comeback with such a mid-field combination as the opponent, right?

On and off the court, more than one person has such an idea in his heart.

Only Lin Feng's expression in front of the computer screen still didn't change at all, the light in his eyes gradually subsided and became as calm as water, but the more the sharpness subsided, the more faint coercive aura slowly diffused.

"Don't worry."

Lin Feng's voice sounded in the voice channel of the blue team, although it was calm, it seemed to carry an invisible force in the calm:

"There is a chance."


The game time is the eighteenth minute.

As if unnoticed by everyone, the single ice bird in the purple square quietly ganked to the top road.

The wild spiders followed like a shadow.

Jump over the tower.

The single-knife girl on the blue side was killed again.

Witnessing the casting accuracy of Ice Bird's skill Ice Wall and the explosive damage of the current set of skills, many KG players watching the battle saw their eyelids twitch. Sure enough, the hero Ice Bird is in the hands of the No. , is simply unsolvable.

Ice Crystal Phoenix's record data has reached 2/0/0.

At the same time, the middle and lower lanes of the blue side chose to switch lanes.

The policewoman and Fengnv in the two-player line came to the middle lane, and while the opponent's single Bingniao was away, they rushed to push the line with a wave of pawns, and quickly consumed the blood volume of the outer tower of the purple square middle lane in a time when the opponent could not defend.

The blue side's mid-lane clockwork monster came to the bottom lane alone.

The two KG substitutes on the purple side saw the figure of the opponent's mid laner Orianna appearing not far away, and they felt very relaxed and even had time to chat:

"Hey, here comes the clockwork."

"This is to resist pressure, let's see if we can find a chance to make a wave?"

In the words, he didn't pay too much attention to the clockwork demon.


On one side is the clockwork of 0/1/0 record data.

On the other side is the adc playman who already has a few head assists in his hands and has developed a good make-up, plus an auxiliary Bron who is quite capable of protection.

Such a 1V2, on paper, will be a clockwork passive anti-pressure situation.

So even the KG players watching the game didn't pay much attention to the bottom lane.

In front of the computer screen, Lin Feng lowered his eyes.

Can't see the real expression clearly.

And just over half a minute later, a system female voice killing announcement suddenly came from the bottom lane, which was extremely abrupt and unexpected:

"An-enemy-has-been- (an enemy hero was killed)!"

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The update will be delivered, and we will strive for the third update tomorrow. Happy weekend, friends~

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