
Chapter 704 Explanation

For the deputy team leader of a club like Chen Ze, neither team leader Sun nor coach Fu had any good attitude towards him.

To put it bluntly, this guy is an unlearned and inexperienced relationship householder.

It was because of the face of the brother-in-law of the club shareholder. They usually turned a blind eye to some of his behaviors in the club. If there were no major problems, they would not bother to care about it.

Well water does not violate river water, that's what it means.

For example, recently, their club team is preparing for the s6 world finals in a sensitive period. Chen Ze probably received a warning from his brother-in-law, and he is still honest and restrained. In addition, the club is too busy with various things these days , It also made Team Leader Sun and Coach Fu completely forget about Chen Ze when they were busy.

They felt that although this relational household had all kinds of small troubles, at least it would not cause any big troubles.

But now...

Things seem to have taken some unexpected turns for both of them.

Chen Ze, sue?

The ace player of their club team, Shi Hang, violated the club's rules and made rude remarks?

These two things, the first one, Coach Fu and Team Leader Sun, both can understand and get used to it, because on weekdays, Chen Ze often makes small reports, and if any team member makes him feel uncomfortable, he will try every means to catch the pigtails and take revenge. .

But this latter thing...

Leader Sun and Coach Fu were a little dazed at this moment.


Why did Shi Hang get involved! ?

For Shi Hang, the two high-level bosses of the Hayami club have always held an attitude of absolute appreciation and admiration. It is extremely rare for a senior veteran player of the club to return, and still have such an amazing level of strength and state. Come back and become the core trump card of the team...

This is talent!

Absolutely outstanding talent!

It can be said that if it weren't for Shi Hang's return, it would be almost impossible for their Hayami Club team to enter the S6 World Finals this year. Not only the talent, but Shi Hang is also a great contributor to their club!

Especially for the next team to prepare for the s6 finals, if they want to hit a good ranking, Shi Hang, as the core trump card, is the most indispensable key link.

So the attitudes of Coach Fu and Team Leader Sun can basically represent the attitude of the entire Hayami club.

This made Shi Hang's status in the club slightly higher than that of other players.

Saying so much is actually just to illustrate one point——

An ace player of the team like Shi Hang can be forgiven by the club if he makes a small mistake on weekdays.

As for the deputy team leader of a related household like Chen Ze, it is possible to provoke the second team and substitute players of some clubs, but generally they will not force them to trouble the main ace players like Shi Hang.

But now...

"Before I reasoned with Shi Hang, he not only refused to admit his mistake, but also spoke rudely!"

"Don't pay attention to the rules of the club at all!"

"Sun team, I suggest that such lawless players must be severely punished!"

Chen Ze's impassioned and indignant accusation reverberated loudly in the lobby on the first floor of the Hayami club base, making Leader Sun and Coach Fu feel unreal, as if they were dreaming.

It's impossible to just listen to one side of this kind of thing, especially under the premise of knowing Chen Ze's personality and temper, Team Leader Sun subconsciously turned to other members of his club to hear more feedback and explanations.


When asked by Leader Sun, the team members of the Hayami Club looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one dared to answer the question easily.

After a long time, a member of the second team carefully chose his words and said:


"Deputy Team Chen may not be right."

"Shi Ge did bring these two to our base, but—"

As if he was afraid of being misunderstood by his team leader,

He hastily added:

"However, Brother Shi also explained it to Deputy Team Chen earlier, this is not his own decision..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Chen Ze sharply;

"So what if he didn't make a decision on his own accord! Anyway, he did it. It violated our club's rules and didn't take the club's rules into account! Mistakes should be punished! Severe punishment!"

Being interrupted like this, the second team member in front could only nod in response to Chen Ze's pressure and power, and dared not speak for Shi Hang anymore.

And at this time, Shi Hang finally stood up, looked at Team Leader Sun and Coach Fu and said calmly:

"Let me tell."

"Team Sun, Coach Fu, this is actually the case—"

"It's true that I brought them here, and then the team leader Chen bumped into them and thought they were random people from the base. I explained to the team leader Chen that although these two are my friends, they are not here at our base. In order to meet my personal friend, I received an invitation from Senior No. 3."

"But Vice Leader Chen didn't want to accept my explanation after listening to it, and still insisted on making a scene—"

"That's why things have made such a big commotion now."

The tone is calm.

The words he uttered were neither hot nor hasty, not as impassioned and angry as Chen Ze just said, but just stated a fact objectively and calmly like a bystander.

In contrast, although it is also explaining the situation, it is obvious that the latter gives the impression that the former wins too much.

When Chen Ze heard it, he yelled and interrupted impatiently again:

"Shi Hang, stop talking nonsense!"

"No matter what the reason is, anyway, you know the rules of the club. It is not allowed to bring people into the base casually!"

Shi Hang glanced over coldly:

"Take anyone casually?"

"I've calmly told you the reason. It's Deputy Chen, you deliberately didn't listen."

"In this case, it will make people doubt your intentions."

Chen Ze, who was told what he really thought, became even more annoyed:


"At this time, you are still talking nonsense, what is your attitude towards the team leader!"

The two of them seemed to be arguing again, but at this moment, Team Leader Sun couldn't help but yelled:


"It's still like this in front of several distinguished guests, what are you talking about!?"

"Shut up!"

Shi Hang immediately shut up, and Chen Ze seemed unwilling to say anything more, but Team Leader Sun ignored him and frowned tightly, looking at Shi Hang: "Shi Hang, what did you just say? Invitation? This matter... has something to do with Coach No. 3?"

As he heard it, he felt more and more confused about this matter, and his brain was almost running out.

Very good.

Originally thought it was just a matter between Shi Hang and Chen Ze.

Why did you pull that coach No. 3 all of a sudden! ?

At this time, a flat voice from the back row of the crowd sounded:


"It's about me."

As the voice fell, No. 3 came over with a calm expression, and simply nodded slightly to No. 1 and No. 5 who were not far away as a greeting, then turned to look at Leader Sun, and said:

"It's very simple."

"The person was invited by me, No. 1, and No. 5."

"Shi Hang is only responsible for opening the door."

"Your deputy team leader saw this and thought it violated your club's regulations, and he was unyielding."

"I will explain."

"The deputy team leader of your club does not accept explanations."

"Then, I must give an explanation."

Concise and concise.

In a few words, he explained the whole thing clearly in a tone that was so flat that it seemed to have no emotion at all.

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